Health Care Press Conference Tuesday December 8th


Health care advocates, small business owners, health care providers and community members will join together to call on Congress to pass meaningful reform this year. North Carolinians need health reform that provides quality, affordable options — including a public plan.

Date: Tuesday, December 8th

Time: 11-11:30am

Location: North Carolina Association of Educators’ board room, 700 South Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27601.

Sponsored by the NC Health Access Coalition, NC AFL-CIO, and NC NAACP. Speakers will include uninsured and underinsured community members, a health care provider, a small business owner, and Reverend Dr. William Barber of the NAACP. For more information contact Hope Marasco at 919-619-0796.

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Community Leaders Join Forces to Save the American Dream

Los Angeles, CA ( – Rene Taylor and Josefa Salinas, have something in common, they have been in Radio for over 20 years, both of them are community leaders, mothers and the face of Predatory Lending Victims and Loan Modification scams. On December 12, at the Dockweiler Youth Center in Los Angeles, CA, along with other community members, they will tell their stories at Save The American Dream Round Table and Community Town Hall meeting. The event is hosted by Shirin Sharkawi, Author of Save The American Dream: How to Modify Your Mortgage and Rebuild Your Credit, Housing Advocate and Host of the Nationally Syndicated Homeownership Talk Segment, on the Warren Ballentine Show.

The Round Table and Community Town Hall meeting will be Web Cast Live to reach a national audience give Americans a voice to hold banks and political leaders accountable for Predatory Lending and Loan Modification scams (9:30 AM – 10:30 AM). A four hour FREE Workshop, with a $10 donation of canned goods for the local food banks, will take place from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM, courtesy of Shirin Sharkawi and Heritage Begins Within Foundation. The workshop is a part of a blue print that has been created to mitigate foreclosures, assist consumers in lowering their mortgage payments, while rebuilding their credit and will travel throughout the country starting in 2010. (

Currently, the administration has fallen short in meeting their goal to have lenders modify 5 million or more Americans. Approximately 2% of eligible loans have been modified and the only way that banks are going to work with consumers is if they are held accountable. The banks’ lack of cooperation has intimidated consumers to the point that 60% who lose their homes never contact their lender for a work out plan. This combined with loan modification scams and a lack of knowledge on consumers behalf of the process, has spun foreclosures out of control.

"Loan Modification scams and the lack of cooperation from banks, are stripping the last of what Americans have and the success or failure of our neighbor has a direct result on us and the global market," comments Shirin Sharkawi.

Each consumer that goes through the Workshop will be able to hold their lender accountable. A lender report card will be created by each homeowner and on a monthly basis the results will be sent to lenders, The Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, President Obama, the media and posted online. Consumers will also have on going support through an online community that hosts thousands of homeowners all working together with experts at

With the support of community members, Battalion Chief Armando Hogan from the LAFD, Sergeant Ronald Cato of the LAPD and President of the Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation, The Bakewell Company, The Los Angeles Sentinel, Danny Bakewell Jr., Black Personnel Association, December 12, will unite people from all walks of life to Save The American Dream. People are mobilizing to ensure that what happened in the recent financial crisis does not happen again.

The Round Table and Town Hall will be moderated by Josefa Salinas, Rene Taylor from Hot 92 Jamz Radio and Nationally Syndicated Talk Show Host, Warren Ballentine (, Web Cast Live, broadcast on the Nationally Syndicated Warren Ballentine Show and on the Community Review on Hot 92 Jamz, the following week.

Invites have been sent out to local and national political leaders, whom community members want to hear from during these risky economic times. Collectively the group attending will have the ears of over 5 million possible voters who want to know what our local leaders plan on doing to assist in preventing loan modification scams, predatory lending and putting pressure on the banks to modify mortgages.

Homeowners can sign up at: or call 1-877-325-7411.

The 41st Annual Frank Porter Graham Awards Ceremony

The ACLU of North Carolina is pleased to announce the honorees who have been chosen to receive awards at our 41st Annual Frank Porter Graham Awards Ceremony.  The 2010 honorees are:

Frank Porter Graham Award — Jimmy Creech

Paul Green Award — Jeremy Collins and Charmaine Fuller Cooper

ACLU-NC Award — Juvencio Rocha Peralta

The 41st Annual Frank Porter Graham Awards Ceremony will take place on Saturday, February 13th, at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill. There will be a jazz reception at 5:30 p.m. with hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar, and the awards ceremony will begin at around 6:45 p.m.  We will be giving out three awards that evening, and then our keynote speaker will be Gene Nichol, Professor of Law and Director of the Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity at the University of North Carolina.  The event should conclude between 8:30 and 9:00.

Tickets are $100 each, and table sponsors put together tables of ten for $1,000.  Proceeds benefit the ACLU of North Carolina Legal Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, so most of the ticket price will be tax-deductible!  Please consider sponsoring a table or rounding up a group of friends to buy individual tickets. 

To reserve seats, contact Executive Director Jennifer Rudinger or Development Associate Perryn Reyelts at 919-834-3466.

Seats must be reserved in advance, and all reservations must be prepaid.  Please RSVP by February 5th.

Opportunities are also available to purchase an ad in the program (prices range from $30 for a 1/4-page ad to $100 for a full page), and we are accepting donations to help cover the costs of the event and to support students and people with limited incomes who wish to attend but cannot afford the $100 admission price.  Event information will be posted on our website soon, at

Special thanks to our devoted friends at Replacements, Ltd. in McLeansville, NC, for once again sponsoring the Frank Porter Graham Awards Ceremony.  For more information about Replacements, Ltd., log onto their website at

We hope to see you all there to help us celebrate the work of these amazing individuals and to rededicate ourselves to the fight to restore and preserve America’s cherished civil liberties.  This will be a wonderful evening!


Jennifer Rudinger, Executive Director
ACLU of North Carolina
P. O. Box 28004
Raleigh, NC  27611-8004
Phone: (919) 834-3466
Fax: (866) 511-1344



Note: Congratulations Charmaine and Jeremy. C. Dancy II – DCN Publisher

We Are Always Talking About Our Children Go Away And Don’t Come Back But Check Out What beGlobal Founder Is Doing

Quenesha McNair is one who I had the privilege of working with in little old Pinetops NC when she was in the group called (A.A.I.R.) Adolescence Against Irresponsible Recreation. This was a children’s group with their own officers. However we the adults were the overseer of the group and we were called (P.A.I.R.) People Against Irresponsible Recreation where by I served as an officer. We more than likely went with that name because all of us at that time were not parents.

Quenesha is different from many of those who have gone away and has not come back to give back. She is different also because she is not an athlete and is not a millionaire. She is a business person and she is reaching out to the children trying to get them to be productive and professional in high school before entering into the real world. She want them to understand that in order to be successful in whatever career path they chooses that they must understand that they first must go through high school and that it makes a difference how they carry themselves.

Because of Quenesha passion for children see what she is trying to do in the Rocky Mount area for some much needed children who have lost their mothers. Folks it is not about the women and how they lived but all about the children. These children need some love because they have lost a precious jewel and a part of life that nothing and no one no matter how much we give will ever take the place of their lost.

Quenesha resides in the Maryland area and is the founder of beGlobal. She is not only doing things in her hometown but she is doing things globally.

So what are we doing to help support one of our own? Some of us can help out monetarily and in other ways. Those can’t help out in any way at the moment can help out by encouraging Quenesha by picking up the phone and/or sending her an email and just let her know you appreciate what she is doing.

Since I operate out of pocket The DCN is limited to what it can do however I will be making a monetary donation in 2010.

See related:

Quenesha McNair founder beGlobal

Group collects Christmas gifts for slain women’s children

An area nonprofit group is collecting donations this month to give Christmas gifts to the children of 10 Rocky Mount women found dead or reported missing in recent years. (Read more @ The Rocky Mount Telegram)

See related:

Quenesha McNair founder beGlobal


I am inviting all of you who receive emails from me and/or is a friend on FACEBOOK to ask to be removed from my email list and/or you may delete me from your FACEBOOK friend list. If you have not noticed it, the following goes out in my mailings:

NOTE:  If you would like to be added to this mailing list or removed please click Reply and type in Add or Remove in the Subject. Just because you received this email does not mean you have been added to my address book.

I know some folks do not want to know the truth about what is going on around them. I know sometimes I call out some of your family and friends. Yes I call them out however it is all about accountability and I talk to some of these folks that I hold accountable from time to time. We talk and work on issues but when it comes to that which we do not agree on we hash that out but at the end of the day we move on until we meet again.

I have always asked that folks hold me accountable. For it is accountability that we stay legal and within good standing. It is like in religious terms we must stay prayed up. But what is prayer without faith. What is faith without works?

There is so much going on around us and “I swore never to be silent whenever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”– Elie Weisel

You see I know Knowledge is Power and Sharing it is Empowerment. So many folks do not want to share it. I am going to tell it in season and out of season so if you do not want to hear it, then you have options. I am not going to be mad with you if you don’t want to hear what I have to say because I am going to continue to say it anyway.

You see I am unlike some folks, "“We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth … For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth: to know the worst; and provide for it.” Patrick Henry

In my closing, "I Have No Permanent Friends, No Permanent Enemies, Only Permanent Interest!!"

So lastly, “I Love You And It Ain’t Nothing You Can Do About It.” I am going to still love you if you ask to be removed, delete me or etc.


Express Yourself Tonight Talking About Tiger Woods, No Sympathy

Express Yourself is a weekly talk show that comes on FM 92.1 every Monday evenings 6 PM – 7 PM.

It is so funny how Rev. Roosevelt Higgs called in right behind me talking about some folks are not markable like Tiger Woods and some others. He said that Tiger got caught up and he was weak. Rev.  said before he got married he was out there. He said he was reminded by the song Clarence Carter made, “Too Weak To Fight” because many times he was weak. He was just a damn devil from what I hear about how he treated his ex-wife. Rev. asked one of the co-host had he ever been like Clarence?

Damn what kind of message was this so-called Rev. trying to send? Oh he was trying to send a message in order to disagree with what I had said.

I stated that when I became active in politics in the 90’s I stressed that we as a black people do not have to do illegal things to better our community unlike what we had to do in the past in order to get some things changed. I said now we are educated and we need to do things by the book.

I said as it relates to Tiger Woods I have a problem with some of the discussion because I understand he is under pressure as an athlete however that is all the reason why he ought to have wanted to not bring shame to his family. I said I could understand if he was a single man but he has a wife and child. I said we have certain folks who want to see successful black men fall prey to money, sex and drugs. I said we as a black men be it sports, reverends and other with status in the community ought to want to die and go to their grave without bringing about shame to their families. Why is that so hard?

Now back to the Rev. his ex-wife used to be my school teacher back in the day. From what I have been told back in the late 70’s he mentally and physically abused her and she finally left him and left town. He was right on target that some folks are not markable because he has not remarried and he is so damn crazy that obviously no one will accept him.

It is people like this ignant a… so-called Rev. the reason why some of our young black males do the things they do. I just did an article over the weekend and this is the type of folks that are supported and promoted in our communities but yet the children can do minor things and we write them off. This so-called Rev. has been a criminal since the 80’s and I had to take him to court for harassing  me via phone calls and he was charge and put on probation.  During the same time we were finishing up our case he was charged and put on probation for assaulting his neice. The black commissioners who are the majority on this board reappointed him on The Human Relations Commission and he is now the chair after I attended one of their meetings when his appointment was up asking were they going to reappoint him but I got no answer. Later I learned the reappointed him.

The Rev. has been jealous of Rev. Andre Knight and myself for several years and he tried to discredit us but it backfired. Edgecombe County had to pay Rev. Andre Knight’s attorney fees. But again look at how the Edgecombe County Commissioners support this criminal when they know he do not live where he says he lives but had the audacity to challenge Knight’s residency.

The Edgecombe County Planning Department did a presentation to the Commissioners showing the lot where Higgs says he lives that has no living dwelling on it and was a dumping ground for waste.  He was caught burning political signs and other illegal activities but again the Commissioners promoted this criminal.

Higgs has disrespected the Commissioners in their meetings many times however they continue to promote his mess.

And then we wonder why are young black males do what they do. They are doing what they see us do and promote. What a damn shame. I am so glad when I attended meetings with these so-called leaders and they tried to run me away, I stood up to them and today I will challenge all of them. I know all of them and what they stand for and they are collecting a check at taxpayers expense.

Well Rev. you called in again behind me just like you did last week showing how immoral you are by trying to go against what I stated and Ms. Edna Mount a frequent caller also simply because you wanted to disagree with us. It is so sad that you have to stoop to your level of stupidity because you are jealous of I know Rev. Andre Knight, Ms. Edna Mount and myself because we are outspoken.

I may not be markable Rev. but I do have a wife of 12 years at the moment. Well sir you can say you had a wife. LOL

See related:

Rev. Roosevelt Higgs
