Vilsack, White House apologize to former USDA official – CNN

Washington (CNN) — Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Wednesday he apologized to Shirley Sherrod for forcing her to resign based on incomplete and misleading reports of a speech she gave.

Vilsack told reporters that he alone made the decision regarding Sherrod, with no White House involvement.

He spoke to Sherrod earlier Wednesday and said he asked for her forgiveness, which she gave. Vilsack also said he offered Sherrod another job in the department, and she was taking a few days to think about it. (Read more @ CNN)

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2 Responses

  1. “Vilsack told reporters that he alone made the decision regarding Sherrod, with no White House involvement.”

    If you believe that one, I got a bridge I’d like to sell you.

    Obama has once again has proven for all to see that he will quickly turn his back on any ally given the slightest of pretense. And if you are a minority ally–well all the better and quicker.

    Seems being a President to the conservative white Americans in this country will always be much more of a pressing issue for this most duplicitous of a man than any real desires for representing minority interests (IE. black,Hispanics).

    It is what it is–and we all just got another glaring example of it this last two days.


    • I don’t know if there was any White House involvement or not and you can’t sell me a damn thing. Unless I find out different, I will take his word at the moment.

      So damn some say he is all about black folks and now you say he is President to the conservative white Americans. Oh well I guess opinions are still like a… h… everybody has one. LMBAO


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