Press Releases, Announcements and Other 

I have asked that they be sent to The DCN News Blog Online TV via email, or You can post it directly on my Facebook page.
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I have a huge following so I can help you get your message out.

Pastors And Our Pres. To Talk About One Without The Other Make Us No Different Than The Oppressor

Have you noticed that Pastors don’t have much to say about what is going on in the real world? Shouldn’t they preach in season and out of season waking folk up with the trues. But nope ain’t gonna do that because that requires them to get involved and do something. When they acknowledge there is a problem and then I don’t speak out and/or do something then you can hold me accountable. But as long as they act like they don’t know then they can just ride out the storm. And then when the storm is over they can talk about it as if they was in the storm when actually they allowed the storm to go on without trying to help folk seek shelter.

We can talk about our Pres. but don’t get it twisted he ain’t the only one that need to be talked about. To talk about one without the other makes us no different from the oppressor.

Johns Hopkins’ Top Psychotherapist Releases Terrifying Diagnosis Of President Trump – Bipartisan Report

If there’s one thing we can say about Donald Trump, it’s that he’s unlike any other world leader we’ve seen to date. The problem, however, is that his differences fail to set him apart in a positive manner.

Almost daily, Trump tweets about the “biased media,” “fake news,” or a world leader who has suddenly done something so terrible that he must take to Twitter to publicly berate them. Notice, however, that it’s always someone else with the problem. It’s never him.

However, John D. Gartner, a registered psychotherapist from the renowned Johns Hopkins University Medical School seems to think Trump may, in fact, be the one with the problem. Gartner, who teaches psychiatric residents at Hopkins, decided to break the ethical code known as the “Goldwater Rule” in order to warn the American public about the dangerousness of our new commander-in-chief’s mental state. (Read more)

President Trump’s voters seem to be fine with him using a private email server: poll – Salon

The Watch Dog response: Oh how well do they forget. Oh no in denial, don’t know any better or just don’t give a damn.

More President Donald Trump voters believe he should be allowed to have a private email server than those who do not, according to Public Policy Polling’s newest national poll.

Just 39 percent of Trump voters believe the president should be precluded from using a server similar to the one Hillary Clinton installed while she was secretary of state, which resulted in an FBI investigation that dogged her presidential campaign. Conversely, 42 percent of Trump voters think it is perfectly acceptable for him to be using a private server, despite the fact that many Trump voters believe Clinton should have been prosecuted for the same conduct. (Read more)

Edgecombe County Democratic Party Sheriff Appointment Could Be Done On March 6 Instead Of April 3 But Higgs

Today Rev. Roosevelt Higgs Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair was on “Your Morning With Yolanda” hosted by Dr. Glenda L. Knight Secretary of the party talking about the upcoming appointment process to replace Sheriff James L. Knight.

I am a precinct chair so therefore I have a vote and I have a voice. Trust me I will not be silent during the process.

Higgs said one thing he wanted folk to know is the process was going to be fair and open process. Really? What that suppose to mean?

Higgs said we did the same thing in 1997 when Knight got appointed. Well this time is different. Back then former Sheriff Phil Ellis resigned without giving a notice and left. Sheriff Knight has given a notice in January and his retirement is effective February 28. Therefore the party could have scheduled a candidates forum since the Sheriff gave his official resignation notice and then we could meet between on March 1 – 5 to actually vote so that we could give a name to the Edgecombe County Board of Commissioners on March 6 so that the appointment could go into effect the 1st of March. But Higgs has taken it upon himself to call a meeting on March 23 and the commissioners next meeting will be on April 3. This makes no sense because we should have a name to be presented to the commissioners on March 6.

Now all interested persons seeking the appointment you need to know the difference in an appointment and an election. This is an appointment so therefore you need to know who the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee members are that have a vote. You need to know how many votes a precinct chair and vice chair has. Upon request this should be made available by the secretary Dr. Glenda L. Knight and/or Rev. Roosevelt Higgs Chair. I have requested the information and has not received it. This is public information and all Democratic Party members should be able to receive it. From what I am hearing Higgs is not giving it to anyone. The party does not have email nor a social media site so therefore the only information made available will be through the United Postal Service.

Folk have been asking me who are the names that I have heard seeking the appointment. I have told them the names I have heard but I had not talked to but one of the candidates and that was Highway Patrol Clee Atkinson because he was trying to make me aware he was interested after reading The DCN News Blog/Online TV. He wanted to know how could he obtain information about who the voting members are and etc. Today I met with Chief Deputy Allen Moseley. I have heard from a couple of folk and some from within the Sheriff Department. I am going to leave that right there. I am not going to call the names anymore until I hear from them. I have asked both of these guys to send me their information that I can post on my social media pages and when I receive it I will post it.

I am asking all Edgecombe County Democrats to ask the party chair Rev. Roosevelt Higgs (252) 907-8311 why has not call a meeting with the Edgecombe County Democratic Executive Committee between March 1 – 5 so we can have a name to submit to the Edgecombe County Commissioners so that we can have a person to to step right in Sheriff Knight role in just a few days vs waiting all of February and all of March.

See the Press Release that went out from Rev. Roosevelt Higgs Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, “Edgecombe County Democratic Party Prepare To Recommend Sheriff Replacement.” The Press Release give information as to where and who to send your information if you are interested in the appointment.

The Edgecombe County Democratic Women will host a Sheriff forum for all persons interested in the Sheriff appointment on February 16, 2017 6:00 PM Edgecombe County Administration Building Auditorium 201 St. Andrews Street. Contact Melanie Golf Bradley Secretary ECDW (252) 813-3990 or you can contact me and Ex-Officio Member at (252) 314-5484.

But Higgs!