Received A Voice Mail Today Questioning Me About A Post On My Blog “Barbara Ann Cole Wants To Unseat Robin Carpenter For Edgecombe County Register of Deeds”

I received a voice mail today from a person who knows me telling me they had read my post on my blog, “Barbara Ann Cole Wants To Unseat Robin Carpenter For Edgecombe County Register of Deeds.” The caller said they wanted to know did I know Carpenter before she became Register of Deeds? The caller said to call them. Now I may not have responded to them if they had not asked me to call them.

Damn I was so tore up that I was trying to finish listening to the message and call them at the same time and was not getting anywhere. I had to go back to the message and hear the entire message so that when I called the person I would know what they said.

Well folks I had an ignant moment. I called the person and I told them they know me and they better not ever call me again and questioning me about why I say I  am going to vote for someone. I said first of all I don’t think I could spelled it out any clearer on my blog why I could not vote for Cole who is black. I told the caller that they know I do my homework. If I don’t know a candidate then I call my trusted sources which is a few to get their opinion and if I feel good about what they tell me, then many times I will think about it. Later I will decide if I am going to support that person.

Folks many of you who read my blog know me and for those who do not I will entertain some things from you but folks like the caller today, hell no I am not going to entertain their ignance. I ain’t mad with the caller but they don’t need to let that happen again because I don’t play when it comes to politics.

See related:

Barbara Ann Cole Wants To Unseat Robin Carpenter For Edgecombe County Register of Deeds

Barbara Ann Cole Wants To Unseat Robin Carpenter For Edgecombe County Register of Deeds

First of all I don’t question if Barbara Ann Cole is capable of serving as Register of Deeds because I recognize and understand that people get elected to positions for whatever reasons. Once a person get elected they must perform the duties and someone who has not served in that capacity should be able to learn.

When it comes to elections my philosophy is that all candidates are qualified if they meet the guidelines for filing for a particular office. I know that most folks vote for folks that sometimes look like them, they know them on a personal note, they are friends with them or they know others who know the candidate and or friends with them. Some folks vote for other folks because they are paid to work for the candidate’s campaign.

As I stated in an earlier post, I wanted to see a black person get appointed to the Register of Deeds seat and then elected but that didn’t happen. Unless someone close to me, a friend and I must feel that they can put together a strong political machine to oust Robin Carpenter then I will support Carpenter. I will not waste my vote on someone that I don’t know such as Barbara Cole.

Cole gave me a handout last week and said since you don’t know me this is something about me. Well Ms. Cole I don’t role like that. I don’t know you and obviously you don’t know me.

The handout stated out by requesting support in her campaign. She stated the purpose of the Register of Deeds Office.

Coles stated she was born and reared in Tarboro and graduated from Tarboro Senior High School (class of 1973). She also stated who her siblings and parents are. She said she has one child. She also mentioned she was a member of a local church in Tarboro. Well I don’t know any of the names she mentioned but I am familiar with the church.

Everybody that I have asked, I mean the few folks that I asked didn’t know anything about her however one person told me they knew her from years back.

Coles stated the many places of her employment over the years which consisted of the Federal Government for fifteen years.

Coles stated that she feel her experience she is well prepared to manage the office of the Register of Deeds effectively and efficiently. I do not question her experience at all. Now if she had stated that she was a former Register of Deeds and what she did in that capacity I may would have given her some thought since I don’t know here.

The reason why I can not support Coles is because I don’t know her. Obviously she don’t know how politics work in Edgecombe County. Ever who put her up to running obviously didn’t educate her on how politics works her and if they did and she still filed then that is another problem within itself.

Hear me Edgecombe County I will support Robin Carpenter for Edgecombe County Register of Deeds.

See related:

Register of Deeds Edgecombe County – Barbara Ann Cole Wants To Unseat Robin Carpenter

Contested races could spur larger voter turnouts–Rocky Mount Telegram

A few of the top-contested races that will affect the Twin Counties include a four-person race for a Nash County commissioner seat, a battle between five candidates in a new congressional district and the only contested race for a seat on the Rocky Mount City Council, which pits the city’s former police chief against an incumbent commissioner. (More)

Register of Deeds Edgecombe County – Barbara Ann Cole Wants To Unseat Robin Carpenter

Barbara Ann Cole wants to unseat Robin Carpenter. Cole is black and from Tarboro NC. I had never heard of Cole until I seen her at a meeting on last night. I still do not know anything about her.

When Gladys Shelton Pitt retired as the Register of Deeds I wanted to see a black person appointed however Robin Carpenter was appointed. I supported Butch Armstrong, Florence Armstrong’s husband during the election for the seat and Carpenter won so the people has spoken.

It will take the right person to unseat Carpenter and no way I can support Cole whom I know nothing about.

I would like to hear from the folks from Edgecombe County what are your thoughts about this race?

See related:

Edgecombe County: Filing ends for May primary election – The Daily Southerner

NC House District 23 – William Solomon Wants To Unseat Rep. Joe Pat Tolson

Rumor was for a while that Rep. Joe Pat Tolson was not going to seek re-election but I had not heard it from anyone that I felt I could really think much of it. I didn’t think much of it.

The NC House 23 seat consist of all of Edgecombe and all of Martin Counties during the 2012 election. The current district consist of some of Wilson and some of Edgecombe.

I don’t know the racial make up of the district however I believe it should be close to a 50 – 50 black to white majority.

I would like to hear from the folks in the House District 23 what are your thoughts about this race?

See related:

Edgecombe County: Filing ends for May primary election – The Daily Southerner

NC Senate District 5 – Don Davis Will Have To Step Down As The 1st Congressional District Chair So Here We Go Again Must Elect A New Chair

Don Davis has filed to seek the Senate District 5 seat that he held for one term before being defeated 2 years ago. He must step down as the 1st Congressional District Chair so it is going to be interesting to see who wants to fill his shoes. All I have to say it they better be ready because this is a crucial year.

Oh well this is going to be very interesting and I believe I can sense atleast one person whom may want to replace Davis. Well I am going to let you know it damn sure ain’t me.

See related:

2012 candidate filing period ends at noon today

See Who Filed Across The State of North Carolina For Statewide Offices – NC Board of Elections

See Who Filed Across The State of North Carolina For Statewide Offices – NC Board of Elections

Response: See who filed to run for a state office in your town or city. Rep. Angela Bryant, Congressman G.K. Butterfield and some others have some opposition. C. Dancy II – DCN Publisher

Open the attachment to view the 66 pages listing the candidates that filed for office across the state. (More)

See related:

Edgecombe County: Filing ends for May primary election – The Daily Southerner

Edgecombe County: Filing ends for May primary election – The Daily Southerner

Response: I am very much tickled to death at how many people filed for office. Some I know and some I have never heard of before. C. Dancy II – DCN Publisher

TARBORO — Filing for the May Primary ended at noon Wednesday with eight of the 13 municipal seats contested as well as those for State Senate District 3 and House of Representative District 23. (More)

Filing Period For The 2012 Elections Has Ended, The DCN Will Be Contacting You

Now that the filing period has closed, The DCN will be contacting you by email and email only. Stay tuned.

If you are a candidate for the 2012 election please send me your email. Send email to

Pope challenges Coleman in District 1 – The Wilson Times

A fourth candidate has entered the race for Wilson mayor and a challenger filed for the Wilson City Council District 1 seat Wednesday. (More)

Wilson NC: Candidates get to work, 3 File For Mayor – The Wilson Times

The campaigns for Wilson’s three mayoral candidates are starting to take shape as political signs increase in the community and each candidate works to get their message to the public. (More)


Tarboro NC – If You Are A Democrat And Vote At Precinct 11-1 Lewis Community Volunteer Fire Department Please Attend The Annual Precinct Meeting On Tuesday March 6, 2012

All Democrats that vote at Precinct 11-1 Lewis Community Volunteer Fire Department please attend the annual precinct meeting on Tuesday March 6, 2012 6:00 PM. The secretary has resigned and we will elect a new secretary. For more information please call precinct chair Curmilus Dancy II @ 252.314.5484 (Cell), 252.827.5484 (Home) or email me at

All 21 Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct organizations hold their annual precinct meetings.

When: March 6, 2012
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:30p.m.

Precinct agendas should include
• GOTV Canvassing
• Primary Election Day GOTV
• Table with voter information
• Develop Resolutions for the County Convention
• Fill all Precinct officer vacancies
• Identify delegates to the County Convention.
• Identify persons interested in attending the DNP Convention in Charlotte.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012 6:00pm

Five days left for filing – The Daily Southerner

With only five days remaining for candidates to file for the May election, at least one person has registered to run for each of the 16 seats that are up for grab in Edgecombe County. Even more interesting is the fact two candidates each have filed for N.C. House of Representatives District 23, Rocky Mount City Council Ward 1 and Tarboro Town Council Ward 4 and Ward 6 seats. (More)

Candidate filings point toward highly contested elections – The Rocky Mount Telegram

A week and a half remains in the candidate filing period and already most local election races have at least one candidate.

After the first week of the filing period, the only open local position is Ward 8 on the Tarboro Town Council. (More)

Combs files to seek re-election to second term as mayor

Mayor David Combs was among the local officials who filed Tuesday for re-election.

Edgecombe County Commissioner Evelyn Powell filed for re-election in District 1. (More)

See related:

Poultry plant opponent seeks county board seat – The Rocky Mount Telegram 
Note: See all of the candidates that filed on Monday in Edgecombe and Nash Counties