School superintendent faces uncertain future – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Political Agitator response: Interesting article. I wonder will the board take action to fire the Dr. Jackson at the next school board meeting. I find the comments after this article to be quite interesting that name 3 whites on the board who may be going after Jackson. I remember when I first met Dr. Jackson in Pinetops at the Edgecombe County Commissioners retreat and he was awesome. I also was in a meeting with him again at the OIC in Rocky Mount and I have been following him since he has been here. I think he has done a great job from what I have seen however I have an issue with the lack of communication to all students, parents, staff and the community at large as it relates to the 6 white girls that had the photo on Instagram. I wouldn’t want to see the man fired but I would love to see him and the board address the issue and move forward. I do remember some staff being mad with him since he has been here but sometimes people don’t like change so therefore he may have taken some of the staff out of their comfort zones so they left the system. But I ain’t getting into that because I have not had a conversation with any staff that had a problem with him nor have I had a conversation with him about the staff. For me if the board is to fire Dr. Jackson in the near future I believe it will look as if the black community along with the NAACP will be the reason that he was fired but speaking for me, that would be using that as a scapegoat to carry out their mission. I hope that the black community will watch this situation closely and to think about what is actually going on with this situation. If Dr. Jackson is fired in the near future, you better have some input on what qualities and etc. you would like to see in the hiring of a new superintendent. Well the folks in Edgecombe County ran the first black superintendent away and he had done a great job with moving the system forward academically and financially. Well time will tell.

Members of the Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Education were mostly silent Friday about a closed-door session held earlier in the week that may have involved personnel discussions concerning the superintendent.

“I’m in no position to talk about that,” said board member Reggie Silver, who represents District 8. “The superintendant is still employed at this time. I’m not saying any more about it.”

Nash County board Chairman Fred Belfield told the Telegram on Friday he knew some members of the school board aren’t happy with the performance of Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson.

“It may be his last year,” Belfield said.

Jackson was in meetings all day Friday and unavailable for comment, said Patricia Hollingsworth, public relations officer for the school system. She then referred the Telegram to the school board’s attorney. (Source: Read more)

In Response To: “Reader says it’s time to move on, stop dividing Nash County” Nashville Graphics

The following is in response to the letter to editor: “Reader says it’s time to move on, stop dividing Nash County” written by Jackson Valentine Nashville NC. As a Proud Life Fully Paid Member of the NAACP my ignant a… just had to respond.

First of all the NAACP has been showing up because some parents came to them for help since the school system will not respond to them.

The Department of Justice was asked to come here by the State NAACP and since Andre Knight is the President, he is suppose to answer to the call.

The Department of Justice was here last week and interviewed folks to see if it is something that they will pursue. They would have been here earlier but they were in Ferguson Missouri.

To say that Andre Knight wants to bog down the Federal Department is too ignant because that is their job to investigate issues in regards to race and discrimination however you can read their mission for yourself. The NAACP don’t bully anyone and they follow their mission and bullying is not in the mission statement so tell the truth. If you don’t know what the mission is then go to the NAACP website to read the mission.

I repeat the Department of Justice was here last so now we will see if they will respond with a recommendation or will the take it further.

You are definitely not speaking for several folks especially students whom have directly suffered from expressing their opinion about the situation. These students and their parents will never forget how they were punished while the girls were not.

Show me how the NAACP has shown racial hostility and to whom.  Race pimps? Really? Heck that ain’t the word you really want to use so we recognize code words when we see them.

Show me how we are promoting racism and definitely how we can make a profit because we don’t get paid.

Show me how the NAACP has divided the community? Why are we having this discussion? It was not because black students were in the photo, however it is black students whom questioned why the school system has not condoned the photo and tried to silence them from expressing their concerns.

We too are sick of those like you whom promote lies when it comes to the mission of the NAACP. You don’t have to like the mission however you need to respect it. Show us how we are not following our mission? But you can’t do that.

Again the issue has not been forgotten and never will. I will use this as a teachable moment as the Superintendent said early on. I see Andre Knight and the NAACP using this as a teachable moment as well.

I don’t get the false rhetoric mess because it is a fact that the photo was on Instagram. It is a fact that the issue that didn’t begin at school ended up at school and the girls had escorts to class because it was a disruption during the school day. It is a fact that some black students got disciplined for talking about the issue and/or acting it out. If the school system had dealt with the issue properly, then I feel that we would not be having this conversation.

Show me how Andre Knight is attempting to tear apart the community because he is representing some students/parents from the community.

Show me one thing Andre Knight and the NAACP have been extremely divisive. 

No we have not chosen to exploit the photo and we are definitely not just as at fault as the girls whom posted the photo. That is too ignant!

You must have been living in a hole because race relations is at an all time low across the nation and we can begin with the disrespect of the first black President of These United States since dating back to when he won the election before he was sworn in the first time. Obviously you are denial or just don’t give a because racism is alive and well and the NAACP is not the one whom are promoting it. If they were, then the good ole boys would shut them down but they can’t. We play by the rules and have powerful legal teams across the nation that is a makeup of all folks and especially white folks whom are not in denial and do give a about race relations.

The funny thing about folks like you, you are stuck on the photo and we are pass that but we know that the conversation originated from the photo. The conversation has been about holding the school system accountable for their actions since the students, parents and the NAACP feel that the school system has not been consistent in following their own policies and procedures. You have recognized that because you call have said that we are bullying the school system.

Again we are not in the bullying business but in the business of holding folks accountable for their actions as it relates to the mission of the NAACP.

You have clarified clearly your ignance to the matter at hand as you have attempted to paint a picture of the NAACP which are far from the truth. But that is how folks like you operate attempting to mislead folks to get your point across.

Go to the next school board meeting and speak that is what they have public comments for.

I am Curmilus Dancy II A Proud Life Fully Paid Member and 2nd Vice President of The NAACP Rocky Mount Branch.  

Edgecombe County Public Schools & Surrounding Counties Conference tournaments provide last hope for playoffs berths – Rocky Mount Telegram

The weeklong marathon that is conference tournament week begins today across the Twin Counties.

While conference tournaments rarely produce surprises at the high school level, the Big East may provide the exception with all six teams on the boys’ side capable of stringing together three wins to take home the tournament crown.

Due to potential weather on Tuesday, the opening round for both the boys and girls will be played today at campus sites. Fortunately for the Big East, the matchups are the same for both genders so the decision was simple. Southern Nash will travel to Wilson Fike and Nash Central heads to Rocky Mount High for the opening round games. (Source: Read more)

Rocky Mount NC – The Political Agitator Response To School board urged to take action in wake of Instagram KKK Inspired Photo

I wonder why no one has brought that up. It was brought to my attention from someone who lives in the vacinity that KKK was written on the highway around the same time of the Instagram incident. The DCN resource said that if you go over there you can see where it was painted over. I think I seen the paint when I went to a Nash Central basketball game several weeks ago.

Now I have not stated my opinion anywhere about the so-called party hats that some have stated were attire similar to the KKK. I have not stated my opinion anywhere about the so-called hand signs that some have stated were similar to the KKK.

However I have let others talk about that and I moved beyond that to it being a school issue since the school system has said it was not a school issue. I beg the difference because for me it became about policy and procedures when the system seen a need for the girls to be escorted to their classes.

While others are focusing on their piece and others are focused on their piece, I believe it all is connected. I feel strongly that when the school system did not properly address the issue and tried to cover it up. I recognize and understand because most folks, systems and other do not want the negative publicity and sometimes hope that it just goes away.

The problem is that how this mess has been handled, some children (even) the good children have been disciplined for talking about the mess and therefore have made some decisions in which caused them to break the rules just because they were trying to show how they didn’t approve of the mess. Children were told they couldn’t talk about the mess and therefore some were afraid to go home and talk to their parent about it.

All I want and the others are for the school system is to properly address the issue publicly because on WNCRTV 41 a couple of weeks ago one of the parents of the 6 girls came on and shared his dealings with the superintendent and his story contradicts much of what the superintendent said in the newspapers.

I have sympathy for the girls whom I feel made a very bad decision to post the photo especially during the time frame of the verdict of Darren Wilson that cleared him of wrongfully killing of Michael Brown. It was stated this photo had something to do with the verdict.

If the school system wants the issue to go away all they have to do is to talk about it in a setting where they will respond instead of hiding behind their school board meetings whereby they are not obligated to respond but will freely respond to the newspaper. Hell that ain’t how it is done, they should address the persons in writing that speak to them at their board meetings in a letter to them since they choose not to respond on that night. Again policy and procedures?

It is clear the school system do not want to address the public where there can be an on the spot 2 way communication because they ain’t ready for that. You see by doing that more folks may come out that is against how they have handled this mess so therefore they would look bad so they will continue to hide just like what some would appear to be the KKK way of doing things. You see while they are in their school board meetings they may as well have on KKK attire because they are hiding behind their authority and WILL NOT address the public.

Now for all of you haters, Ignant Racist White Folks and Ignant Safe Negroes, I have shared my opinion so I challenge you to not try to discredit me because, but prove me wrong. You can’t discredit me because I am a Professional and I don’t act on EMOTIONS alone but EMOTIONS based on the facts that are before me.

“Now Run & Tell That!”

See original article in the Rocky Mount Telegram, “School board urged to take action in wake of Instagram photo”

Audio Only: Moving Forward TV Host Bronson William Interview One Of 6 White Parents Involved In KKK Instagram Photo Tell His Side Of The Story Monday January 26, 2015 9:00 PM

imageClick on photo to listen to audio
I stated from day one when I heard about the incident that I wondered what did the parents have to say without being quick to judge the parents for the girls ignant moment in history. I didn’t think the girls had done anything to be suspended but I felt something should have been done when it became a school issue. Since what the girls had done happened off campus but escalated into unrest at the school, when the school re-opened after the Thanksgiving Holiday the interruptions began so for me that made it a school issue. But that is just my ignant opinion.

It appears to me that the school’s principal, the superintendent and the board have all failed to do what could have really been a teachable moment but since the superintendent seemed to have been in control of the situation it has really been an un-teachable moment.

Listen carefully to the interview by one of the fathers of the 6 girls to see what happened as it pertains to how he wanted to address the issue at hand but was not allowed to do so.

Photo in Klan-like garb leads to threats against Nash Central High students – WRAL

Rocky Mount, N.C. — Six students are being escorted to class at Nash Central High School, officials said Tuesday, after a photo of them wearing what some say are Ku Klux Klan-style hoods made the rounds on social media.

The controversial photo first appeared on Instagram when the school was on Thanksgiving break. Parents of the six girls in the photo then notified Nash Central High officials that the girls had been threatened because of it, Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools Superintendent Anthony Jackson said.

A investigation by the Nash County Sheriff’s Office determined that the girls did nothing illegal, and school district officials said they didn’t break any school rules. But that hasn’t eased tensions in the community. (Source: Read more)

Nash Central High School Students KKK Activity – Defend The White Girls All You Want

I am going to represent all children, the children who spoke out against the girls actions. It was not Rev. William J. Barber II President NC State Conference of Branches, Rev. Andre Knight local Branch Presidents, myself and others who was 1st offended by the actions of these girls. It was the students who seen the Instagram photo and spoke out against it and some have felt they have been mistreated for expressing their concerns. We as adults are representing these students however all students will benefit from the school following their own policies and procedures in which we feel they have not done so. All we want is for the school to follow their own policies and procedures and the rest will take care of itself.

Now if anyone white, black, brown and other have a problem with this then they too have issues. The issue here is about the school system following their own policies and procedures because I recognize and understand we are dealing with the actions of some children who has created this mess, but they are of age and should have known better.

I have 2 daughters so I can sympathize with the parents of these girls but what I will say is that if these were my children I would want the issue dealt with in a fashion so that it will be a teachable moment for all children that may make a bad choice in the future.

Nash Rocky Mount Public Schools Website–What’s Going On?

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Photos/Video: NAACP & Others Address The Nash Rocky Mount School Board About Instagram KKK Suggested Photo That Has Put Nash Central High School In The News

See my response to this meeting on Wednesday. What little respect I had for this board, I lost it tonight! Watch meeting for yourself and make your own decision.

Click on photo to view more photos
In this photo outgoing board member Robert Bynum (Center), his mother (left), board chair Evelyn Bullock (Right)


Click on photo to watch video
In this photo Rev. Andre Knight NAACP President Rocky Mount Branch

See related:

Residents assail school board over KKK-inspired photo – Rocky Mount Telegram

Controversial picture of girls in KKK-like outfits angers many in Nash County – 11 ABC News –11 ABC News TV

Controversial picture of girls in KKK-like outfits angers many in Nash County – 11 ABC News

Monday January 5, 2015 The DCN News Blog Online TV Covered The Nash-Rocky Mount School Board Meeting

The DCN News Blog Online TV was on the scene tonight to document what happened so you won’t think that I am making these things up.

A long day after work, stayed in Rocky Mount NC ate and went to Nashville to the meeting.

Stay tuned for the video so you can see it for yourself. I will dissect the meeting on Wednesday because I have a basketball game in Washington NC tomorrow night.

NAACP to lead talk on KKK pic – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Political Agitator response: See comments on the Telegram in comments after the article.

Andre Knight, president of the Rocky Mount NAACP, said the branch is planning to address the Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Education at the board’s monthly meeting Monday regarding a controversial photo posted on the social 
media app 

Six female high school students dressed in white and wearing white, cone-shaped hats reminiscent of Ku Klux Klan costumes pointing their fingers in the shape of guns toward the camera.

Nash-Rocky Mount Superintendent Anthony Jackson said in a previous interview that student records are confidential per school policy, and he could not release any information regarding any disciplinary action taken against an individual student. (Source: Read more)

Press Release: Rocky Mount NAACP Follows Up on Complaints Filed about KKK Social Media Posting




Immediate Release

January 2, 2015                                


Contact:  Rev. Andre’ D. Knight, President, (252) 544-2949


Rocky Mount NAACP Follows Up on Complaints Filed about KKK Social Media Posting


Rocky Mount, NC – The Rocky Mount Branch of the NAACP announced today that it is researching information filed in complaints against the Nash/Rocky Mount School System regarding actions related to the recent postings of KKK inspired gestures by students at Nash Central High School. Rocky Mount Branch President Andre’ Knight stated, “The NAACP has received several written complaints by parents and students who have been impacted by the postings. We are now trying to determine what the facts are behind the many allegations of unfair treatment of black and white students related to this incident.’”


Knight continued, “I have also called Mr. Archie Jones, Director of the City of Rocky Mount’s Human Relations Department, to ask him to bring this issue to the Human Relations Commission for their review as well.”  Rev. Dr. William Barber, the NC NAACP President, led a discussion with hundreds of community members on Monday, December 22nd, to understand what actually took place and to review the violent, intimidating and illegal history of the Ku Klux Klan in North Carolina and in America.


President Knight added, “We do not and will not take this matter lightly.  We want the Nash/Rocky Mount Schools’ leadership to take these matters seriously as well. There are many other related concerns that this incident has brought to light.  We look forward to positively engaging the Superintendent and the School Board in order to help the system and our community move forward. This is all part of the Superintendent’s call for our community to engage in hard discussions involving race and to use this as an opportunity to have a teachable moment for adults and children alike.”

Nashville NC – In Response To The Song Made In Response To The White Girls Posted On Instagram That Some Feel Is KKK Activity

Someone had posted on The Rocky Mount Telegram about a rap song in response to the white girls that attend Nash Central High School whom posted the photo on Instagram after the verdict for Darren Wilson in Ferguson Missouri. The photo appears to be similar to KKK activity. Today December 22, 2014 around 5:15 PM this is the first time I have seen the link and heard the song. It has been said why the NAACP, others and myself have not condoned the song? Well I can’t have a true opinion on something that I have not heard and obviously those whom I have talked to had not either or atleast had not shared it with me nor have I seen it posted anywhere until I seen it in the comment on The Rocky Mount Telegram article, “NAACP to lead talk on KKK picture.”

I don’t listen to rap music or whatever this is called on my radio and I have Sirius XM Radio in my car nor do I buy it. First of all I can’t get past the hardcore cussing however I will admit I could live with the instrumental version of the songs I have heard when it comes to rap. I will not share the link because I don’t do hardcore cussing using the F-word and the N-word.

Now back to the song, damn it started out raw and after about a minute or 2 I said I can’t listen to this. But then I said I have to since this is a part of the discussion that is going on so I listened to it a couple of times. The song in retaliation to the girls I do feel warrants a discussion but a real and true discussion as it relates to all of the words and not what is perceived.

This is what rappers do hard core rap. They make songs about what is going on around them. What I heard was a song that is the norm when it comes to rappers however folks can relate to this song because it specifically addresses the girls and no one has to guess who and what they are talking about. Again this is what rappers do.

Okay after listening to the song and for someone who has listened to the song, I would love to hear your questions to me about any and all of the parts of the song that you have a problem with. I will address them from what I got out of listening to the song.

I will wait patiently on the questions.

I don’t do rap music so this is not the norm for me to listen to and to give my opinion of a rap song but I am willing to do so.

Question/s please?

NAACP to lead talk on KKK picture – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Political Agitatorresponse: It is quite interesting the response from the Superintendent since being confronted about the mess. Before the NAACP made it public, I had not seen anything coming from him, the principal of Nash Central nor the Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools board members other than Reggie Silver whom was on WRSV FM 92 Express Yourself Weekly Talk Show on last Monday. Rev. Silver said he didn’t condone the actions of the mess and that he felt more needed to be done about the it. Thank you Rev. Silver for taking a stand and your willingness to talk about this mess.

The Rocky Mount Branch of the NAACP has scheduled a Town Hall meeting at 7 p.m. Monday in the OIC Auditorium to discuss the recent KKK-inspired photograph that was posted on the social media website Instagram by six female Nash Central High School students.

The Rev. Dr. William Barber, president of the N.C. NAACP, will lead the discussion at the meeting.

“The NAACP has heard the cries of children, parents and the community about the light manner in which the offensive Instagram posting initiated by Nash Central students has been taken by the Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools,” said Rocky Mount branch President Andre Knight. “This forum is designed to do what Superintendent Anthony Jackson has asked the community to do: ‘Help our students get through the stuff by being honest with them and most of all, showing them by our actions how to resolve conflict resolution appropriately.’”  (Source: Read more)