Baltimore Maryland: Hell Yeah It Is Still About Race But That Is Just My Ignant Damn Opinion And I Stand Behind That!

Hell yeah it is still about RACE. Who was shown beating Freddie Gray a . . .? How many damn times have we seen the video? How many times did we see the other 4 officers? The root cause was with the 2 white officers. If it had not been for their ignant a . . . doing what they did none of them white nor black would be facing these charges.

Hell I didn’t know that the State Attorney was black until she came out to speak. But I am for justice no matter who it is for or against. The ignant black officers should have gotten Gray some help and the charges would be only against the white officers. But since they all had a role in this, then all of these ignants need to pay and I don’t give a damn what color they are.

Now Run & Tell That!

A look at the 6 officers charged in Freddie Gray’s death – ABC 7

BALTIMORE (AP) – Six officers are charged in Freddie Gray’s death from injuries he suffered while in police custody. State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby says the officers repeatedly failed to get Gray medical treatment after his arrest. The police officers union has said they are not responsible for Gray’s death.

Here is a look at each of the six officers. (Source: Read more)

Freddie Gray death ruled homicide; officers charged – CNN

The Political Agitator’s response: Damn as always some gonna try to put a twist on the charges by the State’s Attorney. Now she painted a good picture detailing why she did what she did so I am convinced she is sincere about what she presented today. Six officers charged 3 white and 3 black. Interesting the black van driver has been charged with the heaviest charge but the 2 whites were the root cause of the reason why Freddie Gray was in custody. If the driver had had remembered his duty was to protect and serve, he would have been concerned with the safety of Freddie Gray.

Click On The Photo To See Whole Story


Baltimore Maryland: State Attorney Marilyn Mosby Said There Will Be Charges Against Lawlessness During The Rioting

State Attorney Marilyn Mosby said there will be charges against those whom broke laws by burning homes, buildings, cars and etc. She said she understand their anger but they must pay for breaking the law. As I have stated before if those whom are committing the crimes during the rioting is willing to pay the price then so be it, however I don’t think they thought that part through.

Well it appears justice will be served at all angles beginning with the root cause up to the reactions. Folks got to understand that 2 wrongs don’t make a right and if they want to participate in the wrong, then they better be ready to pay the price. I ain’t ready when it comes to nonsense.

Today young folks need to understand that there are possibilities out here no matter how hard it seems. Look at the prime example on this day May 1, 2015 when a young 35 year old, youngest state prosecutor in any state was on national tv making one of the most profound statements in history. She acknowledged that she was young and said to young folks there is “HOPE!”

As a 52 year old black man, today made me happy because I get so sick and tired of seeing all of the negative about black folks in the news as if there are not any good black folks. In Baltimore a black Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake and then to see a black State Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby has shown the world that there are black professionals however we should not be ignant to the fact that we know there are many more.

And I don’t want to leave the black lady that was head of the national guard that put the troops on the street, can’t think of her name at the moment.

Breaking News: Freddie Gray death: murder charge announced against police officer – The Guardian

The Political Agitator response: She covered it all even “HOPE” for the community especially the young folks. I feel good but others closer to the situation I can’t speak for them. Folks that is why you must vote! We must vote good folks in office to do what is right! Mosby was elected by the people and she stated that!


A criminal prosecution for murder will be brought over the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, the city’s top prosecutor announced on Friday morning.

State’s attorney Marilyn Mosby said Gray’s death was a homicide. Officer Caesar Goodson was charged with second-degree murder, while charges including manslaughter and misconduct in public office were brought against five other officers.

Speaking at a press conference in downtown Baltimore, Mosby said Gray, 25, sustained a fatal neck injury while he was handcuffed and shackled inside a police van without a seatbelt. (Source: Read more)

In Philadelphia, police clash with supporters of Baltimore protests – CNN

(CNN) Across the world, demonstrators are taking to the streets to support Baltimore protesters and to complain about police brutality in their own towns. In the United States, the protests took place Thursday in Philadelphia and Cincinnati.

The protests will probably continue, at least into the weekend.

Demonstrations in Seattle; Portland, Oregon; and Oakland, California, are scheduled for Friday, which is also May Day, or International Workers Day — often used to call attention to issues affecting the working class and minorities.

45 Baltimore CVS workers still getting paid after riots shut down stores


A protest started Thursday afternoon in front of city hall. Aerial video showed several hundred people gathered. As the crowd swelled, it moved toward Rittenhouse Square. (Source: Read more)

Tarboro NC – Todd Gurley Drafted Number 10 By St. Louis Ain’t God Good?

Inspite of all things that we have and endure in Edgecombe County with our young folks God is still in the blessing business. Young folks just look at what can be if you strive to be the best you can be. Who would have thought that Tarboro would produce another star?

2015 NFL Draft: Fantasy football impact of Todd Gurley to the Rams

Second man in police transport van speaks out – WBALTV

The Political Agitator response: Again I like I said,Baltimore Maryland: When We Get To The Root Cause Then The Reaction Can And Will Be Understandable!Like I said,  When they announce what really happened to Freddie Gray hell I think that the reactions from the angry could be far worse than what we have seen up until now.

A Baltimore man has come forward to talk about his April 12 ride in a police van with Freddie Gray, saying in an interview that he heard his fellow prisoner briefly making noise on the other side of a metal barrier.

“All I heard was a little banging for like four seconds,” 22-year-old Donte Allen told local NBC affiliate WBAL. “I just heard a little banging.”

Gray suffered spinal injuries while in custody, and died a week later. His death sparked citywide protests that devolved into rioting and looting Monday. (Source: Read more)