Ku Klux Klan Endorse Dr. Ben Carson for President – New York Times

The Political Agitator response: They will endorse Ignant Safe Negroes so this is not a surprise. Dr. is smart when it comes to being a doctor but ignant as hell when it comes to POLITICS. Ignant said he was not a politician and didn’t want to be one. So how in the hell do you run for a political office and say you don’t want to be a politician. Too ignant!
Note: Was told this is fake however I stand behind my comment.

Pulaski, Tennessee-The Klu Klux Klan, (KKK) announced today their endorsement of Dr. Ben Carson for President of the United States. This marks the first time in history that the infamous hate group has endorsed an African American for our nation’s highest office.

The Klan released this statement via it’s website.

“After careful consideration of all candidates and potential candidates, The American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan endorse Dr. Ben Carson for President of the United States. We feel Dr. Carson’s vision for America most closely resembles that of the Klan’s. It’s a new day for the KKK!”

The National Imperial Wizard of the KKK, who wished to remain anonymous, sat down with National Report for this exclusive interview. (Source: Read more)