Rocky Mount NC – State Of Emergency


State Of Emergency Nationwide

We should be in a State of Emergency Nationwide because we have police using unnecessary force shooting down killing folk. Damn the videos don’t lie but folk are allowing this mess to continue.

And then we have young students staging protest across the nation about gun violence they being targeted being shot down at schools. We have some ignant ass racist white folk who are saying the students have no clue about what they are saying and doing. These ignant racist care more about damn pets and guns than they do about students.

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of reading about mess concerning these issues.

I am calling on all churches, organizations, fraternities, sororities and other folk to wake the hell up and let’s talk about this in our communities daily because we are in a State of Emergency. 

We can deal with this State of Emergency when folk with Common Sense come together and say enough is enough.

Black Teen With White Parents Mistaken For Burglar, Assaulted By Cops In His Own Home – The Free Thought

The Political Agitator response: To say it was not a better way to handle this situation is just damn ignant. The simple thing to have done in my opinion would have been to ask who are the adults and how can they contact them. A simple phone call to connect with the parents would have cleared all of this up. SMDH! Turn you cameras on when you have encounters!

‘Put your hands on the door, I was like, ‘For what? This is my house.’ Police pointed at photos of white people hanging on the wall and told him that he was lying.

deshawnA North Carolina teen was recently assaulted and pepper sprayed by police in his own home, after he was mistaken for a burglar.  18-year-old DeShawn Currie has been living with foster parents Ricky and Stacy Tyler in Wake County, North Carolina for about a year.

The Tylers love DeShawn as their own son and they have taken him into their home, in hopes to provide him the safe and loving environment that he needs to thrive in the most important years of his life. (Source: Read more)

Because We Have A Black President Black Boys/Men Have Been Treated Worst Than Animals So I Challenge Black Boys/Men

Anyone who do not believe that black boys/men have been treated worst than animals since we have had a black President, I don’t know what universe you are living in. Since we have had a black President there has been documented cases of black boys/men being beat up and killed in the news however that does not count the many cases that have not been documented in the news. I strongly believe that there are things going on everyday that are not being documented and that is very scary to me.

We are living in a state of emergency because the way black boys/men are being treated is way out of control. When law enforcement who are suppose to protect and serve has the KKK mentality however there are some blacks in law enforcement who have participated in beating up and killing black boys/men. But the saddest part of it all is when the black community take a stand on what happens in their communities, the community then are treated as if they are not in their right mind and has turned into animals. Look at what is going on in Ferguson, Missouri. Why do folks feel that it is okay for black boys/men to be treated worst than animals in situations that are totally unjustified.

But not only are black boys/men being targeted in society from home to school to the workplace. It would quite interesting to see the documented and undocumented cases that are going unreported in the news.

Black boys/men I challenge you to be on your best behavior. You may become a victim one day but don’t allow them to have something on you to attempt to help them make a case to help them win. In other words just do right at all times and when and if you become a victim, you can stand your ground knowing that you have not done anything wrong as it relates to being on your best behavior in school, as it relates to criminal activities and as it relates to doing your job in the workplace.

Black boys/men this thing is real. I used to say when you leave home be on your best behavior because you will be a walking target but just this past week it is clear that you don’t have to leave home because a black male was targeted at home right here in North Carolina. Read the article for yourself: “Black Teen With White Parents Mistaken For Burglar, Assaulted By Cops In His Own Home.” So all I can say now is join me and just be on your best behavior at all times.

Turn you cameras on when you have encounters!

Black Folks We Are In A State Of Emergency When It Comes To Education, Murder And Racism To Name A Few. I Am Tired Of The Call To Action After The Tragedy Has Occurred

Yep! Black folks we are in a state of emergency when it comes to education, murder and racism. When are we going to have an ongoing national call to action day across the nation? I have said it before and now I am saying it again.

Our black children are being targeted when it comes to the education system. But the data you have heard over the years is it really the truth? Check out who are presenting the data and then challenge the data presented.

Our young and old black brothers and sisters are being killed in numbers and most of it is black on black crime. It is sad but what are we doing in our communities when we see things going on that is not right? Do we say anything to the brothers and sisters who are walking around with their pants sagging showing their butts? Do you allow your children to roam the streets and to hang out with older children?

Racism has become the norm and seems like even more since we have a black President. It is a damn shame that racist white folks are saying and doing whatever they want to say and do and nothing is being done. I have never seen a President being disrespected as President Obama. We all know that this was not acceptable during the time of the 43 presidents before our current president.

Folks I am sick and tired of the call to action after a tragedy has occurred. Do we tell our family and friends how much we love them and that they can not get caught up in worldly things because this is a dangerous world.

Folks we must change the way we do things or things are going to continue to get worse.

So are you sick and tired? If yes, what are you going to do? Black folks when we come together and hold each other accountable oh what a time. And then we can hold others accountable also.


Rocky Mount NAACP/HKonJ To Hold News Conference and Meetings with Community Leaders to Discuss the State of Emergency and Moral Crisis Produced by the NC Legislature’s Budget Passed Last Week


Rocky Mount Branch

Immediate Release

8 June 2011

Contact:  Rev. Andre’ Knight, President, Rocky Mount Branch of the NAACP, 252-544-2949

Mrs. Amina J. Turner, Executive Director, 919-682-4700

Atty. Jennifer Marsh, Legal Redress Coordinator, 919-682-4700

Rocky Mount NAACP/HKonJ To Hold News Conference and Meetings with Community Leaders to Discuss the State of Emergency and Moral Crisis Produced by the NC Legislature’s Budget Passed Last Week.

The Rocky Mount Branch of the NAACP and Historic Thousands on Jones Street (HKonJ) People’s Coalition will participate in the “North Carolina: A State in Emergency Action Tour” on Thursday, June 9 at 10 AM in the parking lot of the Fairview Early Childhood Center at 720 N. Fairview Road. Simultaneous news conferences organized by the NC NAACP will occur across North Carolina. The General Assembly voted for a budget last week that was developed by the ultra-conservative, radical Tea Party-backed leadership in the General Assembly and has been identified by multi-racial and multi-faith voices across the state as bad, regressive and harmful for children, minorities, women, the poor and vulnerable communities in North Carolina.

"Thirty-one State Senators and seventy-three House Representatives, mostly Republicans and including five Democrats who play a key role in making the budget veto-proof for now, betrayed the people of North Carolina and voted one of the worst budget in North Carolina’s history–it takes us backwards in education, backwards in economic justice, backwards in human services, backwards in healthcare," said Rev. Dr. William J Barber, President of the North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP. "This week, we are launching our "North Carolina: A State in Emergency Action Tour” across the State to bring the bad news of a bad budget to the local communities who these legislators are supposed to represent demanding we can do better.

We are concerned that outside of Raleigh, the media and local representatives are not getting the information on the consequences of this budget.

We have held many events in Raleigh to address the issues. Now we want to bring the information to the local level. We believe once our NAACP/HKonJ network learns how out of touch the Legislative Majority is with the people of North Carolina, they will know how to challenge their representatives in General Assembly from the grassroots.”

Grassroots leaders and community members will detail why we believe the Governor should veto the budget, why our legislators should follow their conscience and sustain the Governor’s veto and why, if passed, the budget would take all of North Carolina backwards. Speakers will also identify other regressive legislation being pushed by the right-wing, such as repealing the Racial Justice Act, voter suppression bills and direct attacks on immigrant children in our public schools.
