Intel report: Putin directly ordered effort to influence election – CNN

Washington (CNN)The US intelligence community concluded in a declassified report released Friday that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an “influence campaign” aimed at hurting Hillary Clinton and helping Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

The campaign — which consisted of hacking Democratic groups and individuals, including Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, and releasing that information via third-party websites, including WikiLeaks — amounted to what the intelligence report called “a significant escalation” in longtime Russian efforts to undermine “the US-led liberal democratic order.”

The report was the first official, full and public accounting by the US intelligence community of its assessment of Russian cyberhacking activities during the 2016 campaign and the motivations behind that hacking. (Read more)

Michael’s Angels Girls Club Official Hurricane Matthew Donation & Distribution Center


Edgecombe County Twenty-Seventh Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration


Princeville To Receive A Donated Backhoe From The Caterpillar Industry Inc.

“Quote”: This is an awesome gift dedicated and donated to the Residents of Princeville, and on their behalf, we’re truly grateful beyond our wildest imagination to The Caterpillar Industry, Inc. for their ‘new’ gift to the Town of Princeville. Please know that we; as the administration will strive effortless to raise the necessary funds to erect a building to house the invaluable equipment! As this should motivate as well as energize us to want to protect our equipment from the unpredictable-weather-elements that can devalue and ultimately impair the usefulness of their purpose. I Commissioner Bullock do plan on attending the welcoming/arriving ceremonies of the Caterpillar Equipment-‘The Back Hoe’ on next Tuesday the 10th @ 10:00 A.M.

Commissioner Bullock