WHIG TV I Just Love How Those Racist Talk Show Host And Their Friends Give Their Spill On Local, State And National Issues

I just love how WHIG TV Talk Show Host give their spill on local, state and national issues. I just hate I can not see the talk shows in real time and have to stay up late at night to see what these racist are talking about as they play the recorded show. I hate I can not call in and challenge these racist.

WHIG TV and their friends show their racist attitudes regularly about our President trying to say what he should not say, what he ought to say and whatever. It is a damn shame how they try to twist the comments made by our President when he said if he had a son he would look just like Trayvon Martin. They made the President’s remarks racist and said that he should not have said that. But these same racist talk about black folks especially Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Andre Knight to name a few for making things racial. But it is okay for WHIG TV and friends to give their spill and ignoring the facts as presented but attempt to twist the facts as truth.

I have a question for Wayne Holloman and Allen Matthews WHIG TV Co-Host how in the hell can you compare the incident that happened in Rocky Mount when a black man killed an attorney’s wife at a church to the George Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin? The black man was arrested and charged with murder in the Rocky Mount case but Zimmerman has not been charged.

If I am correct black folks and white folks came together after the black man killed the white lady so why in the hell should there been a protest? The local law enforcement did the right thing, investigated the incident and charged the black man with murder. I have not heard of anyone who protested against this black man being arrested so what is your damn point? Again how in the hell can you compare this case to the Trayvon Martin’s case whereby Zimmerman was never arrested. Good folks black, brown, white and others are protesting the Trayvon Martin’s case because Zimmerman was never arrested.

On the Wednesday morning WHIG TV show with Holloman and Matthews was about as ignant as it come other than when Jerry Fisher calling in on Monday’s show with his ignant comments about the Trayvon Martin’s case. Funny as hell he has so much to say but he, WHIG TV Herb and Sandra and friends of WHIG TV didn’t have much to say during the time Mark Bowling former owner of Bowling Funeral Homes was charged with having his wife killed. Bowling a former WHIG TV Talk Show Co-host along with Jerry Fisher was on almost daily trying to discredit Rev. Andre Knight Rocky Mount City Councilman, President of the Rocky Mount NAACP and some other local black folks who are not afraid to speak up.

WHIG TV and friends let me get you straight you can not pick and choose who black folks consider their leader and who speak for them. If I want Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Andre Knight to name a few to speak for me then it is none of your damn business. However I am not afraid to speak for myself unlike so many black folks are because they are afraid of what folks like the racist WHIG TV and friends are going to say about them.

But I am so glad that there are some good folks who comes on the show and or call in from time and on the Wednesday’s Show Carole Reda was a guest talking about the Community Watch that she began in several areas in Rocky Mount. She explained how the Community Watch works and when asked about George Zimmerman’s role she really responded with some great answers. Reda said that after Zimmerman called 911 and they told me not to follow Trayvon that was it. She said that the Rocky Mount Community Watch is through the National Sheriff’s Association and she has received much training through the local law enforcement academy. She said that it has been said that Zimmerman didn’t belong to the Community Watch.

Well if everyone who has an opinion about the Trayvon Martin’s case would just stick with the facts and base their opinions on the facts alone as present then I believe everyone would recognize and understand that Zimmerman should have been arrested.

I wear a hoodie and I am far from being a thug. My son wears a hoodie and I be damn if I will allow him to be a thug. Meditate on that and twist it however you like.

The problem I have with WHIG TV and friends is just tell the whole story and stop trying to twist the truth. Your show comes on daily and you and your friends are in control of the show and folks see and hear more of your ignance being presented than the truth. When folks hear half-truth more than the truth folks will confuse half-truth for the truth.

This is my opinion of WHIG TV and friends and I stand behind my opinion 100%.

See related:

Trayvon Martin 


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