Race of Spokane NAACP leader under question – Channel 3000.com

The Political Agitator response: The issue is not that she is white, the issue is she is confused. When asked was she African American she said she didn’t understand the question. The issue is she has lied that she is black and said that her parents are white but she considered herself black. SMDH! No integrity and then head of a local branch. She is dangerous as hell and I am with the folks in the local branch, she needs to go and find herself. This has nothing to do with the founding members of the NAACP and there are some whites whom are Presidents of local chapters so that is not an issue. This story don’t need any comparison to anything especially not to someone changing their sex. When will we just deal with the facts as we assume are being reported about her, what the parents are saying and what she is saying. Nothing else matters.

(CNN) – The race of one of the most prominent faces in Spokane, Washington’s black community is under question after her estranged mother claimed she is white but is “being dishonest and deceptive with her identity.” Rachel Dolezal, 37, is the head of the local chapter of the NAACP and has identified herself as at least partly African-American. But her Montana birth certificate says she was born to two parents who say they are Caucasian. The parents shared that document and old photos with CNN. (Source: Read more)

Moving On To The Next Phrase Of My Life

Over the years I have carried a heavy load dealing with family, friends and associates. I am fitting ready to release some of the load, matter of a fact I have already began. And every day continues to get sweeter and sweeter.

I have tried to be nice to folks but some folks take my kindness for my weakness. I ain’t mad with anyone because I recognize I am in control over what I entertain so from this day forward I am not going to entertain mess no matter who it is. I have one child who is not grown so he is my responsibility and I will be true to my role as a daddy.

I have always asked that others hold me accountable for my actions because I am going to hold others accountable for theirs especially when it affects me directly and/or indirectly to a certain degree.

I refuse to allow untruths to go unattended when I know better whether I am dealing with family, friends and associates wherever and whenever I come in contact with such. So anyone I come in contact with from time to time if you don’t want to be challenged and don’t want to hear what I have to say, you need to delete me from wherever be it on social media and other.

I am sick and tired of being sick of tired. I have been fighting battles since the late 80’s trying to make Edgecombe County but not limited to a better place to live, work and play. I have been a voice for the voiceless especially the youth and the elderly and the many folks whom tell me I speak for them. However I don’t need approval because I am my brother’s keeper and I am going to do what am suppose to do.

Over the past several months I have decided that I must change the way I do things. I must focus more on me first and then others instead of others first then me.

For years it has been my desire to do certain things and I am going to continue to do certain things but in a different fashion.

I am warning you now, if you don’t want to hear truth, then you need to delete me now because I am for truth no matter who it is for or against.

I am moving on to the next phrase of my life and I ain’t gonna let nothing and nobody turn me around.