Report: NFL expected to suspend Tom Brady next week – 247 Sports

The Political Agitator response: I don’t believe this stuff has just started either so I ain’t stunned. Oh well will folks begin to tell on other folks dating back to when? Oh well!

It no longer appears to be a matter of if Tom Brady will be suspended, but when.

Sources close to the league offices have told Gary Myers of the New York Daily News that there is “little doubt” NFL commissioner Roger Goodell considers the quarterback’s role in Deflategate a “serious violation.”

According to Myers, the league is convinced that attorney Ted Wells’ 243-page report investigating the New England Patriots’ use of underinflated footballs in the AFC Championship Game contains enough evidence to link Brady to wrongdoing.

He noted Brady’s refusal to turn over his phone, and also Wells’ “more probable than not” conclusion that Brady and Patriots staffers Jim McNally and John Jastremski were aware of violations, met “the standard the NFL was looking for” in determining guilt. (Source: Read more)