Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens Administrator Responds To Lindell John Kay Spring Hope Enterprise Appearance On WNCR TV

I was trying not to post anything else about Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens but 2 folk have sent me this mess and I just had to respond. Lindell John Kay was right on!

I find the response from the moderator to be funny as hell to compare Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens with Lindell Kay reporting as a news reporter. The mess that is being said on the RMCC page is racist and half-trues. Most of the mess posted is opinionated but because they keep saying it over and over, they make it all trues. How in the hell is scrutinizing and just simply posting half-trues the same? But you say you ain’t allowing kindergarten  and racist mentality though.
Well damn no she didn’t say that Tarrick Pittman is innocent until proven guilty. So what has Andre Knight been found guilty of in the court of law? I’ll wait! If that ain’t a double minded I don’t know what is. But Tarrick ran against Andre and the group thought he was going to defeat him. LMBAO!

“Finishing The Course Is A Mindset” What A Powerful Message by Dr. Michael D. Perry Foster Memorial Baptist Church Rocky Mount NC

Dr. Michael D. Perry blessed me today with confirmation as it relates to my passion and purpose. I realized my passion and purpose in the 80’s and that was Community & Political Activism. If I don’t do anything else I have done my part. But every time I said I was going to quit, I ended up going harder.

Finishing The Course Is A Mindset! Finishing the course actually begins before the end of the course. Powerful!

Dr. Perry said when you are doing important work you must have a mindset. Must have a specific mindset in order to finish the course.

Dr. Perry said the passage of scripture says send for the Elders. He said sometimes you can’t say everything to everybody. Whether we like it or not God gives certain folk certain things to do at certain times.

Dr. Perry talked about never having a desire to go to the military and if he had to he would chosen the Air Force. I was scared of the military and also flying but I said if I was ever to choose a branch it would have been the military.

Dr. Perry said you have to be able to take some things when serving in your capacity. He said that sometimes we have to serve some people who don’t want to be served. But you have to serve them anyway that is the passion and purpose.

Dr. Perry said wanting to become the 1st and you don’t have the passion is not a good thing. One must follow your passion because that will be your purpose and if not you will probably fail.

Dr. Perry said he was taught education was the key but today our children are told to follow the money. They may not find it and they need to be told it is about serving their community.

Dr. Perry said the scripture said I didn’t come for the money because you seen how I serve. A certain mindset.

Dr. Perry said so many want to be served but not to serve.

Dr. Perry said the scripture said you know my life style.

I am going to end with this one that was good to me. Dr. Perry said he wanted to break it down for church folk. He said when some folk arrive at a certain level that they feel they can take this and take that. Dr. Perry said the scripture said I didn’t take anything that didn’t belong to me. He said I didn’t touch anybody that was not mines and didn’t take a dime that wasn’t given to me. He said I can have and I can not have.

Lawd ham mercy I listened to the video on my way home playing it through my car speakers and I have looked at it around 5 or 6 times. The video gets gooder and gooder every time I watch it. But don’t take my word for it, watch the video for yourself.

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

Condolences Goes Out To Rev. Claude Carr & The Entire Carr Family Of The Late Julia Carr Tarboro NC

Condolences goes out to Rev. Claude Carr and the entire family of the late Julia Carr Tarboro NC.

I used to fellowship with the Carr family at St. Paul MBC Tarboro NC some years ago. Mrs. Carr was a very humble lady.

I have been there with the family during other times of bereavement and I plan to be there this time as well.

I will post more information as I receive it.

Edgecombe County Sheriff Office “A Will To Live” Program Appreciated By A Parent

My son and I had a life changing experience on Friday. I would just like to thank my cousin Stephanie Luchele Randolph-Barnes for your words of wisdom and getting me connected with Cleveland Clee Atkinson “A Will to Live” program. I sincerely thank you all for the dedication and sacrifice Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office, the court house staff, the participating funeral homes. The program consisted of wisdom, knowledge, and teaching from the sheriff, Pastors, educators, therapist, author etc, The kids were taken away from the parents while we did our own session to talk, cry, listen, express, whatever. They were taken to the jail and had experiences with the inmates, they had to eat what the inmates ate (my son said ma that was not food) they wore the jumpsuits, and handcuffs, they experienced the court house, did physical activities and they visited the funeral home to see what happens and to also bury their past behaviors and so much more..

One of the officers said something that stuck with me…He said we’re in the business of “Saving” If your child (boys and girls) are in the program.. gets in trouble, has a bad attitude, or may just be grieving in a way that is harmful to them please reach out and sign them up for this program.. It is truly life changing because these are our next generation of fathers, mothers, teachers, leaders etc. Shenika Knight

Click on Photo to watch video

Shenika Knight Sheriff

Edgecombe County Sheriff Clee Atkinson and staff are always coming up with programs to reach adults and the children. I am so glad I had the opportunity to be in the 1st S.H.I.N.E. Citizens Academy. 

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

First Black Woman Capitol Police Officer Reflects On The Trail She Blazed

Arva 2Click on Photo to watch video.

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

Ava Mari Johnson 1st Black Female & 1st Female Police In The US Capitol Coming Home To Be Honored In Rocky Mount NC

ArvaClick on Photo to watch Video

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

Black History – Mrs. Arva Marie Johnson Rocky Mount Native 1st Female 1st Black Female Police In The US Capitol Washington DC Honored At Foster Memorial Baptist Church Rocky Mount NC

May be an image of 1 personClick On Photo For More Photos
The DCN News Blog Online TV heard about the service from Theresa Alston Stokes Community Connections and I reached out to Foster Memorial Baptist Church to ask if I could capture the service. Thank you FMBC for allowing me to join you on this morning.

I was truly blessed by being in the presence of the Honorable Mrs. Arva Marie Johnson.

I was also blessed by the awesome music and the powerful message coming from Dr. Michael D. Perry. I left the church fired up and ready to go because that message was confirmation for me as I do what I do. I don’t do what I do for money but for the community so that is why I try to capture history. I recorded it on Facebook Live, on my camera that I can make DVDs and also took Photos.

This is how The DCN gives back to the community by presenting folk with a DVD and Photos that can be cherished forever and the most important thing it can be passed on from generation to generation.

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

Rocky Mount City Council Ward 3 Candidate Crystal Wimes-Anderson Black Folk Here Don’t Even Know You But You Feel Comfortable Joining The White Haters In The Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens Group


I tried to work with some young folk but there are some that I just can’t no more and can’t begin to. If I don’t know young folk who want to get into politics I am going to thoroughly check them out to see if they meet the qualifications which is age and residency. Then I will go into experience if any and their track record.

This chick is dangerous to the Black Community! What did she do in Florida? Oh so she woke up when she got to Rocky Mount? This is just totally ignorance.

Crystal Wimes-Anderson when the race is over I’ll wait to see the same energy you are receiving from White haters in the Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens group that are supporting you. I have not seen any Black supporters as of yet but then again I have not been on your page and I have missed them. I think I know of one Black female that you got their ear.

I reached out to you and you wanted to meet face to face and we met in Tarboro at the Coffee House a place I had never been. 

I tried to work with you even though I told you I was supporting Councilman Richard Joyner the incumbent. I told you you need to get to know the Black Community, the Culture of Politics, who all of the Elected Officials are locally and those on the local and state level that you can vote for and/or represent you directly.

I also told you about key meetings such as one that my Pastor has every other week on Tuesdays Community Prayer and COVID Update whereby we have someone from the Department of Health & Human Services on the ZOOM Call. I told you to attend community meetings, your precinct meeting, County Democratic Party meetings and other. I heard you attended the meeting this past week that the Edgecombe County Manager/Commissioners are having for the next 2 months every other Tuesday and I bet you seen that on my page.

I never told you not to run but I told you just moved here a little over a year ago. You told me about your meeting with that you attended with the pastor of East End and his wife as you put it. Wow! You must don’t know their names. LOL! What you don’t know is I was asked to attend the meeting but I chose not to because. If I had been there hell you would be over there on Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens telling them what I said because it would not have been pretty. You see I would have asked some questions that they probably didn’t. I also would have shared our conversation when I first met you at the Board Of Elections Office before Richard and his campaign manager Elaine Burnette Williams arrived.

I just can’t believe somebody that suppose to be as intelligent as she claims to be is catering to White Racists On Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens who can not vote for her but can only pump money into her campaign.

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.