Don’t Vote! Don’t Talk To Me!

Don’t Vote! Don’t Talk To Me! I check your voter registration. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/4/2021

They Talk About Me But Get Mad When I Respond, Bullies

They mad because they talk about me but get mad when I respond. They be bullies! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/4/2021

Roosevelt Higgs Held The Democratic Party Hostage For Years & Those Who Were Silent Ones Are To Blame

All of you who were silent when (Satan) Roosevelt Higgs was holding the Democratic Party hostage, you created that monster. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/4/2021

Having The Power And Not Using It

What good is having the power and not using it? Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/4/2021

Warning! I Can Be With You, Against You, My Relationship With You Depends On You

I can be with you! I can be against you! My relationship with you depends on you. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/4/2021

What Has Republicans Done To Help Folk

So what has the Re pu bli cans done to help folk? I’ll wait! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/3/2021

How Many Folk Death Certificate Said, Died From Wearing A Mask

How many folk death certificate said, died from wearing a mask? Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/3 /2021

Religion But Wait A Minute Did You Get It Before Or After COVID

Oh so now you got Religion. But wait a minute did you get it before or after COVID began? Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/3/2021

Trump Was Sent Home But You Have Options When It Comes To Getting Vaccinated

Trump Lovers continue to follow him, the people sent him home and now your employer going to send you home because you refuse to get vaccinated. Trump didn’t have an option, but you do. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/3/2021

Grown Folk

Grown Folk tickles the hell out of me talking about they don’t talk about folk, they don’t judge folk and just so self righteous, holy and so heavenly bound that they ain’t no earthly good. We do all of that!

But for me I don’t call talking about folk mess is judging folk. As long as what I am saying about folk is true and what they are saying about me is true shouldn’t be considered judging folk but that is just my Ignant opinion. I just ask folk that you tell the truth when you talk about me.

Now Run And Tell That!

Quoting Bible Scriptures To Justify Their Mess

I love when folk are all about the Bible and Scriptures when they are trying to justify their mess.

But I know you and crazy enough to call you out.

And then you will be mad because I responded to what you said.

No Sympathy For Folk Who Think COVID Is Not Real

I have no sympathy for folk who think the COVID is not real and don’t want to take the shot. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/1/2021

Anderson Chapel MBC Invite You To Sunday School & Church Anniversary Morning Service Sunday November 7, 2021 10:15 AM & 11:00 AM

May be an image of 1 person and smilingPastor Malcom E. & Mother Lois Lewis along with the church congregation invite you to Anderson Chapel MBC Sunday School and Morning Service Sunday November 7, 2021 Sunday School 10:15 AM with Trustee Nancy Wooten Sunday School Teacher & 11:00 AM Morning Service with Pastor Malcom E. Lewis as we celebrate Church Anniversary.

Dr. Margaret Knight will bring forth the 11 AM morning message.

Music/Songs: Bro. Robert Winstead and others.

You can join the live service by clicking on the following Zoom Video Link. ZOOM not available this morning.
Meeting ID: 810 6032 8160 Passcode: 538587 however if you have a problem with connecting via ZOOM go to the following option.

You can join the live service by calling in to the Free Conference Call at 701-801-6982 no code needed.

Location: Due to COVID-19 as June 6, 2021 services will be coming from inside the sanctuary 4352 Anderson Chapel Church Road Macclesfield NC 27852 with limited folk practicing social distancing and other safety precautions.

Donations: Click On Anderson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church

Note: On your phone or other devices click on the Zoom link or dial the Free Conference Call round 10 minutes before so you will not forget.

About Anderson Chapel:

4352 Anderson Chapel Church Road Macclesfield is located in rural Pitt County but is at the rural Edgecombe County line. You don’t just pass by this little old church with a small congregation but the members have some big hearts. Former Edgecombe County Sheriff James L. Knight Retired is the head Deacon.

Sam Roc & Gregb Let Me Set The Record Straight About Not Living In A Town, Ward, District Or Etc.

I love it when folk like the male version of Diamond & Silk “Word On The Street With Sam Roc and Gregb” say I can’t vote for anyone in Rocky Mount. Hell they can’t vote for all the Rocky Mount City Council members either. So what are they doing but keeping a bunch of noise about all of the Black council members because they are trying to discredit them.

Hell I can’t vote for everybody in Edgecombe County.

I live in the county and my physical address is Tarboro NC.

I can only vote for 1 school board member out of 7 and 1 county commissioner out of 7. However I can support and campaign for all of those whom I want to.

My point is I can’t vote for any Rocky Mount City Council members however I can support all of those whom I want to. I have done that for years. I have supported other candidates from other towns as well.

I am a Democratic Party Precinct Chair and that covers some folk in the county that has a Tarboro and Rocky Mount address. However I am on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee which is a make up of Rocky Mount and all towns in Edgecombe County so I represent the county at-large. I also serve on the State Democratic Party Executive Committee.

I have supported statewide candidates across the state but even some in neighboring towns but not limited to.

I am the Vice President of the Rocky Mount NAACP which covers all of Edgecombe County which is a non-partisan organization.

I am The Political Agitator, The Watch Dog of the East, founder of Dancy Communications Network The DCN News Blog Online TV and I have been a longtime Community and Political Activist since the 80’s.

Word On The Street is based on half-trues and lies and mislead folk regularly. They are right I can’t vote for any Rocky Mount City Council members but I damn sure can support the ones I choose to. I support all of the current Black Councilmen and if I could vote in the upcoming election I would vote for Reuben Blackwell and Richard Joyner. I support them based on their record as I know it and not based on the noise from folk who are jealous, mad and got their own personal agenda and not looking at what they are doing. Oh hell no I don’t agree with them on every issue but I agree with them on more than I disagree with them.

Sam Roc & Gregb because I am actively engaged in Rocky Mount Politics I will challenge you when it comes to politics. I have been actively engaged since the 80’s and will continue to be engaged til the end.

Play the entire audio of the conversation that we had at Bojangols that you played what you wanted to play on your podcast last week. I own up to what I say so own up to what you said. Oh that ain’t how y’all operate, y’all operate on half-trues and lies. That is that Trump mentality and that is the reason y’all are registered Unaffiliated. So Democrats don’t allow these guys in your meetings.


Appeals court stays vaccine mandate on larger businesses

The Political Agitator’s response: Not a surprise because one thing Trump did was to put judges in place.

NEW ORLEANS — A federal appeals court on Saturday temporarily halted the Biden administration’s vaccine requirement for businesses with 100 or more workers.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals granted an emergency stay of the requirement by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration that those workers be vaccinated by Jan. 4 or face mask requirements and weekly tests.

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said the action stops Democrat President Joe Biden "from moving forward with his unlawful overreach.”

"The president will not impose medical procedures on the American people without the checks and balances afforded by the constitution,” said a statement from Landry, a Republican.

Such circuit decisions normally apply to states within a district — Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, in this case — but Landry said the language employed by the judges gave the decision a national scope.

“This is a great victory for the American people out there. Never before has the federal government tried in a such a forceful way to get between the choices of an American citizen and their doctor. To me that’s the heart of the entire issue,” he said.

The Biden administration had no immediate comment.

At least 27 states filed lawsuits challenging the rule in several circuits, some of which were made more conservative by the judicial appointments of former Republican President Donald Trump.

The Biden administration has been encouraging widespread vaccinations as the quickest way to end the pandemic that has claimed more than 750,000 lives in the United States. (Read more)