Race issues raised during special session about manager search

The DCN News Blog Online TV response: Interesting conversation. Councilman Richard Joyner comments were on point also.

Councilman T.J. Walker, who as mayor pro tem for 2022 is chairing council work sessions, spoke of there being historical racism and changes locally as part of his comments during a special called work session about what steps are to be next in the search for a future city manager.

Walker was seeking to know whether the panel was afraid to mention that race is a challenge in Rocky Mount because he thinks that could be a red flag.

Walker acknowledged a priority being restoring trust, credibility and confidence in seeking a new day-to-day leader of the municipal operations.

“I don’t think that the trust, the credibility and the confidence was an issue until we had Black leadership, if we’re just honestly speaking,” Walker said. “Even from the Black community, historically, there was trust with government because the government was a vehicle used to oppress Blacks.

“And so, our trust and our confidence in government has been our reality for years,” Walker said.

“And now, as the times are changing and Blacks are having opportunities to be at the helm of these seats, we see now a switchboard of some of the white community saying, ‘Hey, there is no trust,’ because it’s uncommon. We’re not used to seeing Blacks lead the boat or lead the ship,” Walker said.

Mayor Sandy Roberson said he would like to see an elevation in levels of income among all residents in Rocky Mount because he believes that is where the rubber hits the road in terms of equity.

Councilman Reuben Blackwell said he sees having diversity, equity and inclusion . . . (Read more)

Local group proposes alternative ward map

The Political Agitator’s response: The DCN News Blog Online TV support the Community Academy map that was drawn by local community folk. They did an outstanding job and goes to show how smart Black folk are. It makes a difference when you have Black folk in place of power because look at how the lawyers that were hired to do the mapping came up with some mess at the rate of around $15,000. So if the council was not a Black majority look at how the maps could have been easily accepted that would dilute the voting power when it come to the Black community. Their is a Public Hearing today and tomorrow on the Redistricting so go out and participate in the process and support the Community Academy Map.

An organization of neighborhood residents has presented the City Council with a proposed redistricting map of the seven council wards for the panel’s consideration.

Robert Davis, president of the Community Academy, spoke about his organization’s version of possible council ward lines during a council public hearing on Monday about redistricting.

The proposed map is drawn to keep all of Councilman Andre Knight’s Ward 1 and part of Councilman Reuben Blackwell’s Ward 2 and part of Councilman Richard Joyner’s Ward 3 on the Edgecombe County side of Rocky Mount.

Davis said the Community Academy is part of a redistricting coalition that includes the Rocky Mount Racial Justice Group, the Rocky Mount Black Action Committee, Black Workers for Justice, the Rocky Mount chapter of the NAACP and Democracy North Carolina.

Knight is the leader of the local NAACP.

Additionally, Davis said the Southern Coalition for Social Justice has provided demographic and legal assistance. The Southern Coalition for Social Justice is based in Durham and provides legal advice and representation to economically-disadvantaged communities of color engaging in social change efforts.

Davis told the City Council that the community-generated proposed map promotes inclusion, racial justice and community ownership.

Davis was one of 13 residents or activists who spoke Monday during the public hearing.

The City Council hired the Poyner Spruill law firm to do the legal work in the redistricting and subsequently received two proposed maps from demographer Bill Gilkeson, who is part of the redistricting team.

One proposed map is called Alternative A and the other proposed map is called Alternative B.

On Monday, the council also heard from Gilkeson via a pre-recorded video about a proposed map called Alternative C.

Councilman Chris Miller was quick to state her objection to Alternative C because that proposed map would split the Northgreen area, which is in her Ward 7, into two wards.

Alternative A proposes quite visible changes, chiefly having Knight’s Ward 1 take in the Belmont Lake area in the northern part of the city.

During the public hearing on Monday, Ward 5 Councilman Lige Daughtridge asked Davis about what the concerns are with Alternative A and Alternative B.

Davis said when one looks at the data regarding Alternative A, one can see that in the redrawn Ward 1, the population of Blacks would decrease while the population of whites would increase.

During the public hearing on Monday, Susan Perry Cole, a member of the Community Academy, expressed her support for the community-generated map.

Cole was quick to cite history, saying for an approximately 70-year period or most of the prior century, Blacks unsuccessfully campaigned for election to the City Council.

And Cole noted the one exception was the Rev. George Dudley, who served on the council for a decade beginning in 1972.

"Recognizing that, historically, Rocky Mount’s municipal election system was designed to exclude certain populations, namely low-income communities and/or Black communities," she said, "it is important because this awareness helps us understand the need for intentional efforts to break down the legacy of barriers to participation that may still exist today." (Read more)

After The City Council Meeting On Monday Night October 11, 2021 I Got To Talk To Some Folk Who Were There To Support Jacqueline Barnes

After I addressed the Rocky Mount City Council during the Public Comments, I immediately left the meeting and continued to watch the meeting on my phone.

I was walking to my car and a friend called me to his van. He was talking to one of the persons who were there to support Barnes so I stood back and was talking to another guy. After the guy talking to my friend in the van left, I asked him who was he. He said he was out here in the parking lot supporting Barnes.

As I was about to walk to my car again, my friend in the van called 2 more folk over as they were walking to their cars and this is when we learned some interesting stuff and I mean interesting and shocking stuff. But I will not share that because I will not reveal who they are and what they had to say. I don’t share everything I know but I tell you that was some damn good stuff.

I am a man and I work around women. I know policy and procedures that they are basically generic in all workplaces when it comes to bullying and sexual harassment.

I ain’t trying to figure out what Barnes say took place, but I can respond to what she said during the interviews and on my page. I have not heard the accused say anything so I can’t respond to him. I can respond to what the city attorney said.

A Justine has posted a couple of comments on my blog and I will not continue to entertain that mess because they ain’t saying anything of substance and also I am not going to approve their comments wasting my time. Also they could be hiding behind a fake name and I ain’t entertaining folk who hide behind fake names and code words.

I am going to wait on the EEOC findings and see how this works out for Barnes and the and the city.

I am for justice no matter who it is for or against!

I’ll wait!

City files response to EEOC about woman’s harassment complaint

The Political Agitator’s response: All I can speak to is what Jacqueline Barnes has said and the City Attorney. As a man, I have a problem with this simply because as I understand it the sexual harassment part ain’t in the EEOC complaint. I do not condone sexual harassment if it is man or woman initiated. I am for justice no matter who it is for or against.

City Attorney Jep Rose said during Monday’s City Council regular meeting that the municipality has filed a response to a former municipal employee’s charge that she filed with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against the municipality.

Rose made the statement after Councilman Reuben Blackwell asked Rose about the process and where the City of Rocky Mount is in relation to the complaint, within the bounds of what can be publicly shared.

Blackwell made the inquiry minutes after the former employee, Jacqueline Barnes, addressed the council during the public input phase of the council’s regular meeting.

Barnes, who is retired from working for the city, claims that Elton Daniels sought sexual gratification from her when he was the director of parks and recreation prior to being promoted to an assistant city manager position.

Barnes also claims that no disciplinary action was taken after she filed a complaint with the city.

Barnes also claims that Daniels began to retaliate against her for the complaint, passing her over for promotions, refusing to grant requests for expenses needed to run the parks and recreation department and keeping her listed as an interim manager.

During Monday’s meeting, Rose said Barnes’ allegations are part of the charge with the EEOC and part of a confidential proceeding whose outcome is pending.

Rose said that the municipality is awaiting a response from the EEOC. (Read more)

The Political Agitator’s Response To The Public Comments Rocky Mount City Council Monday October 11, 2021 Meeting

I Curmilus the Vice President/Legal Redress Committee Chair addressed the Rocky Mount City Council and asked them to revisit their guidelines read by the Mayor during the Public Comments section.

Pastor Nehemiah Smith Jr. spoke about the City Manager being crucified.

Natalie Ohree spoke about being a proud resident of Rocky Mount. Addressed no one in the audience has the power to remove anyone from office and there is a process for that.

Shante Batts addressed the council again about her son being locked up. She said she don’t know anything positive about the city because her son is locked up. This is a police issue and not a council issue.

Jacqueline Barnes former city employee addressed the council about her sexual harassment issue. She talking about a 2019 issue. She wanted a 3rd party investigation. The policy and procedures give the steps to file a grievance. The steps are to start with supervisor, manager, HR and then in addition to EEOC. The city said their findings concluded with inappropriate behavior. Barnes filed an EEOC complaint however for the sexual harassment part is not included in the EEOC complaint because the 180 time period was long gone.

Samuel (Sam Roc) Battle addressed the council in the same fashion as every meeting. He said the citizens don’t need to vote for any of the councilmembers. He said the council has put the City Manager before the people as he supported the former city employee. Again he was allowed to direct negative comments to and about the council, assistant manager, city manager and the council lawyer.

Quatasha Hill thanked the city council Parks & Recreation, Police Department for supporting her events at the Holy Street Park.

Councilman Reuben Blackwell asked the City Attorney Jep Rose for an overview of what he can say about complaint from Jacqueline Barnes. He said each employee is given a the policy made and it is explained to them during orientation and then it is circulated periodical reminders about the polices. He said she filed a complaint with the EEOC and the city has responded and awaiting their response. He said the city followed their policies in this case.

During a Public Hearing the Mayor let the female say some things that didn’t relate to hearing but a male was trying to address the council but the Mayor stopped him because he said what he wanted to talk about does not fall in the category of the Public Hearing.

Watch Video of Rocky Mount City Council Meeting For Yourself: CRM Council Meeting 101121

Rocky Mount City Council Request Public Comments Guidelines Read By The Mayor Be Revised To Bring Order To The Meetings And Remove Threats From The Comments


Monday October 11, 2021

Subject: Requesting, that the Rocky Mount City Council Public Comments Guidelines Read By The Mayor, be Revised to bring order to the meetings and remove threats from the comments.

We have attended many meetings over the years and watched how some folks use the podium during the Public Comments to disrespect the council, city staff, citizens and other who attend the meetings.

The mayor read the guidelines for Public Comments. When one begins the disrespect by not following the guidelines as read by the mayor, they should be asked to leave the podium immediately and not allowed to continue.

During our NAACP meeting last month, we discussed the need for the Public Comments Guidelines to be revisited. The members said they didn’t feel safe attending a city council meeting because they felt, the mayor and the council allow citizens to disrespect them. We feel that some of their comments are threatening and also, devises to the black community. However, we understand that the council/persons that are being threatened has to acknowledge that they feel threatened, and we can’t speak for them. However, the situation should be taken seriously by the mayor, lawyer, council and police department.

Mr. Dancy can relate to an incident whereby he felt councilmembers were threatened and the same person turned and looked at him as he was videoing and threatened him. He met with the Chief of Police at that time and was told that he had up to 3 years from the time of the incident to file a complaint. He was hoping that the council would revisit the guidelines, but nothing has changed.

I, Curmilus Dancy stand before you today as the Vice President/Legal Redress Chair of the Rocky Mount Branch of the NAACP to ask the Council, City Manager, Chief of Police, the City Lawyer and whomever you feel may need to be at the table to revisit the guidelines for the Public Comment section on the Agenda. We feel it would be in the best interest of everyone that attends the meetings, be it the Rocky Mount City Government, citizens and others.

Thanking you in advance,

Curmilus Dancy II
Life Fully Paid Member/Vice President/Legal Redress Chair
Rocky Mount Branch NAACP Branch 5441-B

“SELL OUTS” The Time Is Now Rocky Mount NC To Call Them Out, If Not Now, Then When? Black Folk Got The Power!

May be an image of text that says 'MONEY DOESN'T SPEND IN HELL.... THE DEVIL DEALS IN A DIFFERENT COIN. LAURELL K HAMILTON PICTUREQUOTES.com PICTUREQUOTES.com PICTURE PICTUREQU TES'To all of the “SELL OUTS”…..this message is especially for you. This is no time for playing. For all the money that has been accepted, distributed and exchanged for impure motives and manipulation REMEMBER…. You can’t spend a dime of it in hell. Don’t play with peoples lives. You can’t serve two masters. If no one has ever told you there are consequences from the spiritual realm.

#sellouts #Godswordistrue #Heisfaithful #notimetoplay #cantservetwomasters

#HisnameisJesus #TheLoveOfMoney
Thanks Theresa Alston Stokes for sharing the above.

The Political Agitator’s response:

“The Time Is Now” Rocky Mount NC – You need to go to the Rocky Mount City Council meetings and when folk come with mess and talking about they are speaking for other Black Folk you need to stand up and say you ain’t speaking for me.

You have Racist White Folk who have been mad because of Black Leadership in Rocky Mount for the past nearly 20 years and you have Safe Negro Black Folk who have personal agendas. Folk it is time for you to say enough is enough and call them out.

Now don’t get it twisted I do not support bad leadership and I call out those and I do it from a factual standpoint and go by the policy and procedures when challenging them. But you have folk who want to challenge leadership with half-trues and lies.

The problem in the Black community is folk want to talk about mess behind closed doors, on the phone and places other than where it need to be done and that is PUBLICLY. The Racist White Folk and the Safe Negro Black Folk with personal agendas do it publicly. As long as you continue to be silent you give the Racist White Folk and the Safe Negro Black Folk the platform to try to hold Black Folk right where they are. But these same Safe Negro Black Folk with personal agendas why do they think folk should support their mess when it is clear they don’t care about everybody but only want to get in place to push their own personal agendas.

Black Folk you talk to some of these Safe Negro Black Folk everyday but are you letting them know that they need to stop their mess. If you are not you are part of the problem.

Black Folk you need to listen carefully to what the Racist White Folk and the Safe Negro Black Folk are saying and challenge them. W

hen the Racist White Folk talk about Black Leadership you need to tell them that they don’t speak for you and they don’t get to choose your Black Leadership.

When Safe Negro Black Folk push their personal agendas Black Folk need to tell them they don’t speak for you and who told you that you are the one to say you are better than the current leadership?

First of all ask them are they qualified and many folk get that twisted. See qualifications: Section 32. – City Council Members; Terms; Qualifications; Vacancies

There is a difference in Qualifications and Experience. Qualifications are explained in the link above. Experience comes with doing a thing but until you have done it you don’t have any experience. If it is your 1st time running for office you have no experience but you can say you have experience in community activism and other but that do not make you experienced in being a councilperson. Now I believe given the opportunity I can do many things and do it well but until I have done it, I can’t claim to be experienced in it.

Black folk if we do not come together and put our personal agendas aside, we are going to set ourselves back not the Racist White Folk. We got the POWER and they know it. We can’t blame them for how we move forward because they are sitting back laughing at the Black Community fighting among themselves. But the problem is it is a few Black Folk who are carrying out the Racist White Folk mission so they don’t have to do anything but wait!

Black Folk you need to go to City Council meetings on the 2nd Mondays 7 PM and the 4th Mondays 4 PM and address the council with legit issues you have concerns about but I hope you will be talked to your councilperson or any councilperson first. You need to address them by showing your support for them if they are doing some things that you appreciate. And you need to let them know the Racist White Folk and the Safe Negro Black Folk with personal agendas do not speak for you.

Okay you can begin the challenge on tomorrow. I will be watching. I’ll wait!


Rocky Mount NC – Williams challenges Joyner for Ward 3 council seat Rocky Mount Telegram

No description available.Photo Courtesy Andre Knight: Downtown BBQ Throw Down Friday October 8, 2021

I was shocked when I read the newspaper this morning and to run across this article. I was just at the Rocky Mount Downtown BBQ Event last night and the 1st persons I ran into when I got out of my car were “News You Can Use” host Bronson Williams and co-host Pastor Nehemiah Smith Jr. We talked and then after a while we went to a food truck to get something to eat before I left. Rocky Mount Councilman Andre Knight came up and we were all in line at the truck together.

When Bronson was seeking the appointment to Ward 3 I supported him and I spoke out against the process of how Rev. Richard Joyner was appointed. However since Councilman Joyner was appointed, I have supported him 100%. I have called him during the day and late, late at night and he answers the call as I call him about Rocky Mount City Government and when a person in his Ward may have an issue I call him and he tell me to give them his number also.

It was believed that Rev. Richard Joyner was seeking the appointment of former Councilman Lamont Wiggins now Judge who hold the Judge seat that now Senator Toby Fitch held to be the voice for the White Powers That Be. But I have watched Joyner every move along with the other councilmembers to see how they represent Black folk and all folk for the better of Rocky Mount and he has been doing just that.

I understand Ward 3 do not have a resource center but they have a resource in Councilman Joyner. All they have to do is attend the Neighborhood Association meetings and talk to Joyner, unite with him and help him make things happen as he has been doing. A councilman can be hell of an effective if he has constituents support.

Rev. Joyner goal is to deal with the housing issue in his ward because a majority of his ward is rental property and this has been long before he was appointed. How do he come in and fix that within 2 years? How do he fix it without community and other support but he is working on it because just recently I seen a neighborhood association rehabbing homes.

It is not a councilman’s job to create jobs in their ward.

Bronson I agree, “And I really think Rocky Mount needs a strong and bold messaging campaign because too often, all we hear is negative things happening in our city, but we never really highlight the positive things that are going on,” he said. “So how in the world can you give people hope when you’re not talking about the hopeful things in our communities, right?” Daily the talk shows are highlighting the negative but very little talk about the positive things going on. How is that a council problem because the people should be talking about the positive but they always talking about things in the negative such as attacking the council, city manager, Black leadership, crime, youth, schools, jobs and etc. but rarely highlight the good in any of these.

Bronson I am having an issue with your residency being questioned and you are still not living at the residence in question when you were seeking the ward 3 appointment and when you ran for mayor. Now here we go again and your residence is still in question.

I am glad you say you have no issue with Councilman Rev. Richard Joyner but I would question that because why are you running against him? You will not be able to accomplish anything as one councilman if you don’t have the support of the other councilpersons.

I find the telegram’s question, “Williams whether he would be his own person if elected to the council” to be funny as hell because everybody are their own man. If one vote along with others that is because they want to because can’t nobody make them vote the way they want them to vote.

Bronson I question your statement, “believes a lot of times there is so much division in the city because the city council is so divided.” That is a loaded question and need to be explained in detail. The council ain’t creating the divide it is racist White folk who went after Andre Knight before he was elected, all the years while he has been there and because the council is a Black majority. The council votes have not just been along racial lines majority of the time and has been 5 and 6 to 1. And then you have Safe Negro Black Folk with personal agendas daily talking half-true but majority lies.

Bronson I find the following to be quite interesting, “I hope that we could get a city council that could come to a consensus on issues and that we don’t have these split votes, right? — that we really have true, authentic conversation, weigh the pros and cons on the matters in front of us, and then as a group of seven people — and eight, including the mayor — that we really come out with a sound voice,” he said.”

You say you hope so you can get a council to a consensus on issues so you don’t think that is the goal of all of the councilpersons that are already elected? So you think that all of the councilpersons will always vote the same? Where they do that at? I see them having true authentic conversations every council meeting because everybody are their own man and woman. They weigh the pros and cons and then they vote their conviction.

Thank you Councilman Richard Joyner for your response: “Joyner told the Telegram that he would have no comment about Williams’ announcement except to state that he intends to run a clean and fair campaign based on the issues and to let Ward 3 voters decide who they want to represent them on the council.”

Councilman Rev. Richard Joyner I will say you are not a stranger to Rocky Mount Politics because when I think of the Bassett Street Center you come to mind. It was you. When folk in Rocky Mount were scared to go into the area, it was you. You retired as the Chaplain of UNC Hospital in Rocky Mount and you have been a part of Rocky Mount Politics longer than many who are just getting involved that have lived in Rocky Mount all of their lives. To say you don’t care about Rocky Mount, really! Hell you don’t have to take all of the criticism by fighting daily for Black folk and all folk. Hell you recognize everybody ain’t going to agree with you because that is where personal agendas come in. You know it ain’t about you and them but again you and him (God).

The “Time Is Now” that Black folk come together and unite on things that matter and putting personal agendas aside. When I got into political and community activism in the 80’s I said it then and been saying it that we in the Black Community need to have a coming to Jesus meeting and talk about things that should matter in order for us as a Black Community to move forward. Those who want to unite will stay and those who do not will not come back and that is okay.

When we move forward Black, White and other all communities benefit.

I am for justice no matter who it is for or against!

I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!

I am unbought and unbossed!

I have told folk over and over again when they are doing things politically that they need to contact me because I am going to hold them accountable. But that is their choice but I am going to represent family, friends and enemies that do not want to speak publicly. Now I will be receiving calls and texts talking about this article all day. And folk know I document what I have to say.

The above is in response to the Rocky Mount Telegram:Williams challenges Joyner for Ward 3 council seat

Developer calls for city manager’s resignation or removal

A developer earlier this week called for the City of Rocky Mount’s top day-to-day executive to step aside or for the City Council to fire her.

Troy Davis approached the speaker’s podium during the public input phase of Monday evening’s council regular meeting and soon began criticizing City Manager Rochelle Small-Toney. Davis’ remarks prompted rebuttals from Small-Toney and Councilman Andre Knight.

Davis early in his remarks made clear he was kind of shocked to hear vacancies in city employee positions continue to be blamed on the effects of the spread of the coronavirus.

Earlier during the council meeting, Small-Toney told the viewing audience of 10 open positions in the municipal solid waste collection operation.

Davis said he believes that the issue of the shortage of employees was ongoing long before COVID-19 and that the municipal Environmental Services Division in particular has been facing shortages of workers.

Davis made clear he believes spending a lot of money on a temp agency to hire people to do sanitation work for now is “absurd” and “ridiculous.”

“I think we need to take a deep look at . . . (Read more)

Open Letter To Lige Daughtridge Rocky Mount City Council Retreat Expense $70,000 & Taxpayers Money

Over the years as a Black man when I first got into politics I agreed with some things the Democratic Party did and some things Black folk did. However sometimes I found myself ignant to the facts when it related to certain things especially politics. However I always had a mind of my own and spoke what I felt was right from the information as presented. But over the years some things made sense and some don’t.

Although I could address many things I want to stick to the topic here and that is taxpayers dollars. For me some things when it comes to trying to use taxpayers dollars as a scare tactic and to attempt to discredit folk is a problem for me.

Being an elected official comes with benefits and power. An elected official gets paid be it a stipend and/or a salary and that ranges from monetary a check, reimbursement for expenses and other. Some elected officials choose to pay their way and that is good but what ain’t good is just because others accept the benefits it is a damn shame that they are singled out by folk who have a problem with some folk especially when it comes to Black Folk in power.

Lige I have a couple of questions for you.

1. Did the council vote on a budget for the retreat?

2. Did the council go over the amount budgeted for the retreat?

3. How does the $70,000 affect you and other taxpayers pockets?

4. Will the $70,000 make your and the taxpayers taxes go up this year and/or next year because of the retreat?

5. So since you reimbursed the city for your meals and lodging will you be able to file that on your taxes or you will just take it at a loss?

6. What do you consider is not an excessive amount to have a retreat?

Thanking you in advance.

In response to the following:

Lige Daughtridge – Rocky Mount – Ward 5

Tonight, WRAL reported on the $70,000 expense of the 2021 City of Rocky Mount retreat in Asheville. The news accurately showed that Mayor Sandy Roberson reimbursed the city for his lodging and meals.

Citizens and constituents of Rocky Mount need to know that I reimbursed the city $409.29 for my meals. In addition, I paid the Grove Park Inn resort directly for my two-night stay, which totaled $607.94. To ensure there is no doubt, I have attached documentation for verification of the $1,017.23 it cost me to attend the retreat.

As your representative, I take my role as a fiduciary of taxpayer money seriously. While I see the benefit of a retreat, I think the $70,000 of taxpayer money is excessive. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you would like to discuss the matter.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to represent you on the Rocky Mount City Council.


Lige Daughtridge

Rocky Mount City Council – Ward 5

Link to WRAL: https://www.wral.com/rocky-mount-retreat-at…/19876317/

May be an image of text that says '2021 Rocky Mount City Council Retreat Reimbusement Lige Daughtridge City Reimbursement Form Documentation RackyMuntAnulCiyCounRetreat OBJECT* AMOUNT Retreat Expense and Reimbursement Summary spaidby notallowed 風 Councilman Lige Daughtridge elected not o be reimbursed for expenses but instead reimbursed the City of Rocky Mount $409. 29 meals. Wednesday, September 2021, Receipt showing Councilman Lige Daughtridge paid for lodging directly to'

City’s retreat cost more than $70K

The City of Rocky Mount’s 2021 annual retreat held this spring in Asheville cost $70,444.99, a document the municipality provided to the Telegram said.

Of that $70,444.99 amount, $43,684.70 was paid for lodging at the Omni Grove Park Inn and for facilities usage-related expenses, apparently mostly at the hotel, the document said.

As for the rest of the cost, the document said $20,550 was paid in connection with two consultants having served as facilitators during the retreat; $5,426.54 was paid to municipal officials and staff, three City Council members, three residents and a media consultant as reimbursement for mileage to help cover their costs of fuel used while traveling; and $783.75 was paid to reimburse, on a per diem basis, municipal officials and staff and two of those three council members for meals.

A per diem is a reference to an allowance from the municipality to help cover an employee’s or official’s costs of meals while away from Rocky Mount on official business.

Interim city Communications, Marketing and Public Relations Director Jessie Nunery late Tuesday afternoon emailed the data after months of requests via email by the Telegram citing the state’s public records law for the expenses and the reimbursements for lodging and travel by participants at the retreat.

The council in a 4-3 vote on Feb. 8 directed the retreat be held in Asheville because the council majority wanted to go to the Buncombe County seat to learn from officials there how they have been addressing housing issues.

The retreat was held from April 7-9 at the Omni Grove Park Inn — and on the second day of the retreat City Manager Rochelle Small-Toney and her team presented a proposed strategic plan for affordable housing in Rocky Mount. (Read more)

More than $36K spent on Black business initiative

The City of Rocky Mount paid more than $36,600 in bills submitted by the Black Business Matters Initiative, a spreadsheet of records the Telegram received from the municipality said.

The majority of the amount, $19,028, was paid to Black Business Matters for consultant fees and video production, the spreadsheet said.

The second-highest amount, $11,685, was paid to the Linck Harris Law Group for legal and organizational work, the spreadsheet said.

As for the rest of the bills, $3,750 was paid to Black Business Matters for urban planning, $1,168 was paid to Black Business Matters for a meet and greet in autumn 2020 and $1,000 was paid to Black Business Matters for the design of a website.

A website listed under the name Rocky Mount Renaissance stated that Rocky Mount Renaissance serves as the architect and engineer behind the Black Business Matters Initiative. (Read more)

City responds to complaints about dilapidated former nightclub

A resident who has long been complaining to the City Council about the rundown location of a former nightclub along North Church Street recently received a response from municipal officials.

Morrie Minges approached the speaker’s podium during the public input phase of the Aug. 9 council regular meeting to again bring up the subject of what had been the Ebony & Ivory.

“Who owns it?” Minges asked. “Is there anybody on the council or in the City of Rocky Mount that gives a flip about that nasty looking, now-burned-out piece of nothing?”

The former Ebony & Ivory is in the 2700 block of North Church and is a short drive north of the Rocky Mount Sports Complex and the relocated state Division of Motor Vehicles headquarters.

Minges called for the council to give notice to the property owner and added she is sure the property owner probably does not live in Rocky Mount.

Minges also asked the council members whether any of them knows the property owner. (Read more)

About Councilman T.J. Walker And The Resolution SB 473

I watched the Rocky Mount City Council meeting on July 26, 2021 and I must admit that I thought Council T.J. Walker was going to vote for the resolution. Walker started out talking about how he was familiar with racist politics in Rocky Mount and he understood that but he didn’t agree with the resolution being the way to fight the bill and he had made other suggestions.

If I was Walker I would have stressed why I didn’t support the resolution but I would have voted for it. But since he is he and I am I, that is irrelevant.

But I have received several calls, talked to some folk in person and they have asked me what do I think about what happened during the vote on the resolution.

First of all after Walker voted it appeared that someone called him a sellout. I disagree with that simply because I strongly feel that Walker has been voting right since being on the council in my opinion.

Somebody said they were disappointed in Walker’s vote on the resolution although it could be seen as a symbolic gesture. Well I am going to let you think about that.

But my response to those whom have asked me about the meeting, I said that I don’t think that Walker is a sell out because he didn’t vote for the resolution. I said when he do not vote on things that are actually regularly agenda items as it relates to the workings of the city government such as downtown development, police, utilities, parks & recreation and numerous other things, then that is when I will look at him differently. I said that folk don’t need to go hard on him about the resolution saying he is a sell out because he has an opinion and capable of voting his conviction on anything on the agenda.

Now what I am going to do is to continue to follow the council meetings to see how Walker and all the council members vote on issues that are on the monthly agenda.

Folk don’t get caught up in what is being said on the local TV and do your own homework so you will not look ignant at the end of the day. Some folk are not with Walker they are against the Black majority council. You also have some Black folk who have a personal agenda too that has nothing to do with any of the council but they are trying to make a name for themselves because they are on a mission.

Now that you have read this, don’t get it twisted because I am speaking for me.

Curmilus Dancy II

Curmilus Dancy II (Butch)

Dancy Communications Network 
The DCN News Blog/Online TV
(252) 314-5484

Blog: https://curmilus.wordpress.com

"I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!"
“I am for justice no matter who it is for or against!”

Member: Unless Specified I Am Not Speaking On Behalf Of The Following

Precinct Chair/County Executive Committee/African American Caucus
Edgecombe County Democratic Party
Life Fully Paid Member 1st Vice President/Legal Redress Chair Rocky Mount NC Branch NAACP
Eastern NC Civic Group (ENCCG)

Council rejects resolution against audit-inspired Senate bill in 4-3 vote

The Political Agitator’s response: I respect Walker’s stand on the resolution however I would have stressed the reason why I opposed the resolution but would have voted for it. I understand he has some issues with the wording but many times everybody ain’t going to agree with all of the wording but that is okay. The resolution is just one piece of the pie that goes along with opposing the bill. I would love to hear the other ways to fight the bill and why can’t do all.

An attempt by city councilmen against state Senate Bill 473 to secure passage of a council resolution opposing the proposed legislation went down to defeat in a 4-3 council vote.

During Monday’s council regular meeting, Councilman T.J. Walker broke from a routine procedure of voting with Councilmen Reuben Blackwell, Andre Knight and Richard Joyner on items.

Senate Bill 473, if approved, would make clear that, effective on Dec. 1, an elected local official in North Carolina cannot receive financial or personal gain from the government he or she is serving.

Walker, moments before the council vote on Monday, said he believes Senate Bill 473 is racially targeted given communications already have made known the proposed legislation was motivated by what happened in Rocky Mount more than a year ago.

“And if you can look throughout history, my people have been oppressed due to governmental officials that have benefited off of everyone’s tax dollars and rights and privileges,” Walker said.

“So, the idea of it being inspired by Rocky Mount, it’s obvious that it’s racially motivated,” Walker said. “However, I do not support a city resolution on our behalf because I believe that there is a way to fight and if we’re really going to fight this, I’ve already expressed my concerns of how to fight it.” (Read more)