Council approves $224M city budget plan

The City of Rocky Mount’s operating budget for the fiscal year 2021-22 recently was approved by the city council, but not unanimously.

Councilman Lige Daughtridge and Councilwoman Chris Miller voted no, with Daughtridge giving a brief statement about his position moments before the vote, which was on June 28.

Daughtridge made clear that while overall he supports the budget, it is unfortunate that council members cannot vote on the financial document on a line-by-line basis.

Daughtridge said that is because there are several items in the financial document he does not agree with, while there are some items he agrees with.

As an example of the latter, Daughtridge said he agrees with the budget putting into place a $3 per month increase in the residential solid waste rollout cart fee.

That increase is marked to expand municipal services to have a citywide litter removal program and to shift from collecting leaves seasonally to doing so year-round.

Daughtridge also made clear he agrees with the budget providing funding to restore the historically African American Unity Cemetery off Grand Avenue.

Daughtridge told the viewing audience that he had a lot of written comments about the budget at the ready but that he decided not to read them all.

Daughtridge, who has been in office since December 2019, said that he decided not to read those comments aloud because during his time on the council, “I’ve expressed a lot of concerns where money is being spent, where money is not being spent.”

Daughtridge said that for those reasons, he was going to be voting no.

Councilman Richard Joyner made the motion to approve the budget and Councilman Reuben Blackwell seconded. (Read more)

Being An Edgecombe County Commissioner Comes With Benefits

The Political Agitator’s response:

Look at the benefits these folk receive. Some folk be wondering why folk stay on a board forever and mostly die off if no one runs against them and successfully remove them. All of the commissioners work, own their own business, pastor and/or retired.

Hell one can live good off $2000 extra income a month because one could pay a mortgage and a car payment or other and not have to touch their other income. Or they could just bank the $2000 a month and that is $24,000 a year. Now do the math the commissioners normally meet 1 time a month for about 2 – 3 hours however they may meet more than 1 time a month if needed but that is rare unless it is during budget time or something of importance. And then they go to yearly retreats and can attend trainings that is paid for by the county that are held around the nation.

I didn’t realize they get a 401-(K). Oh but did I read something about $150 stipend? The commissioners have public comments and say they want PUBLIC INPUT. I be damn look at how they be looking at me when I address them like who in the hell do he think he is. Because I am not afraid to address them they look at me like I am a threat and as if the am telling them what to do so they are going to say he is one bold ass Black Man coming to tell them to pay the Sheriff Office. See this is why folk don’t attend the meetings be it citizens and/or county workers because they are going to look at us that address them sideways.

Now if they look at me sideways you damn well they look at the Sheriff some kind of way because I can’t think of any other department head that has addressed the commissioners not asking for money for himself but for his staff. Hell he deserve more!

But the sad part we have a Black majority commission and they play it safe. We have a Democratic commission but some just run as Democrats because they can’t win being a Registered Republican because the county is predominately Democrat and Black. What tickles the hell out of me is the Sheriff is not asking for funds to be taken from other county workers but just asking for monies that comes in for the Sheriff Office but indirectly to the county manager’s office.

Where is the damn money going? This is damn shame!

But not 1 pastor, fraternity, sorority and other organized groups have spoken up for the hard working White and Black Edgecombe County Sheriff Office Personnel. These men and women put their lives on the line daily for the county manager, county commissioners, pastors and us the citizens. But every damn time I turn around the Sheriff is being asked to attend events to speak and etc. to help bring in the people.

“They Don’t Want To Hear Them Trues!”

Commissioners took no action on a proposed increase to their monthly stipend, which included an additional $150 stipend, an annual stipend bonus based on longevity and a 2 percent contribution by the county to the commissioners’ 401(k) plans.

Speaking for the budget committee, Commissioner Billy Wooten had previously said, “I’ve done the math and each commissioner gets about $2,000 monthly in stipend and insurance. I personally don’t think we need to pay ourselves more.” (Read More)

Tarboro council approves $43 million budget | Local News |

The Tarboro Town Council adopted the proposed $43,000,617 budget for fiscal year 2021-22 by a 5-3 vote on Monday night.

Council members Sabrina Bynum, Deborah Jordan and Othar Woodard voted against the document.

It was the second vote of the night on the budget.

As soon as Mayor Joe Pitt called a public hearing on the budget, Woodard, who participated by telephone, quickly made a motion to only approve the budget if it contained a $10 minimum wage for part-time employees.

As the discussion went back and forth on Woodard’s motion, Town Manager Troy Lewis answered a question by Leo Taylor and told him the average hourly wage for part-timers is $8.18. He also said that with longevity, part-timers could make more than $10 per hour.

As the discussion continued, Woodard called the question — resulting in a 4-4 vote, with Taylor joining, Bynum, Jordan and Woodard to vote yes while C.B. Brown, John Jenkins, Tate Mayo and Steve Burnett voted no.

Pitt broke the tie with a vote against. (Read more)

Edgecombe County Sheriff Clee Atkinson Address County Commissioners During Budget Hearing

Kathy Williams

Please listen to Sheriff Atkinson’s remarks starting at 20:30. It sounds to me like he’s offering a solution to getting better pay for his staff and deputies so why isn’t Edgecombe County jumping on it? Makes one wonder if they even care about how little the county pays some of its employees! I’m proud of Sheriff Atkinson for standing up and speaking up!! Now if the citizens of the county would do the same! Run when seats are open and stop voting for the same old mess that has made us one of the highest taxed counties with nothing to show for it! Please share and let everyone know what’s really happening in Edgecombe County!
Click On Photo To Watch Video

Edgecombe Commissioners Meeting 6/7/2021


Edgecombe Commissioners Meeting 6/7/2021

Rocky Mount NC – Budget Discussion But At Start Of Meeting City Manager Addressed Confusion Caused By Mayor & A Councilmember That Was On TV

No description available.Click On Photo To Watch Video
At the beginning of the meeting City Manager Rochelle Small Toney said she wanted to clarify a few items surrounding the camera proposal because the Mayor Sandy Roberson and Councilman TJ Walker TV program caused a great deal of confusion.