State Rep. will introduce bill to remove Confederate flag – MSNBC

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Color Matters For Me

I see people for who they are, their color their character and all. I strongly feel that since I don’t know how it is to be white and they don’t know how it is to be black that can be a problem. If a white person can not see me for whom I am a black man, then history can repeat itself.

It appears the white boy that killed the black folks in the church had a problem with black folks but he didn’t see the whole person because why didn’t he go to Florida, Ferguson, Baltimore and/or places where black folks whom were identified as thugs protesting where they would probably had killed his ass on the spot. He picked out a certain group of black folks.

I ain’t into the color blind thing because there are too many folks whom are not.

The legal loophole that allowed Dylann Roof to get a gun – The Washington Post

Dylann Roof, the man accused of a shooting spree that left nine people dead at a historic black church in Charleston on Wednesday night, should not have been able to get a gun.

Federal law prohibits people with pending felony charges from obtaining firearms. In February, Roof was arrested and later charged with felony possession of Suboxone, a narcotic prescription drug. He was released, and  the case is pending.

Because of his criminal record, Roof would not have been able to buy a gun from a store. Federally licensed gun dealers are required to run background checks on gun purchasers, and Roof’s pending charges should have turned up as a red flag.

But Roof didn’t need to go to a dealership. According to his uncle, Roof received a .45-caliber pistol from his father in April for his birthday, Reuters reports. (Source: Read more)

Suspected White Supremacist Terrorist Dylann Roof Bragged Last Week He Will ‘Kill A Bunch Of People’ – New Civil Rights Movement

Dylann Roof, who is being described by UK newspaper The Telegraph as a “white supremacist gunman.”

Roof had a license plate on his car of the “Confederate States of America” – not just the historical Confederacy but a group that believes it is being occupied the the U.S. government.

High school classmate John Mullins told the Daily Beast that Roof “had that kind of Southern pride, I guess some would say. Strong conservative beliefs.”

“He made a lot of racist jokes, but you don’t really take them seriously like that. You don’t really think of it like that,” Mullins said.

His roommate, Dalton Tyler told ABC News Roof was “planning something like that for six months.” (Source: Read more)

NRA board member blames Charleston shooting deaths on pastor’s vote against guns in churches – RawStory

A board member for the National Rifle Association blamed pastor and South Carolina state Sen. Clementa Pinckney for not only his own death, but the deaths of eight others in Wednesday night’s terrorist attack at his church, Think Progress reported on Thursday night.

Charles “Chas” Cotton made the remark on the Texas Concealed Handgun License (TexasCHL) forum, which bills itself as “the focal point for Texas firearms information and discussions.” Cotton, who is listed as a moderator on the site, made the derogatory remark in a thread concerning the mass shooting. (Source: Read more)

‘I have to do this. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country’: Chilling words of race-hate gunman, 21, as he reloaded while shooting dead NINE people at historic South Carolina black church

The white gunman sought by police for shooting dead nine people during bible study at an African-American church in South Carolina last night told one survivor he ‘had to do it’, it has emerged.

The unidentified gunman, who remains on the run since the horrific massacre at the 150-year-old Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, reloaded his gun five times as he picked off his victims – killing six men and three women – according to one survivor. (Source: Read more)