Edgecombe County Chair Removal Hearing Has Been Asked To Be Rescheduled By Petitioner Martha Knight Johnson

Martha Knight Johnson 1st Vice Chair, Gladys Shelton 2nd Vice Chair, Ella Ruth Collins a Precinct Chair and Bronson Williams 3rd Vice Chair all members of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee are petitioners listed in the complaint to the North Carolina State Democratic Party to remove Leshaun Jenkins as chair of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party. The petition also is seeking to reprimand some in the Edgecombe County Democratic Party targeting the African American Caucus, The Democratic Women and a couple of Precinct Chairs. Williams name is listed but he didn’t sign the petition and when I spoke to him when the petition was 1st, filed he said he had nothing to do with the petition. Martha sent an email on Friday morning around 7:07 AM stating, “I had a medical emergency and I’m currently receiving ongoing treatment. One of the other petitioners is also having health issues. We therefore request that the ECDP hearing be rescheduled for another date. I will notify you when I have been released from care.” But the hearing would have been virtual anyway.

Several months ago the NC State Democratic Party removed Rev. Roosevelt Higgs as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair and he can’t participate in the Democratic Party as an officer for the next 2 years. He appealed and lost.

Martha K. Johnson was the 1st Vice and should have stepped up and organized the party by carrying out the duties of the chair until a chair was elected however she didn’t communicate with the majority of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party so the process was made difficult. After several folk contacted the NC State Democratic Party, we were able to have a couple of meetings and to replace Higgs with Jenkins. Martha wanted to move up to become the chair but was not successful. So therefore Martha filed a petition and named 3 folk to meet the criteria to file petition.

Because of the COVID-19 trying to deal with the removal of Higgs and then to replace him, things had to be done virtual. We got through it and elected Leshaun Jenkins. Some names were thrown out to replace Higgs and I suggested to someone to contact Leshaun Jenkins someone who was neutral and not apart of the Edgecombe County Executive Committee. He accepted the challenge. He didn’t even know I had suggested him until after the election. He came in and began an awesome communication process and he did a great job. He opened up a headquarters and Edgecombe County voters turned out. We need to be celebrating the outcome of the Edgecombe County Election turnout and results.

When I received the email about the hearing being asked to be rescheduled, I was hoping the petitioners were going to drop the complaint so we can move forward to unite the Edgecombe County Democratic Party. We don’t need the same distractions that Trump and Republicans are doing within their party by not accepting that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has been elected.

I guess we will receive the new date for the hearing soon however I hope to receive an email saying that there will be no hearing. We need to focus on 2021 electing good Democrats who are up for election during the off years of Presidential Elections. We have school board and municipality elections coming up. We have work to do and now is the time to begin. Ready!

Edgecombe County Democratic Party Headquarters

Edgecombe County Democratic Party

Edgecombe County Democratic Party Headquarters:

409 N Main St. Suite 300

Tarboro, NC 27886

Phone #: 252.904.7847

Hours of Operation:

Mondays 1pm-4pm

Wednesdays 1pm-4pm

Saturdays 9am-1pm

Biden/Harris and Cooper Signs are available for Edgecombe County residents, but they are limited! Please come and get one! One per household!

Early Voting Starts on October 15th, 2020.

Thank You,

Leshaun T. Jenkins
Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair

From The Desk Of Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair Leshaun Jenkins

Get email updates from Leshaun:

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Contact Leshaun Jenkins



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Happy September!

I hope that this newsletter finds you in good spirit. Today Marks the 60 day mark before we elect hopefully a new President and Vice President in country. There are some key elections that are also happening locally and at the state level. Let us be vigilant, persistent, and consistent as we continue to ORGANIZE, MOBILIZE, and ENERGIZE our county and our party. I take the Get Out To Vote Initiative very seriously, and for that matter, I will be rolling out an initiative and some activities that I will be pushing from now until the election. Keep up the great work!


Letters where mailed out to every precinct chair requesting meeting and organization information. The reason for this request was precinct paperwork has been scattered into several different locations. In order for me and the party to 100% confirm precinct organization, is to have all of the paperwork and information in a centralized location. As stated in the letters, it may be an inconvenience to have to resubmit information that maybe you already have submitted, but for the sake of organization and stability in terms of our party, is the best thing. Thank you so much to ALL the precincts who have mailed or resubmitted their paperwork to me. I am grateful for each of you and look forward to receiving information from all the others.



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One assumption that we make sometimes is that people have accessibility to voter registration opportunities, which is not always the case. Even in the age of technology, I believe that people are still marginalized sometimes by seen and subliminal factors. In my leadership, I believe that is it important that we all do what we can to close these opportunity gaps. I have reached out to local barbers and beauticians and I will make stops in and spend some time encouraging citizens of Edgecombe to get registered to vote.


Join us on September 22, at 7:00 pm for our 2020 Democratic Party Rally! Spread the word to ALL community stakeholders! This will be an excellent opportunity for us to get ENERGIZED for the upcoming election!

Below you will find the zoom information:


Dial-in: Contact Leshaun Jenkins or a member of the Executive Committee

Meeting ID: Contact Leshaun Jenkins or a member of the Executive Committee

Find your local number: Contact Leshaun Jenkins or a member of the Executive Committee

Big picture






Get Directions







This is the same weekend that my Initiative Barbers, Beauticians, and Ballots will launch at area shops here in Edgecombe; therefore my time will be split at various locations. This is also part of the Get Out To Vote initiative.

Get Directions







I personally want be present for this particular drive, due to a speaking engagement in Fayetteville, NC.

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Below you will find the zoom information:


+13126266799,,84346608705# US

Dial-in: (929) 205 6099

Meeting ID: 843 4660 8705

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbdmEYqvvu






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The Edgecombe County Human Relations Commission presents the Edgecombe County Candidates Forum

When: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 5:30 p.m.

Where: Zoom Video Conference (virtual) Due to the forum’s virtual format, all participants are asked to register in advance. Once registered, participants will receive the virtual meeting information. You may submit questions for candidates in advance.

To register, please go to http://bit.ly/CandidatesForum2020 or contact Shoneca Kent at sekent@ncat.edu or 252-641-7821

Thank you Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Gallery image

Thank you Eastern Star Missionary Baptist Church



Connect with Leshaun Jenkins

Leshaun is using Smore newsletters to spread the word online.

Follow Leshaun Jenkins

Contact Leshaun Jenkins

Van Holland Who Did You Talk To On The Local Level? Nobody But Rev. Roosevelt Higgs I Suspect Because He Has Been Calling Folk About Something Was Going Down

No description available.
No description available.

Again Van here you go. Why did you not post who the Petitioners are? Sad how you love to post half-trues. But you don’t give a damn because you have tried to discredit Governor Roy Cooper and this you would hope would make the party look bad.

Now since you didn’t name the petitioners the petitioners are Martha Knight Johnson (Black Female) 1st Vice Chair & Acting Chair during the Election, Gladys Shelton (White Female) 2nd Vice Chair and Ella Hopkins (Black Female) Precinct Chair that has not met this year. Bronson Williams (Black Male) 3rd Vice Chair name is up there but he did not sign the petition nor respond to Martha when she sent it to him. So how do you send a damn petition to the Democratic Party State Headquarters with a person’s name on it and they didn’t sign their signature?

Bronson Williams told me he didn’t respond to Martha. He did participate during a couple of meetings however during the Election of a new County Chair he voted for Martha.

Martha is in the same precinct with Gladys and I have no further comment because she is around 95 years old and doing quite well. Gladys don’t need to be involved in this Martha and Rev. Roosevelt Higgs mess.

Ella Hopkins had not met during the Election of the Chair so why would she sign the petition? Makes no sense.

Why would Martha send the petition to Raleigh with Bronson’s name on it and he didn’t sign it? Makes no sense.

Well it all boils down to Martha is just mad!

But again why you didn’t reach out to somebody locally to get some confirmation about this mess. This article is full of lies and I was on the calls dating back to April 6, the County Convention, District Convention and the Election of the Chair.

Van Holland I am quite sure you have the petition so post the names of the petitioners and stop posting half trues.


Edgecombe County Executive Committee Election Results (July 30, 2020) And The Winner Is Coach Leshaun Jenkins


And The Winner Is:

Coach Leshaun Jenkins  Hometown Tarboro NC   68.5 Nominated by Commissioner/Precinct Chair Viola Harris Tarboro
Martha Knight Johnson  Hometown Tarboro NC   47    Nominated by Precinct Chair Ernest Taylor Rocky Mount

County Officers that voted for Martha K. Johnson
Martha K. Johnson 1st Vice
Gladys Shelton 2nd Vice
Bronson Williams 3rd Vice/Precinct Chair 12-2 He chose to Vote as Precinct Chair so he could vote 6 votes versus 1 vote as 3rd Vice County Chair
However he could have given someone his Proxy to Vote in either capacity so could have really had 7 votes
Tamisha Patterson Secretary
Stephanie Hunter Treasurer

None of the County Officers responded when some of us, myself and some others reached out to them. Now I didn’t try to reach Shelton but could have easily done so by phone but I wanted to do it by internet.

It is sad that these County Officers voted to keep the party right where it was in a mess. This is important because when the Executive Committee is not in session the County Officers can meet and do business. This was the mentality that existed under the leadership of Rev. Roosevelt Higgs no meetings that we the Executive Committee was made aware of. When the County Officers meet they should make the entire Executive Committee although it would be up to the County Officers to allow the Executive Committee to speak during the meeting.

Until these County Officers show me publicly that they want to move the party forward with the rest of us who voted for change and to move forward, then I will look at them sideways.

Precinct Chairs
J.O. Williams, Jr.
Roy Gray
Mary Blackwell Hinton
Doris Howington 1 for Johnson 1.5 for Jenkins
Samuel Branch
Dorothy Tucker
Ernest Taylor
Bronson Williams
Lillie Worsley
Lovie A. Thomas for Evelyn Johnson – Wow Evelyn goes to the same church as Coach Jenkins.

Rev. J.O. Williams, Sr. and Rev. Roy Gray it is sad that you are the only Pastors that voted to hold the party right where it was. I hope you don’t make them kind of choices in your church.

I feel Mary Blackwell Hinton voted for her because they also serve on the Edgecombe County Human Relations Commission. But Martha was trying to keep her from being able to vote. Mary said that Higgs said he had the Precinct Meeting and she could not attend and Higgs said Martha could validate it because he gave her the information. She said she had no information. So that lead me to think that Precinct 4-1 where Mary Blackwell Hinton was the Chair and Rev. Roosevelt Higgs was the Vice Chair did not meet. And also the information should have been given to the Chair Mary Blackwell Hinton by Higgs.

I understand why Samuel Branch supported her because he, Martha and I used to have the same Pastor.

I understand why Dorothy Tucker may have supported her because I had to tell Jackie King that Martha was not the one several months ago.

Bronson I understand why he didn’t vote for Jenkins because he supported your opposition when you ran for mayor in Rocky Mount, Jenkins could not vote for you because he lives in Tarboro and even if he did, this was not about you but what was best for the entire county.

I have not seen Lillie Worsley in years so I don’t know her motive.

Can’t believe that Dr. Evelyn Johnson didn’t tell her proxy to vote for Jenkins. They go to the same church. But I understand that, that does not mean anything because Martha Knight Johnson is a Mother in my church.

Only a few Democrats know the role I played in all of this. I was working emails to the County Officers and they never responded. However the emails went to the petitioners for the removal of Higgs, 1st Congressional District Chair, State Chair, State Director and several others.

If anyone know me know that I put my all and all into organizations especially when I hold a title. I represent the county and not just myself so it ain’t about me. Actually I am going to be alright so I am here for the least of these.

I am challenging all Edgecombe County Democrats to let’s make some Good Trouble. It is about us first uniting and then go out and get good Good Democrats elected so we can defeat our opposition in November.

Now whatever you see me post I am speaking for Curmilus Butch Dancy II so don’t get it twisted it that I am speaking for you, you and you. However know that I am going to hold this Chair and everyone accountable for their actions. I have been doing just that since I joined the party so I am not stopping now. The Chair position changed but Curmilus Butch Dancy II passion for Edgecombe County Democrats and all folk in Edgecombe has not changed. My purpose is to help make Edgecombe County a better place to live, work and play.

Visit Coach Leshaun Jenkins on Facebook.

Coach Leshaun Jenkins Voted Chair Of Edgecombe County Democratic Party To Replace Rev. Roosevelt Higgs Who Was Reprimanded By NC State Party

Congratulations Coach LeShaun Jenkins who defeated Martha Knight Johnson 1st Vice Chair and Acting Chair since Higgs was removed.

Tonight in a 3 hour ZOOM Virtual meeting the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee met to elect a new chair.

Martha Knight Johnson was nominated by Precinct Chair Ernest Taylor 12-1 Rocky Mount NC Higgs guy.

Leshaun Jenkins was nominated by Precinct Chair 1-1/Edgecombe County Commissioner Viola Harris Tarboro NC.

After Johnson and Jenkins did their nomination speeches the committee voted to appoint Jenkins 68.5 to Johnson 47.

I had posted recently that I would love to see someone young outside of the Executive Committee especially the County Officers, someone that had a Political Science Degree in school or out. Wow! And then someone had reached out to Coach Jenkins. I heard from him just last night and I was excited that he was willing to seek the appointment.

I am disappointed in all of the County Officers 1st Vice Johnson for wanting to move up to chair when she has not done anything. I was disappointed in Gladys Shelton 2nd Vice, Bronson Williams 3rd Vice, Tamisha Dickens Patterson Secretary and Stephanie Hunter Treasurer for voting to not allow certain precincts to vote and then they all voted for Johnson. I will look at them sideways until they resign their posts. They need to resign because since Johnson has not done anything that means they have not. I was trying to give Dickens Patterson the benefit of the doubt since she was new to the party. Many on Executive Committee tried to make contact with these County Officers to receive no response. They were not even responding to the NC State Democratic Party Officers. Martha was only responding to Senator Don Davis 1st Congressional District Chair who facilitated the ZOOM meeting and did all of the damn work. The County Officers including Martha refused to respond to us. Oh she responded to certain folk because she had an agenda just like she did during the convention when she nominated herself for a position and we knew she was trying to keep some Democrats from voting attempting to steal the Democratic Party County Chair seat. But for the most part and especially some folk who I have been wondering when they would do the right thing and begin to see what I have been talking about for years and I am looking at those Democrats different now because it appears they have seen the light.

Somebody said that Coach Jenkins had not been to any party events. Well hell I don’t remember Dickens Patterson coming to anything but they supported her to be the county chair during the 2019 Convention but I was not there. So what is the damn difference with Coach Jenkins coming fresh? The best thing that could have happened in this season as we move forward.

I remember when Dr. Glenda Knight came seeking an office and I tried to tell her not to listen to Higgs. She lost. I remember when Bronson Williams came when he ran against Shelly Willingham and I told him he had not been coming to any events but he did anyway.

But it makes a difference how to do things. When Clee Atkinson was seeking the Sheriff appointment boy did he work the system and had the support. When Vila Anderson was seeking the Register of Deeds appointment both of these Democrats had not been to county events but it is how you work the system and have the support. When you have someone helping you and you are willing to listen, you can make moves. I am proud to have been able to vote for these 2 and now to add to the list I am proud to be able to vote to appoint Jenkins to County Chair.

This has been a long time coming. I have been fighting trying to keep the party in check over the years and I was made to be the bad guy. All I have wanted was for the party to be united and that meant holding folk accountable for their actions and I ask that they hold me accountable. My videos don’t lie.

This week has been a good week. On Monday I was granted a 1 year no contact order against Higgs because of his numerous nasty harassing phone calls to me about Deborah Faye Dew Jordan, Sara Peveler, African American Caucus, Democratic Women and the Wayne Goodwin NC State Democratic Party Chair.

I am ready to work with the new chair and good Democrats that do not want to leave any Democrat behind. I want to see the Edgecombe County Democratic Party move forward in unity and with a vision. There has been no vision over the past several years and it has been killing me.The vision of working towards November 3 is my focus.

I am challenging all Edgecombe County Democrats to reach out to Coach Leshaun Jenkins and give him your support. Find out how you can get involved in the Edgecombe County Democratic Party so that we can focus on the main thing as we work towards November.

The fight should be with the other party and not our party.

When We Unite We Win!





Deborah Jordan Send Message To Edgecombe County Democrats That Someone Is Impersonating Her As The Party Attempt To Organize To Replace Rev. Roosevelt Higgs County Chair That Was Removed As County Chair

Deborah Jordan

10 mins

Let me say this and be clear to all Edgecombe County Democrats. I do not appreciate the female that is calling the Executive Members saying she is Deborah Jordan from 252-823-0268. This person is also sympathetic to the former chair by saying he was done wrong. The former Democratic party Chair did himself and the people of this county wrong for years by not honoring and caring out his duties. This is all on him, I just assisted with exposing him to the NCDP and others the truth of his lack of leadership. If anyone has a problem with the truth then you are part of the problem and not the solution. My mission now is to support the NCDP efforts to organize the precincts that were neglected or left without directions to organize. The 1st vice chair was asked to step up back in April. From that point it would seem that she would have kept abreast of the ongoing issues and followed through with the Plan of Organization for her role and duties. Time is winding up and I personally would not have been waiting for the call but would have been the caller or emailer. Waiting is why we are here along with people having titles and not carrying out their duties. Don’t do the blame game without checking self first. My number is 252-813-6958 and I will answer anyone that calls with questions or opinions.
For the record I do not have a problem or issue with any Democratic Party Officers except those that are not doing their duties. Shoe fit wear it!

The Political Agitator response: I approve this message.

Ab so damn lute ly!

Now CD2 That!

#Blacklivesmatter #Iwatchedvideo
#Iamnotok #Ibeenengagedbeforenow
#Coronavirusstayfocused #Stayhome

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

Edgecombe County Democrats To Elect A New County Chair To Replace Rev. Roosevelt Higgs On July 25, 2020 Get Registered

Deborah Jordan

July 6 at 5:57 PM ·

Hi Friends-
There will be a meeting of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee on July 25th. The purpose of that meeting will be to elect a new chair, and details about that meeting should be coming to you from the Edgecombe County Officers or the NCDP.

The only people eligible to vote at that meeting will be members of the County Executive Committee. Duly elected Precinct chairs and Vice-chairs are members of the County Executive Committee.

After multiple attempts to obtain the following information, NCDP has been unable to verify which precincts actually held organizational meetings to elect precinct officers this year during 2020. Due to this fact, we do not know which
precinct chairs and vice-chairs would be eligible to vote at the upcoming executive committee meeting.

Since any registered Democrat can call for a precinct meeting, we have, in conjunction with NCDP, decided to hold cluster precinct meetings via Zoom on July 18th in order to elect Precinct officers (Chair, Vice-Chair & Sec./Treas.). We will also have the opportunity to hear from a few of our state-wide candidates.

It is not our intent to organize on top of precincts which are already organized. If your precinct has already met during 2020 to elect precinct officers, please let Lorenzo Pedro know by emailing him at: lorenzo@ncdp.org . Also, feel free to contact me, Deborah Jordan by email at: edgecombedems@gmail.com , or by phone at: (252) 813-6958 with any questions about the precinct meeting.

All questions about the Executive Committee meeting should be addressed to NCDP at: lorenzo@ncdp.org .

These precinct meetings are open to all registered Democrats although pre-registration is required. We’ve checked with the tech folks at NCDP and all 21 precincts are correctly listed in the drop down menu. If you have questions about how to register for the precinct meeting, or if you don’t have an email and would like to register, please call me at: (252) 813-6958. If you are unsure which precinct you are in, you may look up your registration and precinct at: https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/. Clicking on the Jurisdiction tab will show you your precinct.

Let’s work together to rebuild this party and help elect Democrats in November.

Deborah Jordan
President AAC-NCDP


Democrats oust Edgecombe party leader

By JOHN H. WALKER Staff Writer

The Rev. Roosevelt Higgs is out as chairman of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party following action Saturday by the Council of Review of the state party.

The vote came following a nearly five-hour ZOOM meeting.

Higgs says he doesn’t care but added that he plans to appeal.

“As far as I’m concerned, they can all go to hell,” Higgs told the Telegram Sunday. “The North Carolina Democratic Party is the equivalent of a slave ship.”

Saturday’s vote came after five female members of the county party filed a petition for Higgs’ removal. It was the second filing in as many years.

The petition was filed by Sarah Peveler, president of the Democratic Women of Edgecombe County, Deborah Jordan, chairwoman of the Edgecombe County African American Caucus, Linda Goines, vice chairwoman for precinct 1-4, Janice Bulluck, former chairwoman of precinct 12-3, and Judith Moss, vice chairwoman for precinct 1-2.

On Sunday, Peveler, identified as the lead petitioner, said the group was expecting a press release from the state party and wanted to wait for it before making a statement.

Higgs claimed the entire action — both the complaint and vote — stemmed from the fact he didn’t do as state party Chairman Wayne Goodwin wanted.

“The whole thing came from the fact Edgecombe County didn’t hold a county convention, but I told them there wasn’t going to be a convention,” he said. “(It) was the equivalent of a mob coming into town and trying to rescue (state party chairman) Wayne Goodwin for his misdeeds related to the Edgecombe County (party) convention.”

Higgs said he is finished with the Democratic Party.

“Last night (Saturday) at 9:45, I was asked to coordinate the Progressive Democrats of Edgecombe County and it’s not affiliated with the Democratic Party,” he said. “The North Carolina Democratic Party has been pimping our community forever and it’s time for it to stop.”

Higgs said he will do everything in his power to see that Goodwin, the party’s nominee for state insurance commissioner, loses in the General Election.

On Sunday, Higgs suggested a visit to a website hosted by Curmulus “Butch” Dancy to get more details about the chain of events.

While Dancy’s website at curmilus.wordpress.com does address the convention and more alleged misdeeds, it also includes a link at www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu9etFLf5RU&feature=youtu.be&has_verified=1 to recordings from four voice messages left by Higgs for Dancy.

At least one was a profanity-laced message for Dancy, a member of the county executive committee and long-standing critic of Higgs.

“It (removal) don’t mean nothing to me. I’m not through with the Democratic Party,” he said. “You can tell them all (local petitioners) I said they can go to hell.”

Higgs then went on to single out at least two of the petitioners and made multiple derisive comments about them.

Higgs put a racial twist on the vote, telling Dancy, “It’s white fear, trying to protect white fear.”

On his site, Dancy wrote, “I have been challenging Higgs since the late 80s early 90s and today (Saturday) is a good day for me. He has been a nasty something and especially to women in the party. I have videoed the meetings so it is documented.”

According to Dancy’s post, the county party is required to meet within 30 days to replace Higgs.

See original article Rocky Mount Telegram 

Democrats oust Edgecombe party leader

Rev. Roosevelt Higgs History Of Harassing Phone Calls Now Has Been Removed From Edgecombe County Democratic Party By The Council Of Review

You have to listen to these audios can’t just make this stuff up. This dude is something serious. He needs some help.

Rev. Roosevelt Higgs has been removed as Chair of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party and can no longer serve as an officer of the party on the local, state and national level. It has been a long time coming. On Saturday June 13, 2020 the Edgecombe County Democratic Party can now move forward without having to deal with Higgs manipulating the work of the party. Higgs has been so disrespectful to many especially women in the party who question his motives. However I have been challenging his motives, manipulation and bullying since the late 80’s early 90’s. I have tried to deal with his ignorance over the years respecting him in his title so now I don’t have to deal with him at all.
Click On Photos To Listen To Audio






















Rev. Roosevelt Higgs Harassing Phone Calls Since Being Removed As Chair Of Edgecombe County Democratic Party

imageClick On Photo To Listen To Audio
NC State Democratic Party Council of Review has removed Rev. Higgs from the Edgecombe County Democratic Party.

Edgecombe Democrats seek chairman’s ouster By JOHN H. WALKER Staff Writer May 21, 2020

imageA petition to remove Roosevelt Higgs as chairman of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party will be heard by state party officials.

On Wednesday, state Democratic Party Executive Director Meredith Cuomo told the Telegram, “The (state Democratic Party) is taking these calls from our fellow Democrats very seriously. In line with the (state) Democratic Party Plan of Organization, the statewide party officers unanimously determined that the matter will proceed to a hearing. The Council of Review, a diverse group of Democrats representing each North Carolina Congressional District, will hear the matter in the very near future.”

The petition is the second time in as many years that a petition has been filed with the state party seeking Higgs’ removal as party chairman.

In his letter, Dancy wrote, “Higgs was calling around saying the convention was canceled because he was refusing to participate and cooperate.”

Dancy also referenced a conference call that he initiated with state party officials: “I have some concerns that Edgecombe County Chair Rev. Roosevelt Higgs refused to participate and to cooperate with the state Democratic Party Chair Wayne Goodwin and Political Director Lorenzo Pedro on a conference call on Monday, April 6.” (Read more)

Female Democrats Petition State To Remove Local Chair By VAN HOLLAND – Editor Thu, May 14, 2020

The Political Agitator’s response: I wonder who submitted this to the Tar River Times. Oh I bet Rev. Roosevelt Higgs. Can’t wait to see how this unfolds. Been a long time coming. Well The DCN News Blog Online TV has captured his ignance for years on video and has challenged him nearly every meeting but you have some Democrats that goes along with his mess. Many of the videos and audios of this ignant can be found on my YouTube page. He should have never been in office since the 1999 flood because he has not lived in Speed and it is a fact that he lived in Tarboro at the E. L. Roberson Center with his mom who moved there after the flood. Those who have supported his mess are just as guilty as he is of neglecting the party. For me it should not have to take the local party to remove him because he has disrespected the NC State Chair and the State Office of the NC Democratic Party. We shall see how the NC State Democratic Party move forward with this mess.

Five female Democrats in Edgecombe County have filed a petition for the second consecutive year with the North Carolina Democratic Party (NCDP) regarding complaints against local party Chair Roosevelt Higgs.
In the newest petition, a 30-page document, the petitioners are requesting that due to displays of his behavior, Higgs is in violation of the party’s Plan of Organization (POO) and that should lead to his immediate removal as Chair of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party.
“His conduct in wantonly disregarding his duties is such that he should be banned from ever holding office in the Party in the future,” the petition states.The petition also states that in the POO, “any officer or committee member of the Democratic Party at any level… who refuses or fails to perform his or her duties… may be removed from office.”
The five female petitioners are; Sarah Peveler, who is the President of the Democrat Women of Edgecombe County, Deborah Jordan who is the Chair, of the Edgecombe County African American Caucus, Linda Goines who is Vice Chair for Precinct 1-4 in Tarboro, Janice Bulluck who was former Chair of Precinct 12-3, and Judith Moss who is Vice Chair for Precinct 1-2 in Tarboro.
In 2019, Peveler sent a petition to the NCDP to try and have Higgs removed from the party but that petition went unanswered, according to the new petition that was filed just recently by the five women.
In the new petition, it states that the 2019 Edgecombe County Convention was improperly conducted without proper notice and multiple voting irregularities, and part of the new petition is meant as an addendum to and renewal of the 2019 petition. And in the last section of the grievance of the new petition, it states that “Had the 2019 Petition been properly resolved the current petition may not have been necessary.”
The new petition claims that Higgs violated the POO and has a pattern of failing to carry out his duties as Edgecombe County Party Chair.

Read the rest of this story in our May 14 edition. (Tar River Times)


Open Letter To Edgecombe County Democratic Party & The NC State Democratic Party Headquarters

I have some concerns that the Edgecombe County Chair Rev. Roosevelt Higgs refused to participate and to cooperate with the NC State Democratic Party Chair Wayne Goodwin and Lorenzo Pedro Political Director on a conference call on Monday April 6, 2020. Higgs refused to send information to the State that consisted of the Edgecombe County Precinct Chairs, County Officers and County Elected Officials and sustaining funds.

The reason there was a conference call on Monday April 6 was because I had contacted Goodwin. Higgs was very disrespectful to many on the call especially Deborah Jordan, Sarah Peveler, Goodwin and myself. Higgs refused to respond to questions and refused to send information to the State Headquarters. Higgs did not send information which is names and monies sent to him to be sent to the state in 2019 when he was elected and again this year March 2020. Higgs was calling around saying the Convention was cancelled because the was refusing to participate and cooperate.

On Tuesday April 21, 2020 I went to Office Depot and scanned and emailed 15 pages that included the party information that Higgs gave us during the meeting in December 2019 when we met and appointed the Register of Deeds to replace the unexpired term of the Democrat that retired. This information was never sent to the state from the 2019 convention. I also sent in another 5 pages for my precinct delegates to the convention. Lorenzo said he would enter the information in Vote Builder.

The State reached out to 1st Vice Chair Martha Knight Johnson to preside over the convention and she was to contact County Democrats to make sure precincts were registered for the convention. She contacted who she wanted to. Johnson called me on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. On Saturday morning I asked for the agenda and the slate of officers she said she had for the appointments and she didn’t respond.

During the Convention the agenda did not include the minutes from the 2019 Convention and the Treasurer’s Report. Johnson said she asked that Viola Harris help the secretary with the meeting and I asked why. Again the secretary not allowed to do her duties without Higgs or Johnson intervening.

Johnson did not tell the precinct chairs what was on the agenda and if I had received it I would have questioned before the meeting opened why the minutes and the treasurer’s report was not on the agenda. When I seen it when it came up on the presentation I didn’t say anything because I was going to see if anyone else were going to say anything.

Johnson presented the slate of names for the committee appointments and they were all of the folk she handpicked including her name for an appointment. It is clear she had contacted the other 5 and they all had agreed to serving. I questioned the process and disagreed with it.

What happened at the county convention on Saturday April 25 is similar to what Higgs would have done if he had chaired the meeting.

It is sad that the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee members go along with whoever the chair is presiding and do not question mess. The Edgecombe County Democratic Party is and has been dysfunctional for the past 6 plus years.

My question is how will the NC State Democratic Party address Rev. Roosevelt Higgs refusal to cooperate and participate in the County Convention. He refused to send the names and monies to Raleigh that supposed to have been sent within 5 days.

I am requesting that Rev. Roosevelt Higgs Chair, 1st Vice Chair Martha Knight Johnson, 2nd Vice Gladys Shelton whom was appointed after the convention because the Democrat that was named didn’t accept and Higgs appointed Shelton. An election for the 2nd Vice Chair should have been held per the Plan of Organization and also Bronson Williams 3rd Vice Chair. It is time for some new officers so that the party can move forward.

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 
Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee
Pinetops North Carolina

Edgecombe County Democratic Party Convention Virtual Meeting Chair Rev. Roosevelt Higgs Refuse To Participate & Tried To Cancel Convention

Chair Rev. Roosevelt Higgs Tried To Cancel Convention So He Chose Not To Participate Nor Cooperate With The State Party. First Vice Chair Martha Knight Johnson Chaired The Meeting Saturday April 25, 2020 3:00 PM. Lorenzo Pedro Political Director NC State Democratic Party Operated Zoom. Video Begin With Audio Only Then When Meeting Official Begin It Will Be Video.
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