Smith attacks Davis’ record on abortion rights

The DCN News Blog Online TV response: Erica need to stop with her half-trues and sometimes even lies.

Democratic congressional candidate Erica D. Smith on Friday accused primary opponent Don Davis of flip-flopping on abortion rights, highlighting N.C. Senate votes her campaign says cast him as an unsteady ally.

A campaign news release says Davis voted to defund Planned Parenthood and “restrict access to abortion,” though the latter characterization is questionable.

“Reproductive freedom is on the ballot in NC-01,” Smith said in the release, which announced her endorsement from NARAL Pro-Choice America. “With safe and legal access to abortion under attack and at risk all over the country, it’s critical that we elect Representatives who understand what’s at stake and who we can trust to codify Roe. I’m grateful to NARAL for their support and look forward to working together to win this race and protect a woman’s right to choose.”

Davis and Sen. Ben Clark of Hoke County were the only two Democrats to vote for Senate Bill 359, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, in April 2019. The bill would have created criminal penalties for doctors who withhold lifesaving measures if a birth occurs during an abortion procedure. Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed that legislation, calling it unnecessary and redundant. (Read more)

Erica Smith I Just Can’t Believe You Are Going There With This Non-Sense!

The DCN News Blog Online TV response: I Just Can’t Believe You Are Going There With This Non-Sense! I have been knowing Senator Don Davis since the 90’s and you since the 2000’s. I hate that you are doing this because when we had the discussion about the day that Congressman GK Butterfield would no longer serve that Don would be the next in line to serve the 1st Congressional District. You have been campaigning on mess and I just can’t and have lost all respect for you on a political note but not as a woman.

Bad news, Curmilus.

A multi-million dollar super PAC just flooded our race with $300k+ to support our so-called Democrat, corporate-backed, anti-choice, anti-voting rights opponent Don Davis.

This same super PAC usually backs Republican candidates which just goes to show how conservative Don Davis really is.

If he’s elected it’ll set back the Democratic party decades and block the path to progress in North Carolina and all over the country.


Team Erica Smith

Folk this is the folk that I voted for and/or supporting.


US Senate

Cheri Beasley

US House of Representatives District 1

Don Davis


NC State Senate District 5

Kandie D. Smith

Rocky Mount City Council

Ward 1

Reuben Blackwell

Ward 3

Richard Joyner

Ward 7

Linwood Williams

Tarboro City Council


Brandy Chappell

I Am Supporting Senator Don Davis And Not Former Senator Erica D. Smith For US House 1st Congressional District To Replace Congressman GK Butterfield

It makes a difference when you are actively engaged in politics and know all of them well. I know the local, statewide and national candidates from NC that represent Edgecombe County along with countless other Elected officials in all of them categories.

I remember around a year before the election process began several years ago my friend the late Anthony Clark from North Hampton County told me a Black female was going to contact me about running for an office. I never did hear from her. But I am assuming he was talking about Erica D. Smith because she was from his area. Although Anthony moved to Rocky Mount after his home caught on fire and he lived here until he transitioned a couple of years ago.

When Erica filed to run for the Senate District 3 (which has always been especially dear to me because the seat was created for a Black person years ago) ,I was all about it. But I am going to get with Patricia Ferguson a former Bertie County Commissioner and do as video about the creation of that seat because folk don’t know the real history. But now the District 3 is District 5 and Don Davis would be our Senator but he is seeking the US House to replace GK. Now NC House Rep. Kandie Smith a strong Black female from Greenville is seeking the Senate 5 seat and I support her. I know her too since she was a coach at South Central High School, then Greenville Town Council and then to NC House.

I heard Erica speak at a meeting one Saturday morning when the Eastern North Carolina Civic Group that I am a member of had our meeting in Tarboro and she was good.

I got a call from some folk in the last hour about supporting her and also a call from her. I said I heard you speak and you were good but you have waited to the last hour and the folk here in Edgecombe County is going to support Senator Clark Jenkins (White) who has held the seat since it was created for a Black person.

Erica said she had read my blog and she felt intimidated by me. I didn’t get that because she was not mentioned in my blog during that time because I didn’t know her.

Erica went on to win but the timing was right. I believe in Eccles. 3 my favorite script.

I remember receiving a call a couple of years ago about Erica possibly running for the US House 1st Congressional District seat to replace GK Butterfield. I told them that you don’t you think that Senator Don Davis was the next in line, well in my opinion anyway. I immediately called her and asked her about it. I told her that I would support Don.

I am not going into her tenure as a Senator because I get pissed off thinking about how she is telling her story about when she was a Senator because she stepped down to run for US Senate and has been campaigning for around a year or more. She lost in the Primary to Cal Cunningham during the 2020 Election.

I was supporting Erica because she had began campaigning for the US Senate Seat for the upcoming 2022 Election and when she came to Tarboro last year on a Sunday evening on the campaign trail for US Senate running against Jeff Jackson, I was there videoing and taking photos. However when Cal came to Tarboro I attended videoed and took photos as well.

I learned from the street and on TV that Erica had dropped out of the US Senate Race. Jeff had already dropped out shortly. But I was  I was shocked to learn Erica had dropped out of that race and had file for Congress and she knew Don Davis was next in line. But how do you jump ship without getting with your strong supporters and I am talking about the money donors because I ain’t one of those, I advocate from my expertise. This pissed me off.

Since I have been reading about where Erica’s speeches and then after attending some forums, I am more pissed. I just don’t believe Erica is being true to herself from what I have seen and what I have heard. But I am actively engaged so I know what I know because I am not only actively engaged locally but statewide and nationally.

A couple of weeks ago in Rocky Mount at a Candidates Forum I was about to throw up listening to her. And then this past week in Tarboro and Rocky Mount again I wanted to stand up and say you are lying about your record.

I can’t get over how nasty the race got when Erica and Cal Cunningham ran for the US Senate in 2022. Erica got so mad with the Democratic Party that she endorsed a Republican. So for her to talk about Don voting with some Republicans just tickles the hell out of me. How do you get things accomplished if some bills are not voting on by both parties.

Don Davis was in the running for the appointment for the US House Seat when GK Butterfield was appointed to replace Frank Ballance. I told Don to not seek the appointment because he was not going to get it over Butterfield because he was more well know by he used to be an attorney and a judge. I said wait a little longer and your time will come. Don removed his name from the appointment and it was in Don’s hometown Snow Hill where he was the Mayor at the time, that we appointed GK and GK left to go to DC the next day.

Erica act as if her being on the school board in North Hampton County make her known. Senate District 3 didn’t cover the entire 1st Congressional District but Don has covered the entire 1st Congressional District because he has been the Chair about as long as GK been in Congress. Therefore he has been represented all the counties. What part of that picture Erica do not understand?

I believe Don has been a Senator for 6 terms and I believe Erica was a Senator for 3 terms. Don has done a great job. Have I agreed with everything he has done, no and I have let him known.

When I support a candidate over another candidate I know very well and consider to be friends/associates I make me choice based on their record, who I feel knows them because it takes folk to vote. I look at our communication when I hold them accountable for their actions. I talk to folk inside and outside of my county also.

I support Don Davis for US House 1st Congressional District.

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on YouTube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

Davis raises $140k in U.S. House bid

SNOW HILL — State Sen. Don Davis, Democratic candidate for Congress in North Carolina’s Second Congressional District, reported raising more than $140,000 in less than a month following his December campaign launch.

With more than 90% of those contributions coming from in-state supporters, Davis ended the quarter with more than $132,000 cash on hand.

"As a native eastern North Carolinian, the grassroots support for our campaign has been inspiring," Davis said. "In just 30 days, we’ve earned endorsements from over 100 leaders across North Carolina with over 90% of our contributions from in-state donors."

Davis said his campaign for Congress isn’t the first time he’s felt the call to serve.

"As a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, Presbyterian minister, educator, former Snow Hill mayor and state senator, I have a proven track record of delivering for eastern North Carolina," Davis said. "Our community needs an experienced leader that will fight to expand rural broadband, connect rural communities with the health care we need, and revitalize our economy.”

Davis currently serves in the state Senate and lives in Greene County with his wife Yuvonka and three sons. He is running to replace G.K. Butterfield in the U.S. House representing Nash, Wilson and multiple other counties.

Davis announced endorsements by VoteVets, New Politics and more than 100 state and local leaders across the Second Congressional District and statewide.

The long list of endorsements includes: (Read more)

Senator Don Davis announces campaign for Congress to replace Butterfield

Don Davis AnnouncementlnClick On Photo To Watch Video
Senator Don Davis has worked closely with Congressman G.K. Butterfield. I know that from being actively engaged in the Democratic Party. I have worked closely with them as well.

Former Senator Erica Smith & House Rep. Pastor James Gaillard Has Announced They Will Seek To Replace Congressman G.K. Butterfield, I Support Senator Don Davis

No photo description available.Photo: By Curmilus Butch Dancy II at the 1st Congressional District Convention 2019. This is one of many photos/videos that I have of Senator Don Davis over the years. Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic the 2020 and the 2021 Conventions were virtual.
I have stated time and time again that anyone that want to represent me that they need to contact me not that they have to, because I been actively engaged politically since the late 80’s. I am an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Chair and serve on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee. I also serve on the North Carolina State Democratic Party State Executive Committee. I know numerous Elected Officials across the State.

Smith nor Gaillard reached out to me and that is okay.

Senator Don Davis contacted me and asked for my support. I don’t like committing early on in a race, especially before filing period begins but because I have worked with Sen. Davis since the early 2000’s, he is my guy. He was elected the youngest Mayor of Snow Hill at the age of 29. He has served as the 1st Congressional District Chair since the early 2000’s. He has served in the Senate for 6 terms. Don has worked closely with Congressman G.K. Butterfield since he was appointed and elected to Congress in 2004. Don had put his name in the hat in 2004 for the appointment but he removed it.

I am almost 9 years older than Sen. Davis so I love it when folk be talking about supporting young folk. I have supported young folk all of my community and political activism. But what these folk need to understand is that young folk like Sen. Davis has put in the time and work where some young folk think somebody ought to just give them a seat at the table when they have done ab so damn lute ly nothing. Some has attended some meetings but they have been inconsistent when it comes to either being a part of being active in the Democratic Party and only became active because they want to run for an office.

I have put in the time and work through my activism so that is why I ask that anyone running for office that will be representing Edgecombe County, they need to contact me.

For me when folk know that elected officials and community leaders have put in the time and work doing a good job, to challenge them is disrespectful to me. Yes I believe in everyone having the right to run for office, but I strongly feel the timing must be right. Anyone that knows Sen. Davis and is actively engaged in politics should know that he is the front runner for the Congress seat. Because he has been the 1st Congressional District Chair, he has worked with all the counties and/or the majority of them which is now the 2nd Congressional District.

I was shocked to learn that Smith who has been campaigning for the US Senate Seat to replace Republican Richard Burr dropped out of that race to now challenge Sen. Davis.

I can’t grasp why Rep. Gaillard would want to challenge Sen. Davis because he has been representing Nash County residents and none of Edgecombe. When I say represent I mean no Edgecombe County residents could vote for him during his time in office. He has a huge congregation in his church in Nash County and recently kicked off a church in Edgecombe County. Serving in Washington DC and serving in Raleigh is not the same because most of the National Elected Officials I know have to get an appointment and/or some type of housing because of the time they spend there. But when you own your church I guess the members have a little say so. I know if my Pastor wanted to do something like that, I would have to question if he is going to continue to want me to support him as a Pastor and/or a Congressman?

Now I know there comes a time that if no one step up to the plate to run office then some times folk make sacrifices. Well when sacrifices are not necessary then I have a problem with political motives.

Over they years I have told folk who I am supporting those who I can vote for and those I couldn’t. Folk contact me during election time and ask me who they should vote for and I tell them who I support.

Beginning with the 2022 Elections I am going to start telling folk who they need to vote for because it is time out for mess. Republicans have created a mess for the past several years and then when that Trump guy was President, he created a hell of a mess. We need to be putting our time and resources in all the right places.

I am asking that the citizens of Edgecombe/Nash Counties and throughout the 2nd Congressional District to join me and support seasoned 50 year old Senator Don Davis to go to Washington DC to represent North Carolina. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/26/2021

Senate votes to override Cooper on abortion bill – WRAL

The Political Agitator’s response: Saturday the 1st Congressional District Convention was held and I was expecting to hear about what was going on on the State Level. I thought I was going to find out what was going on on the National Level but Congressman G.K. Butterfield could not attend. The speaker ended up being the Sheriff of Pitt County and I had an issue with that because the Edgecombe County Sheriff has not addressed the convention so how do you bring in another Sheriff. This was not following protocol in my opinion and I texted Sen. Davis when I heard on the radio while in route to the convention that Congressman G.K. Butterfield was not going to be the speaker but the Sheriff of Pitt County. Also over the weekend I received a call from a friend from another county and while we were talking he brought up Sen. Davis name saying someone said we need to be checking Sen. Davis voting record because it appears he has voting with the Republicans. Well I believe this confirms such.

RALEIGH, N.C. — The Senate voted to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of an abortion bill Tuesday evening.

The Republican-controlled chamber managed the three-fifths threshold required by a single vote – with the help of one Democrat.


Don Davis

, D-Pitt, one of just two Senate Democrats to vote for the bill the first time out, stuck to his vote Tuesday and went against the governor. He left the chamber after adjournment without comment.


Ben Clark

, D-Hoke, also voted for the bill when it was before the chamber earlier this year, but he backed the governor and voted against the override.

The bill now heads back to the House on Thursday, and Republicans face tougher math there if they’re to fully overturn Cooper’s veto and make the bill law.

Senate Bill 359 would make it a felony for doctors to fail to perform life-saving measures on a baby born alive after a botched abortion, and it creates a new duty for nurses and other staff to report these doctors. Bills like this cropped up in a number of states this year after a similar measure failed to pass the U.S. Senate. (Read more)

NC Senate votes 36-14 for the budget after Republicans threaten Democrats – News & Observer

The Watch Dog response: Wow! Senator Don Davis was the only Democrat to vote for the budget.

Budget votes usually come freighted with political implications, but the consequences may be more pronounced this year.

Democrats are waging an intense campaign to break the Republican supermajority in the legislature that gives the GOP power to control the agenda and ignore the Democratic governor.

Republicans, though anticipating some losses, are looking for newly competitive districts they can win. (Read more)


Dear Residents,
Those affected by Hurricane Matthew should apply with FEMA at (800) 621-3362, online at or visit a Disaster Recovery Center near you and file a claim with your insurance company, if insured. For residents who have completed a FEMA application and/or contacted your insurance company, agents should be getting in touch with you soon, if they have not already done so. Some residents have already received decisions and funds. If you were denied or believe your decision did not adequately cover your losses and need assistance with a dispute or appeal, please review the disputes and appeal assistance tips below. If you were not affected, but know someone affected by Hurricane Matthew, please share this information.



A.  SAVE ALL RECEIPTS from any hotel stay during your displacement, the receipts you have while living other places (relatives, temporary shelter and etc.) and those from matters relating to the disaster.

B.  KEEP NOTES AND RECORD LOSSES. Use a cell phone to video or take photos of your losses.  Maintain a list or inventory of your losses. If you have insurance, your insurance claim and/or FEMA application may be denied, and you may need to dispute and/or appeal such decisions.


A.  INSURANCE CLAIM DISPUTE ASSISTANCE is available for affected residents at (855) 408-1212 and specific questions about flood insurance may be directed to the National Flood Insurance Call Center at (888) 379-9531.

B.  FEMA DISPUTE ASSISTANCE is available for residents who have been denied or if you simply do not understand FEMA’s decision. You may also visit the Disaster Recovery Center in your community or call (800) 621-3362. You may seek to dispute a decision prior to submitting a letter of appeal.

C.  IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS which should be collected to assist with an appeal may include:

* Decision letter from FEMA in response to your request for assistance;

* If you rent your apartment or home, a copy of the lease;

* Homeowners or flood insurance policy and any correspondence to/from the insurer regarding denial or settlement of the claim;

* Rent receipts or other proof of payment for alternate housing (if FEMA denied rental assistance);

* Correspondence from the Small Business Administration demonstrating ineligibility for a loan; and

* Estimates, contracts, receipts, cancelled checks, or other proof of expenditures for home repairs, personal property replacement, moving and storage costs, medical or dental treatment, or funeral expenses; and/or inspection reports, photographs, or other proof that your home was made uninhabitable by the storm.

D.  AN APPEAL OF A FEMA DECISION must be submitted in writing within 60 days from the date of FEMA’s decision letter.  The appeal letter should contain your legal name, FEMA application and disaster number, phone number, address, date of birth, place of birth, explanation of why you believe the decision is not correct and supporting evidence. The appeal letter must be notarized to include a copy of a state issued identification card or include the following statement within the appeal letter, “I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.”  You should keep a copy of your appeal letter for your records. 

Mail or fax your appeal letter to:


National Processing Service Center

PO Box 10055

Hyattsville, MD 20782-7055

(800) 827-8112 (fax)

E.   NC LEGAL AID is available to provide free legal assistance to eligible affected residents by calling (800) 662-7407.

If you have any questions, please contact my office at (919) 715-8363. 
Don Davis

NC Senate

Authorized and Paid for by Don Davis for NC Senate

N.C. Senate District 5 Hurricane Aftermath With Don Davis

The Fifth Senate District of North Carolina


N.C. Senate District 5

“Loving Eastern NC!”

October 2016                                                                                                                               Vol.1/No.1

In the News
Disaster Assistance
Insurance Claim
Consumer Complaint

Don Davis
Don Davis

  Mailing Address:


300 N. Salisbury St, 519

Raleigh, NC 27603-5925
(919) 715-8363
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  Appropriations/Base Budget
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:: 252-341-5548 (cell)

Hurricane aftermath

As I have made numerous visits throughout the District, my heart goes out to residents impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Matthew. To date, there has been 23 storm fatalities. There has been 2,299 rescues and 41,785 residents who are still without electricity. Meanwhile, nearly 4,000 residents are in shelters and many others displaced from their homes. 
Days after Hurricane Matthew, inland flooding continues to threaten public safety. You can call 2-1-1 or 1(888) 892-1162 for more disaster information.  Travel information is available at or 5-1-1.  The links b elow contain important information I wish to share with you, and ask for you to share with your neighbors and friends impacted by Hurricane Matthew. Please feel free to contact my office at (919) 715-8363, if you have any specific questions or need assistance.

Don Davis 


Call 1(800) 621-3362 

Call 1(866) 795-8877

Call 1(855) 408-1212



Call 1(866) 645-9403



Call 1(866) 522-4723


NCAE endorses Davis, Farmer-Butterfield – Daily Reflector

State Sen. Don Davis, D-Greene, and state Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield, D-Wilson, incumbents seeking re-election in their respective races, have been endorsed by the local leaders of the North Carolina Association of Educators, according to separate news releases. (Source: Read more)