Tennessee Police Officer Who Was Fired After Reporting Racism In the Department to BLM Organizers Files Lawsuit Against Police Chief: ‘Standing Up for What’s Right’

A Tennessee police officer who was fired last year after he reported racism within the Millersville Police Department to Black Lives Matter organizers has filed a lawsuit against the police chief and the suburban Nashville city.

In the suit, Robert Black, who is white and has a biracial son, alleges he was bullied and intimidated by defendant police chief Mark Palmer. The suit also names Sgt. Josh Barnes, who is Black, as a plaintiff and claims city officials were involved in a conspiracy to cover up systemic racism and wrongdoing by other officers.

Black suspected Palmer has Ku Klux Klan ties, the suit says. The Millersville Police Department was previously sued for Klan-related intimidation within its ranks. In 2013, Palmer placed a KKK magazine called “The Klansman’s Voice” into the locker of an African American police officer, Anthony Hayes. The paper is not for sale and is only given to Klan members.

During his time with the department, “Barnes witnessed Chief Palmer use racial
to describe African-Americans. For example, he frequently used the word “Nig**r” in front of Barnes and has referred to African Americans as “animals” numerous times in Barnes’ presence,” according to a copy of the lawsuit obtained by Atlanta Black Star. (Read more)

DAs warn police about untrustworthy officers, but won’t share with public

The Political Agitator’s response: This is good right here because bad cops need to be exposed when seeking another job in law enforcement.

Locked away in prosecutors’ offices across North Carolina sit documents declaring certain law enforcement officers in their jurisdiction too untrustworthy to testify in court.

Prosecutors can issue the documents, known as Giglio letters, when they become aware of information about a police officer or sheriff’s deputy that would call into question their credibility on the stand. When a district attorney decides that an officer is not credible, the officer is likely to no longer be called as a witness in court. Being functionally unable to testify in court means they cannot make arrests or be involved in handling evidence.

Sometimes officers and prosecutors call them “death letters,” because they’re career killers. (Read more)

The African-American Daughter Of A Police Officer

If They Would Arrest Police When It Is Captured That They Kill Black Men, Then They Will Not Create Hurting And Angry Responses

Problem is that when a Black Man does something he is charged right then. If this had been a Black Police and a White man I wonder how the white race would have responded? Hell do you see how they responded over ReOpen? White guy get a away with saying he will kill but allowed to come to a protest with a gun?

If they had arrested these killers (wonder have they done something similar before) and/or the Police Chief had immediately came on the news and said I watched the video and this is unacceptable and we are going to deal with it asap.

What is going on is what was created because of how this and other cases have taken place and expected hurting folk to wait.

The protest has different kind of folk involved. You have the peaceful protesters that want to send their message.

You have the angry and don’t give a damn at the moment protesters.

I stand on the side with the peaceful protesters however I recognize a hurting and angry protester side as well. If the hurting and angry protester want to put himself in harm’s way and to risk being killed or going to jail, then they must suffer the consequences.

There are good police and there are bad police. There are police that do shit and then there are police that watch shit happens.

The police that do shit need to get what he deserves and the police that watch shit happen should get the same thing as the one that did the shit.

I too am hurt and angry but I am not going to give Racist Special Cs the luxury of watching me get angry and doing something that will take my voice away. What the hurting and angry protester must recognize and understand is once you remove yourself from the equation after committing a crime during the protest, he has silenced himself.

I am The Political Agitator Curmilus Butch Dancy II  2020



Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020



Folk better review each case individually and not make comments that will make you look ignant at the end of the day.

You better get all the facts and not just the side you want to hear.

I do my homework and if I don’t get it right, I come back and make necessary corrections.

What about you?

It is called credibility when you trying to tell something.

Mayors, City Council, Police And Parents Duties

I get so damn sick and tired of folk who want to make other folk do things. But since they got the damn answers why in the hell don’t they run for mayor, city council and/or become a police. Always sitting back throwing shade. Ain’t my damn job to raise other folk children. Hell yeah I will help out where I can if they give me permission but I be damn if I am going to be blamed for what other folk children are doing. I raised mines and I tried to look out for the children that was in my children’s circle especially single ladies.

Mayors typically run their city or town’s day-to-day administration and work with the legislative body to enact laws. They preside over council meetings, provide leadership, receive input from constituents and make business decisions.

Role of the individual councilmember. Councilmembers’ statutory duties are to be performed, almost without exception, by the council as a whole. For example, the council, not individual members, must supervise administrative officers, formulate policies, and exercise city powers.

The duties of a police officer, also known as a law enforcement officer, focus on protecting people and property. They patrol the areas they are assigned, which sometimes include entire jurisdictions, respond to calls, enforce laws, make arrests, issue citations, and occasionally testify in court cases.

Parents are responsible to provide the necessary food, clothing, shelter and medical care insofar as they are able. They are equally responsible for providing sound education and a sound knowledge of their religion as well as moral training of their children. … A child who gratifies his parents is rare.

It is not the responsibility of anyone to raise other children unless they desire to. However that can’t be done without parental permission.


You Don’t Call the Police on Poverty – Spectacular Magazine

The Watch Dog response: This is an awesome article and should be read by everyone that can read.

“You don’t call the police on poverty…that’s exactly how Black lives become hashtags.”

I arrived at the Durham Co-op Market Monday morning January 02, 2017 for coffee and to finish some writing. As I approached the market’s front door, a middle-aged Black man standing on the side of the building, stopped me and asked for “spare change.”

Little did he know, I was four days from ‘pay day’ and had absolutely no money. I was living on a credit card for the next four days. I told him I was “out of cash” and kept walking.

As I entered the sliding glass doors, one of the cashiers asked, “Is that man still out there asking for money?” I said “Yes. But he’s not posing a threat to anyone. He’s just standing on the side and asking for spare change.” She then informed me that she had already spoken with him once that morning and that the manager had instructed her to call the police. (Read more)