AG Cameron’s claim that Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend shot cop unsupported by ballistics

The ballistics report provided by the Kentucky State Police does not support Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s claim that Breonna Taylor‘s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker shot a Louisville police officer the night she was killed.

Cameron told reporters that the investigation into Taylor’s March 13th death ruled out “friendly fire” from former officer, Brett Hankison, who stood outside, blindly shooting ten rounds into Taylor’s apartment.

Cameron asserted that Hankison did not fire the shot that went through Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly‘s thigh, prompting him and Officer Miles Cosgrove to return fire, killing Taylor.

The KSP report stated that “due to comparative marking of limited value” the 9-mm bullet that entered and exited Mattingly was “neither identified nor eliminated as having been fired” from Walker’s gun. (Read more)

AG Josh Stein on CNN, 09-26-2020

Josh Stein

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My job is to make sure all voters can vote safely and easily even in a pandemic, whether by mail or in person. The voters’ job is to make a plan to vote and then VOTE. Do not let the President’s misinformation disempower you. You have the power to determine who wins or loses the coming elections. Please exercise it.

Here’s my interview with Wolf Blitzer.



Donald Trump denies report he paid only $750 in income taxes in 2016 and 2017

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Sunday refused to discuss his tax returns after a report said he paid only $750 in personal federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017, and he paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years.

Trump told reporters at the White House that “actually I paid tax,” but said he would not release returns on his own because they are under IRS audit, an excuse he has used for years.

“I paid a lot and I paid a lot of state income taxes, too,” Trump said during a White House news conference. “New York State charges a lot and I paid a lot of money in state.”

Just before the news conference began, The New York Times posted a story saying that Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes in 2016, the year he won the presidency, and another $750 in 2017, his first year in office. (Read more)

NY Times: Trump paid $750 in US income taxes in 2016, 2017

President Donald Trump paid no federal income taxes in 10 of the past 15 years, according to a report Sunday in The New York Times.

Trump, who has fiercely guarded his tax filings and is the only president in modern times not to make them public, paid $750 in taxes to the federal government the year he was elected, 2016, and $750 again his first year in office.

Speaking at a news conference at the White House, Trump dismissed the report as “fake news” and said he has paid taxes, though he gave no specifics.

The disclosure, which the Times said comes from tax return data it obtained extending over two decades, comes at a pivotal moment ahead of the first presidential debate Tuesday, and weeks before a divisive election.

A lawyer for the Trump Organization, Alan Garten, and a spokesperson for the Trump Organization did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Associated Press on the report.

Garten told the Times that “most, if not all, of the facts appear to be inaccurate.” (Read more)

America’s racial reckoning is putting a spotlight on Black mental health

As a child, Reginald Howard struggled with destructive visions, moments where he imagined destroying the shelves at the corner store or pushing another child down, but when he tried to identify what was happening, his mother attributed it to his “Howard blood.”

“At that point, I probably should have been in therapy but because there’s such a stigma behind therapy in the Black community, and around the world but I’ll start within my community, I really didn’t get the help that I needed,” Howard said.

His father also struggled with mental illness, a situation that led Howard’s grandmother to refer to him and his sister as “demon children.”

Howard’s mental health went unaddressed as a child and he continued to struggle with mental illness into adulthood, which led to a crisis point in 2011.

Out of work at 20 years old, he learned his now-fiancé was pregnant. The anxiety of impending fatherhood triggered a depression in Howard, whose own father was in and out of his life.

“That really started making me spiral out of control, which led me to text few close family members and friends to say, ‘Take care of my son, I don’t want to be here anymore,’” Howard said.

Friends and family were able intervene during two separate suicide attempts by Howard, but he didn’t get into therapy for the first time until 2018, he said. His crisis points led Howard to do research and seek help, which allowed him to finally manage his own mental health problems. (Read more)

Raleigh NC – ‘People are angry;’ protesters vandalize downtown Raleigh businesses, 12 arrested

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When Memes & Video Clips Other People Share Become Ones Main News Source Is Just Ignant

Rhonda L. Krebs

I heard something on the regular broadcast TV type news last night that was both enlightening and frightening- most Americans now rely on Social Media as their primary news source; not any News related web site but the memes and video clips other people share.

Curmilus Butch Dancy II

So sad!

When I read something on Social Media 1st thing I do is research to see what news media has it posted and if it is not a source I am familiar with, I am scared of it.

I try not to share things that I can’t share the link to the resource unless it may be one of my trusted resources and I will not disclose them.

I have had folk to tell me all the time that they go to my blog to see what is going on however I still tell them to do some research but I do not aim to mislead them.

I work a real job but I have spent countless hours over the years researching and sharing information simply because I know some folk don’t know how to research and/or sometimes do not have the time.

Researching can be time consuming especially when I am Blogging, on Facebook and receiving inboxes in my Chat, Text Messages and other from folk asking me do I know this, have I heard this and to share stuff with me. I then research what these folk send me before I share it.

Majorities in Michigan, Wisconsin say 2020 winner should get to fill Supreme Court seat

WASHINGTON — Majorities of likely voters in Michigan and Wisconsin say the winner of the 2020 presidential election should get to fill the U.S. Supreme Court seat left vacant after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as Democrat Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump in both states.

Those are the results of two new NBC News/Marist polls of these two battleground states, which show Biden ahead of Trump by 8 points among likely voters in Michigan, 52 percent to 44 percent, and by 10 points in Wisconsin, 54 percent to 44 percent.

The likely-voter numbers in Michigan are within that poll’s margin of error, while the numbers in Wisconsin are outside the margin of error.

In Michigan, 54 percent of likely voters say the winner of the presidential contest should decide who gets to fill the Supreme Court vacancy; 35 percent believe Trump should fill it immediately; and another 7 percent say Trump should fill it after the election, regardless who wins. (Read more)

COVID-19 Is Political, So Scientists Should Be Too


Recent reports that President Trump intentionally downplayed the risk of COVID-19 and that political appointees interfered with weekly releases of data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention make clear that the administration is not only failing to meet the moment — which has cost more than 200,000 Americans their lives — but has also launched a concerted attack on science and scientists. The attack is working. Even as politicians commit to using “health outcomes and science — not politics” to guide decisions around reopening schools or rolling out a vaccine, one of the main predictors of who follows health guidance, such as mask-wearing, is what party they vote for. Indeed, public health guidance has become so politically charged and misinformation so widespread that an unprecedented number of public health officials have faced violent threats and have been fired or resigned. (Read more)

Rocky Mount NC – The Bath Place Being Targeted Because Of A Recent Political Ad

The Bath Place

Hello friends of The Bath Place we are being targeted because of a Recent political ad that we are featured in. We have also received a few false negative reviews from customers that we are unable to verify. In addition to my shock and awe I am receiving personal inboxes with propaganda and threatening language from accounts that have now been deleted.

I request if you are a customer of The Bath Place please counteract these negative reviews by going on and giving your honest opinion of our product. We have had a 4.9 Google rating for years and pride ourselves in customer satisfaction. Thank you for your support as always we appreciate you.

#politicalpropaganda #threats #lies #weneedyoursupport


NC – On The Record September 26: Candidate For NC Lt. Governor


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The Political Agitator’s response: This guy right here is something else. Watch for yourself.
The two candidates for North Carolina Lieutenant Governor, state Rep. Yvonne Holley, D-Wake, and Mark Robinson, a Republican out of Greensboro, discuss issues in the campaign.
Reporter: Travis Fain

Enough with the Victimhood: Millionaire Athletes and Their Lost Cause – This Is Some Trump S….!


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup

Salty Dad


If a white person had written this, he or she would immediately be declared a racist and shunned by all. As a black American, I am routinely called “Uncle Tom”, “Coon”, and “house N***er” for bringing up these points. – Admin SecWar

Enough with the Victimhood: Millionaire Athletes and Their Lost Cause

by Sylvia Thompson

I must admit I have never in my life purchased a ticket to a sports event. I am not a sports enthusiast. But I am an American black citizen, and I have had it up to the gills with black people who embrace victimhood. I also highly resent my being expected to do the same in order to affirm my “blackness.”

Black victims these days, for the most part, are the product of decades of Black Americans being used primarily by white progressive leftists to advance an anti-American agenda.

The current brouhaha surrounding the despicable behavior of NFL athletes toward the National Anthem and the American flag is a prime example of what the Left has done to my race.

One must assume these players and their guilt-conflicted white coaches and owners (and victimhood-inflicted black coaches) are being manipulated by the Left, because no intelligent, thinking people would deliberately cut themselves off at the knees. Essentially, what these young misguided mostly black men are doing is ensuring the demise of their lucrative paychecks.

Further, I would wager that if these teams consisted of all white athletes, none of this idiocy would be allowed. We are witnessing this travesty because the vast majority of players are black and can whine “oppression” if appropriate action is taken against them for their unconscionable behavior.

The twisted reasoning that claims these protests are to highlight “injustice” and “police brutality” is a laughable crock. What they do in fact is dishonor valued symbols of this nation’s heritage and cover over truth about black crime.

Black males bear the brunt of police encounters because black males commit disproportionately more crimes. Police encounters with black men are so often confrontational because so many of these men, especially the young, don’t think “compliance” applies to them. They foolishly assume they are above the law and disrespect for police officers is an act of honor.

These young blacks, sadly, took much of their direction from racists Obama and Eric Holder during Obama’s destructive, eight-year regime and Holder’s corruption of the Justice Department. These two men, abusing their federal powers, gave young blacks the impression they need not heed the law, because laws are somehow unjust when they are applied to black Americans. The NFL lot, and any other athletes taking a similar stance, are also influenced by Obama’s and Holder’s disdain for law and law enforcement.

I am not familiar with one case where a black suspect to a crime was not proven legally to have caused the behavior against him, particularly in cases where the police officer involved was exonerated by facts. Michael Brown of “hands up, don’t shoot” infamy is one good example. Blatant lies were spread to cloud the truth about Brown’s case.

Back in the day when I was growing up in the racially segregated South, the opposite prevailed in many cases. There was much injustice particularly toward black men, but not today. Today, too many blacks have been fed the notion that it is now “pay-back” time, and they can flaunt their lawlessness because some whites flaunted theirs during an earlier time in our nation’s history.

Although Obama and Holder no longer wield power in this country, some of their minions continue on the pernicious path of “paying back” American whites for wrongs, real or imagined. But as the saying goes, there is a new Sheriff in town and he is not guilt-conflicted. He expects fair play under law and tolerating pay-back is not part of his agenda. Black Americans, when

they break the law, can no longer claim victim status simply because they are black. Those days are over.

American laws and law enforcement personnel will be respected in America, again; our traditions and values will not be impugned in America without consequences, again. Anybody unsettled about this turn of events is welcome to leave this country. I suggest all the black players try a country in Africa, and see how successful they will be at making millions playing

games. They will all soon learn what oppression really means.

Some self-directed, independent-thinking blacks (and there are many of us) have offered that if these millionaire protestors want to tackle some real problems, they might consider the thousands of black children killed in abortions annually (by the progressive Left), or perhaps the many, many young blacks murdered routinely on inner-city streets by other young blacks

(in cities run by progressive, leftist Democrats), or the downright criminal state of education of black inner-city children, orchestrated by the progressive leftist National Education Association (NEA). The NEA’s aim is to produce unintelligent pawns to feed the cause of progressivism.

I am annoyed by the expressions of “sincerity” gracing the faces of the NFL protestors-as if to convey the “hallowedness” of their cause. In actuality, they provide a picture of grown men allowing themselves to be made fools of by the progressive Left. I don’t doubt, however, that some of these men have been coerced into compliance with this lost cause, either through threats of

violence or shunning (from coaches and players). Alejandro Villanueva of the Pittsburgh Steelers and former Army ranger is very likely a victim of such threats. He was publicly castigated by his leftist coach for his patriotism. The coach demanded unity behind an ignorant cause.

And finally, this issue has nothing to do with First Amendment rights. President Trump’s speaking out against the clownish behavior of the athletes, on behalf of the majority of American citizens, does not mean he can or would stop any of these misguided people from making fools of themselves. To restrict them, as a government entity, would indeed be a violation of the First Amendment … But their employers, if they were to develop even a modicum of testicular fortitude, could and should fire them for doing major damage to the bottom line of the business. The rest of us non-millionaire “Joes” would certainly be pink-slipped by an employer if we dared to be so clueless about the necessity of profits and so disdainful of the sensibilities of customers.

I will wait patiently for the true sports enthusiasts to vent their rage by simply boycotting the games. It will be sweet revenge to witness the slain goose cease producing its golden eggs.

My response:


So who cares if she has never purchased a ticket to a sporting event?

I find it interesting she has had to embrace victimhood. Why?

So who asked this Safe Negro Back Female to affirm her “Blackness?”

I have been victim and I have not been used by no damn body because I can speak for myself. I handle my business with my personal knowledge and when I need to reach out to resources I have them.

Advance an anti-American? WTH?

The current brouhaha surrounding the despicable behavior of NFL athletes toward the National Anthem and the American flag is a prime example of what the Left has done to my race.

So what value do the National Anthem and the American Flag have in any sporting events? I have videoed all kinds of events for schools and I do not stand for the Anthem since I learned better.

It was funny to me when the recording of the Anthem didn’t play and the games that no Anthem was played or sung and I have never heard anyone say they game outcome was because the Anthem was not played or sung. So that if a fact that it don’t have to be.

I bet nobody stand up at home when they are watching on TV.

So again the Left is mentioned so I guess this SNBF is a Republican so therefore this is that Trump S…..!

Wow! She says, “Essentially, what these young misguided mostly black men are doing is ensuring the demise of their lucrative paychecks.”

That is too ignant!

Further, I would wager that if these teams consisted of all white athletes, none of this idiocy would be allowed. We are witnessing this travesty because the vast majority of players are black and can whine “oppression” if appropriate action is taken against them for their unconscionable behavior.

Wow! The above is some show nuff Trump S….!

The twisted reasoning that claims these protests are to highlight “injustice” and “police brutality” is a laughable crock. What they do in fact is dishonor valued symbols of this nation’s heritage and cover over truth about black crime.

So because she value the racist symbols of this nation’s heritage she expect all Black Folk to think like her. Too ignant!

I would love to hear more about Black Crime from her. To say these Black guys is promoting Black Crime that is justifiable is too ignant. These guys are speaking about the unjustifiable crimes. That right there is e damn nuff for me to know that she has some serious issues.

Black males bear the brunt of police encounters because black males commit disproportionately more crimes.

Now I need to hear her explanation and and data to go along with that.

Police encounters with black men are so often confrontational because so many of these men, especially the young, don’t think “compliance” applies to them.

Again more ignance! Okay what about those who did comply?

And the ones who didn’t comply were the treatment that they received justifiable?

They foolishly assume they are above the law and disrespect for police officers is an act of honor.

So say that these players and folk like myself would support someone who does something intentionally and it can be proven to do the above is just too ignant.

Now this get more ignant to blame the actions of President Obama and Eric Holder to be the reason for some young blacks behavior speaks highly of this SNBF.

She say, “These young blacks, sadly, took much of their direction from racists Obama and Eric Holder during Obama’s destructive, eight-year regime and Holder’s corruption of the Justice Department. These two men, abusing their federal powers, gave young blacks the impression they need not heed the law, because laws are somehow unjust when they are applied to black Americans. The NFL lot, and any other athletes taking a similar stance, are also influenced by Obama’s and Holder’s disdain for law and law enforcement.”

Now this right here is it this makes no sense.

She says, “I am not familiar with one case where a black suspect to a crime was not proven legally to have caused the behavior against him.”

That is about as ignant as it gets. So it was justifiable for them to put a knee to a man’s neck and when he says he can’t breathe and you continue to apply pressure, really? This is pathetic and not justifiable.

I am not going to speak to the Michael Brown case because that would be a waste of time.

She said, “Back in the day when I was growing up in the racially segregated South, the opposite prevailed in many cases. There was much injustice particularly toward black men, but not today. Today, too many blacks have been fed the notion that it is now “pay-back” time, and they can flaunt their lawlessness because some whites flaunted theirs during an earlier time in our nation’s history.”

So when did the injustice against Black Men end? I have experienced all of my life directly and indirectly.

So who are the folk folk she speak of are tired and says it is “pay-back” time? I have been fighting the same ole racist tactics since I became an activist in the late 80’s with Black Workers for Justice, Democratic Party and in 1992 the NAACP and other over the years.

The abortion thing tickles the hell out of me because Whites secretly get abortions and I know for a fact they do. Oh but because Black folk do it it is a problem.

Now this is too funny because this President is the World’s Most Famous Clown in history. He has made a fool of himself and his followers every since he has been in the White House.

When it comes to employers so many folk want to boycott and challenge them but they know that the timing must be right. The timing is right for the players and they seized the moment.

So I find the closing to be real good because it appears to be geared towards White Folk to vent their rage by boycotting the games that are owned by White Owners.

I want to see how that will turn out.