Damn Those Who Are Trying To Disrespect The Black Rocky Mount City Councilmen, Look At How They See What The Problem Is But Still Misleading The Citizens

The disrespect and the lies needs to end. I have no problem with trues but these Special C’s and Ignant Black Folk need to be responded to not only from the real Black Councilmen but also real Black Community leaders and real everyday Citizens.

Read the following comments and see how damn contradictory they are and ignant to the facts. They are double-minded and double-minded folk are dangerous.

Some highlights:

Melissa says, “The problem begins with the people & will end with the people.” So you are talking about Black People.

The True Rocky says, “Rocky Mount will become a slum! If 7-11 can get robbed within SIX MONTHS of being here, and on a very busy road” What in the hell have the council got to do with that? I have not seen one crime committed in Rocky Mount where a councilmember has been charged.

If recollection serves me correctly, it has been in a downward spiral since probably 1999 & it’s just getting worse. Hell no your recollection ain’t right. I have been attending the meetings long before any of the current councilmembers have been on the council. The only person who have been there longer is the Attorney Jeb Rose. I have seen the progress from dealing with the damn light bills (ElectriCities) because just before Andre Knight got on the council myself along with Lewis Turner, Carol Batchelor, Amanda Taylor and a couple of others were having meetings about the light bills and during a meeting at Truth Tabernacle Church it came out about the (ElectriCities). Andre got on the council he got on the (ElectriCities) Board and he fought to get changes and was successful. The previous council before the Mayor Sandy Claus, Lige Daughtridge, TJ Walker, JKelly Walker and Tom Harris came on board had been more transparent than any council. They have been working on housing, downtown development and other.

Adrienne sums up what the real problem is but blaming the council. The council do not own these folk property so damn they can’t do anything with it until they go through the lengthy process to take the property. 

Melissa Weaver

The problem begins with the people & will end with the people, and in the middle is the city & its representation. There are ordinances & building codes in place that have not been properly enforced for MANY years. IMHO, that is why the blight has continued to increase in RM for years & will only get worse. I was born & raised in RM; lived in RM all of my life until about 20 years ago when my mother (also born & raised in RM) & I moved out into Edgecombe County. I still care, but I see RM rapidly turning into a ghost town. I appreciate & admire people like you & Adrienne who have the wherewithal & ability to get out there & try to make a difference. I will support you the best way that I can.

The True Rocky Mount

Melissa Weaver Thank you so much Melissa! As in one of my other videos, I am predicting that at it’s current rate, Rocky Mount will become a slum! If 7-11 can get robbed within SIX MONTHS of being here, and on a very busy road, we are in serious troubl

Melissa Weaver

The True Rocky Mount I absolutely agree, but to my eye & thinking, RM has basically already turned into a slum compared to what it WAS. In 1978 when I graduated from RMSH, RM was a thriving, growing small city. If recollection serves me correctly, it has been in a downward spiral since probably 1999 & it’s just getting worse. Again, I thank you. I will follow & support you however I can. I am interested in knowing how long you have been in the area. It’s quite refreshing to hear & see your perspective here on your page.

Adrienne Loves Rocky Mount ·

This house is beautiful inside and could be restored. But there’s also a mortgage lien on the house for around $50,000. I contacted the owner a few years ago and he wouldn’t sell it unless he could get some money oot of it. He wanted 10 grand. But taxes and assessments were almist 14k at that point. Add in the vmortgage, and someone would have to pay an impossible amount–way more than the property is worth. This is the problem. The owners have no incentive to fix the house or pay the liens. They can let the property rot and the city won’t foreclose. The house deteriorates and attracts crime. So the whole neighborhood suffers.

The True Rocky Mount

Adrienne Loves Rocky Mount WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? I got the exact same response to the property right next to me, get this…Taxes, grass cutting fees, and house demolition totals $20,000, and to top that off, the IRS has a $975,000 lien on it. I was able to work something out with the IRS, but i would have to pay all the other fees and taxes, AND the owner don’t want to sell it because they want something out of it, SICK!

Folk do your homework and if you don’t know ask somebody because you are being mislead by the disrespectors and the liars and I know they are lying and they know they are lying.

Condolences Goes Out To Crystal Mays And The Entire Family Of The Late Shirley Odell Mays Tarboro NC

Shirley MaysCondolences goes out to Crystal Mays and the entire family of the late Shirley Odell Mays Tarboro NC.

I met Ms. Mays back in the early 90’s when I moved my NAACP membership from Rocky Mount to Tarboro to help the Tarboro Branch reactivate. Ms. Mays was the President and I worked with her. She was a very nice lady and she worked well with me although I young enough to be great-grandchild. I could not have worked with a nicer person who cared about people and justice. After she stepped down Crystal took over.

I seen Ms. Mays about 2 months ago or a little longer and I was so happy to see her.

Visit Willoughby Funeral Homes Inc. for more information.

Joint statement from Rocky Mount Police Department and New Life Christian Academy

Rocky Mount, North Carolina – On April 5, 2023, a school resource officer from the Rocky Mount Police Department responded to New Life Christian Academy in reference to two students who had communicated threats. Both students were immediately removed from the classroom, interviewed, and expelled for the remainder of the year.

On April 6, 2023, Rocky Mount Police Department officers followed up on this incident and contacted the juvenile court services. It was determined that both students would be charged on a juvenile petition for violation of N.C.G.S. 147-277.6 – Communicating a threat of mass violence on educational property.

The Rocky Mount Police Department Criminal Investigation Division continues to investigate this incident, and requests anyone with information, to call the Rocky Mount Police Department at 252-972-1411, call Crimestoppers at 252-977-1111 for cash rewards, or Text-A-Tip (text RMPOL and your message to 274637).

Rocky Mount Police Chief commended New Life Christian Academy for taking swift action, following their procedures and handling this matter.

“It is our mutual goal to protect all of our children,” Hassell said.

New Life Christian Academy officials issued the following statement: “Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those involved.”

Open Letter To Mayor Sandy Roberson Rocky Mount NC

Who gives a damn about how many comments you received from folk about the last city council meeting whereby Councilman Andre Knight responded to the disrespect of Troy Davis who accused the 5 Black Councilmen of an issue he had a problem with? First of all if Troy had picked up the phone and called and asked the 5 he would not have come to the meeting with that mess. But he came with disrespect and then won’t ready for the comeback.

I have not heard one person say that Andre should not have done what he did and that Troy got what he asked for. Now I am just talking about the folk who have contacted me because I was not at the meeting but I have received messages and talked to many folk up until today. Actually somebody just sent me your letter.

Where is the damn lie? Everybody has the opportunity to sign up and address the council and nobody was denied.

How in the hell are you going to point out the so-called personal attack from Andre but you overlooked the attack from Troy? That is double-minded and double-minded folk are dangerous.

You say y’all can do better. Hell yeah it starts with you because you are in control of the meetings the last time I checked because the mayor carries out the meetings. You have allowed mess to go on during public comments and have not addressed the disrespect.

Why in the hell do you feel the citizens are passionate but you and your colleagues can’t be. First y’all are citizens and then elected officials. Just because the disrespect coming from some who address the council, you need to recognize and understand that y’all are citizens and you represent yourself as a citizen then councilmen along with your family and citizens who supports you.

In my closing, all of you are grown ass men and you are in control over the meetings. See the problem is citizens need to understand that when they come up to address the council that the council has the last say. So when the citizens disrespects the council, when the council chooses to respond, now the citizen don’t want to hear them trues.

So when you take control of your meetings then the disrespect should go away but until such time, I will be pissed if the disrespect is not addressed right then and there.

Your apology is not accepted by me because you should have addressed Troy when he cursed and walked away from the podium and said this will not be tolerated. But hell no you did not.

The following is my response to: Rocky Mount Councilman Responds To Troy Davis A Local Contractor.

No description available.

Tennessee 3 I First Thought They Were All Black

Rep. Gloria Johnson, who is White and wasn’t ousted, slammed the votes removing Jones and Pearson, who are Black, as racist. Asked by CNN’s Alisyn Camerota why she believes she wasn’t expelled, Johnson said the reason is “pretty clear.” “I am a 60-year-old White woman, and they are two young Black men,” Johnson said. She added that Pearson and Jones were questioned in a “demeaning way” by lawmakers before their expulsion. (This was sent to The DCN)

See this is an example of White Privilege by default.

But folk talking about Race ain’t an Issue in 2023, even Ignant Damn Black Folk. Get the hell out of here!

See what happened with the Tennessee 3 by clicking on the following link: “The ‘Tennessee three’ arrive in the Capitol ahead of expulsion vote.”

The DCN Receive Lots Of Messages About What Is Going On In Edgecombe/Nash County Pay Attention

Daily The DCN receives messages about the messy talk show. Some say why is the talk show housed in Knight’s building when the daily conversation is about trying to discredit Andre Knight and the Black Councilmen. I too wonder why and has asked the question many times why?

I used to call in to the show during my break time daily up til around a little over 2 years ago because I told Bronson Williams that the folk were saying he needed to change his platform. I went to him like a man and he got mad. I said you also allowed my haters to call in and tell lies about me when you knew they were lies but said nothing.

Well I came to the conclusion that show is dangerous to Democratic Party Elected Officials and Black Leadership. It is obvious that since he allows certain callers to call in and lie, lie, lie that these callers are saying what he wants to say but he does not have to because they do.

It is funny how there are no guests on the show be it in person and/or virtual. Everyday it is their platform that is centered around discrediting the Rocky Mount City Council and that is because that is the real purpose. Richard Joyner has defeated Bronson and he is still trying to discredit him.

Enough about the messy talk show and moving on. Next!

It is obvious that the Rocky Mount City Council is a 5 to 3 Black Majority but you have 2 Blacks that play both sides. They tickles the hell out of me because 1 changed his party affiliation from Democrat to Unaffiliated so he can hang out with the Republicans. Yes the City Council is a non-partisan office but why in the hell he didn’t run as an Unaffiliated candidate? Oh because he used the Democratic Party to get in.

The 2 Blacks TJ Walker and JKelly Walker do stuff and then have the audacity to post it on their social media pages. SMDH!

The Walker Boys have shown themselves attending a Republican Party Executive Committee meeting. Republican events and the one that tickles me is the one where that crazy Lt. Governor was in Nash County.

But the most recent is photos of them in Raleigh during Legislative Day and then in DC for Hill Day. It appears they were in DC for the National League of Cities and Andre Knight, Reuben Blackwell and Richard Joyner attended but the Whites didn’t go because they say it is using taxpayers money. Well damn going to events like this is part of what Councilmembers do so they can learn from other cities while training and fellowshipping.

Well pictures are worth a 1000 words. If you go on the Walker Boys pages you can see pictures of the things they do. It is funny how there are pictures of the Walker Boys with Lige Daughtridge and the Mayor Sandy Robinson. So obviously Lige and Robinson flew up after the NLC so they could meet with the leaders in the Capitol for their self motives.

And then you have pictures of these guys again in Raleigh meeting with State Legislators about getting money for the judicial center to move it downtown. But the guys got exposed because Andre Knight set the record straight about who met with the State Legislators.

The word is Troy Davis is planning on running against Andre Knight so therefore he can use the public comments to share his concerns but he need to know that he can’t disrespect the council. He has every right to run against Andre.

Follow the Walker Boys Social Media Pages and you will see what they are doing and saying.

Watch the Morning Shows to see what they are saying and allowing others to say.

If you have not looked at the City Council meeting from Monday night please click on the following link: Rocky Mount Councilman Responds To Troy Davis A Local Contractor.

Adrienne Copland Your White Privilege Ends Here Councilman Andre Knight Said

Copland said of Knight’s response to Davis, “I can’t believe none of you interrupted and said, ‘Hey, point of order. Hey, we are businessmen. We are gentlemen — and we’re representing the city.’ No, no. You’re an embarrassment. I cannot believe that was allowed to go on — and it’s not the first time. (Rocky Mount Telegram)

Adrienne how in the hell do you think that the other councilmen have the right to interrupt a grown damn man who was responding to Troy Davis a Developer who came for him? Well since you say they are businessmen then when you and the others disrespect them, then you get what you get. Yes they represent the city however they are citizens of the city and have all rights to represent themselves just like they do for those who elected them. Well since you can’t believe it, get the hell over it.

“Copland said that time and time again, she has come to council meetings and she noted that there is a whole page of rules saying how citizens should conduct themselves, directing citizens not to address any council member in particular and telling citizens they could be removed from the council chambers.” (Rocky Mount Telegram)

Well damn you speak to rules of how the citizens should conduct themselves but you and your friends think you can say anything to the council and they not respond. There is not anything in the rules saying they can’t respond and I ain’t going to state it because the Mayor reads the rules before Public Comments and it does not say they can not respond. The council responds all the time but when they respond to y’all disrespect you don’t want to hear them trues.

Copland Troy Davis set the tone for the response during his comments and when he walked away from the podium he really set the tone. See why Andre Knight responded to Troy Davis by clicking on the following link Rocky Mount Councilman Responds To Troy Davis A Local Contractor.

Tennessee House Republicans expel 2 of 3 Democrats over guns protest

The DCN response: Democrats you better get involved and make sure you get out and vote and get others to get out and vote these Republicans out of office.

NASHVILLE — Emotions ran high in Tennessee’s Republican-controlled House on Thursday as the GOP supermajority voted 72-25 to expel Democratic Rep. Justin Jones, a Nashville freshman, and 69-26 to expel another freshman, Rep. Justin Pearson, D-Memphis, for engaging in an impromptu floor protest for stronger gun protections following the March 27 mass shooting of six children and adults at a private Christian school in Nashville.

But efforts to expel Rep. Gloria Johnson, a Knoxville Democrat, failed to get the 66 votes necessary for removal. The vote was 65-30 with seven Republican members voting against removal of the often outspoken Johnson, a retired teacher, generating cheers from hundreds of students, parents and others in the balcony galleries lining the chamber.

House galleries were packed with at least 250 students, parents and other supporters chanting "fascists" and "our House" at Republican lawmakers as they adjourned after expelling Pearson, who earlier gave a rousing speech in defense of his actions. Hundreds of others chanted outside the chamber.

Pearson told Republicans "just because you have power doesn’t give you the right to abuse it." He called it "horrible that a person elected just like you won’t say hello to you." He criticized Republicans over for failing to act to curb gun violence as well as for anti-LGBTQ laws. He also noted the House is "not a place of debate for people who are LGBTQ and who wear beautiful daishikis." (Source)

Edgecombe County Democratic Party Has Been Non Functioning For The Past Year, Time To Elect New County Officers

Leshaun Jenkins stepped down as the chair of the Edgecombe County Democratic Party around a year ago and no one seen it coming. Some still trying to figure out why he stepped down other than that he was becoming a Principal.

Jenkins left the chair position and therefore the vice chair automatically moves up.

Since the vice chair Natalie Watkins Bess moved up there has not been a meeting to fill the vacancy of Chair. Also there has been no meetings although we had a couple of elections. There has been no real communications for the past year.

The county precincts suppose to have met in March to elect precinct officers but I never received anything from the county party. A precinct chair forwarded me information that they had received so I had my precinct meeting and turned it in to the Na. I made it known that I was not receiving emails from the county party.

The county chairs across the state suppose to set up a county convention for the weekend of April 14 and/or April 22. I have heard Edgecombe County Convention suppose to be April 14 but I have not received a package as a county precinct chair.

It is time that Edgecombe County Democrats come together and elect 6 County Officers so that we can move Edgecombe County forward.

I will be waiting patiently to see what happens over the next 2 weeks.

Edgecombe/Nash County Politics Undercover Republicans

I believe in all parties working together however I have a problem when Democrats try to play both sides.

I have no problem with Democrats inviting Republicans to events that are about making things happen for all citizens but what I do have a problem with is when Democrats goes to a Republican Party Meeting especially their Executive Committee Meetings.

There are a couple of young Black Males who are catering to Republican elected officials for their own self motives and that ain’t good. They proudly post the photos on their Facebook pages.

Well Undercover Republicans is nothing new. I talked about that when I first started attending the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee meetings. I clearly seen the handwriting on the wall because I felt strongly that some Whites ran as a Democrat because they could not win in a county that outnumbered the Republicans. It was clear that once they were elected they showed how they pushed Republican Agenda.

Look at how the the county elected officials are nearly majority Democrat and a Black majority throughout the county. But the problem is you have some Blacks who play both sides so therefore there is a fight from within and a fight from the outside.

It is sad that the Edgecombe County majority and Black Democratic elected officials have the power but don’t use it to the highest level. What the hell good is the power and not using it?

Edgecombe County Democrats you better look around you and see who the real Democrats are and how they are representing you. You need to also check their Voter’s Registration.

There are 2 morning talk shows that cover Edgecombe/Nash Counties and daily I get information about the noise on the shows.

I quit calling into them because I tried to tell them I didn’t like their platform and that many others had spoken to me that they didn’t as well.

It is sad that the Black morning show allows some Blacks like Rev. Roosevelt Higgs and some others to call in and try to discredit our Black leadership with lies and the host/s do not correct them. See this is why I stop dealing with some folk advocates in the Black community because they are double-minded and dangerous.

Condolences Goes Out To My Cousin Denise Walston & The Entire Family Of The Late James (Rump) Walston Tarboro NC

James Allen WalstonHomegoing Celebration for James Allen Walston (Rump) 

Visit Willoughby Funeral Home Inc. for more information. 
Visitation: Friday April 14, 2023 5 PM – 7 PM
Hemby Willoughby Mortuary Inc.
1800 Western Blvd
Tarboro NC 27886

Funeral: Saturday April 15, 2023 12 Noon
St. James Temple MBC
4480 McNair Road Tarboro NC 27886

Rocky Mount Councilman Responds To Troy Davis A Local Contractor

I find it quite interesting that Troy Davis began his public comments talking about fair housing and then named some areas in Rocky Mount that is unfair. He talks about there has been a conversation for around 13 years.

Troy goes on to make his case by linking monies to building a new judicial center when money could go towards fair housing instead of investing to lock up Black boys and girls in the city. Well damn just because a judicial center is built does not mean one has to go there. These Black boys and girls have options and that is to not commit crime but if they choose to do so the judicial center is where they end up.

Troy says the council is made up of mostly Black males and this is what they want to invest in a judicial center.

Troy says there need to be focus put on landlords and slumlords. I totally agree but that goes for all and he need to remember that he is a landlord as well. I have heard some rumors about some landlords but I ain’t going there.

When Troy leaves the podium he walks away cursing. But Adrienne Copland (White Female) obvious missed that. I will get back to her later.

Andre Knight said let me correct Troy Davis right here and right now. Andre set the record straight see it for yourself by clicking on the following link “Don’t Blame Me 2!”. Good to me! It has been past time that the council respond to folk coming down disrespecting them. Hell I would been set the record straight so they would know who I am every time they come down with their disrespect.

Now back to Adrienne, she has been the White voice for those who have stopped attending the meetings. She comes monthly with mess.

But Adrienne it ain’t nothing in the policy saying they can’t respond to the citizens and they does it about every meeting on some type of issue but see when they address you and the others disrespect y’all don’t want to hear them trues. It is about like the night I got your …. at Mount Zion First Baptist during a candidates forum.

When Andre told Adrienne her White Privilege ends here I like to have choked.

I challenge the Rocky Mount City Council to start  responding to the disrespect during every meeting. There are some folk that want you to address the mess.

Now if didn’t click on “Don’t Blame Me 2!” earlier now do so and see how Andre Knight preached. What he should have done was stood up and then he should have came down from the podium and ran around the room shouting telling somebody to hold his mule.

It is time out for foolishness and when the citizens act like they got some sense then the council need to act accordingly.

I don’t understand why anyone in their right mind do not understand that the council is in control over their meetings and will have the last say, hell no you don’t get to keep talking.

I hate I was not in the house but I was at the Edgecombe County Commissioner’s meeting where I addressed them.

LSU’s Angel Reese rejects Jill Biden’s White House invite explanation: ‘I don’t accept that’

The DCN response: Love it!

LSU women’s basketball star Angel Reese said she rejects comments made by First Lady Jill Biden about inviting both the Tigers and Iowa to the White House after LSU’s dominant victory over the Hawkeyes in the national championship and also said she would prefer to celebrate the title with the Obamas.

"I don’t accept that — I’m not going to lie to you, I don’t accept that apology because she said what she said," Reese said during an appearance on the "I Am Athlete" podcast that published Tuesday. "You can’t go back on certain things that you say. You felt that they should have came because of ‘sportsmanship,’ right? (Iowa) can have that spotlight; we’ll go to the Obamas. We’ll see Michelle. We’ll see Barack."

While Biden did not technically apologize via press secretary Vanessa Valdivia for her initial comments, the White House did walk them back Tuesday.

Reese, a sophomore forward, also said LSU declined to have Biden, who was in Houston to watch the game in person, speak to their locker room prior to tipoff.

"We said we didn’t want to," Reese said. "I think Joe Biden put somebody else to win the national championship. He didn’t even put us on his bracket, getting out of Baton Rouge, so I was like, ‘Bet. bet.’ I think he said we were going to lose to Michigan (in the second round) or something." (Source)

I Livestreamed Sgt. 1st Class Vernon Anthony Joyner US Army Retired Flag Raising With Mixed Emotions

I arrived at the Edgecombe County Veteran’s Memorial on the Tarboro Town Commons to livestream the flag raising for Sgt. 1st Class Vernon Anthony Joyner US Army Retired Princeville NC native and I had mixed emotions.

It was a shame that the grass had not been cut.

I was asked by the siblings to livestream the ceremony because the honoree’s wife and children live in Germany.

The ceremony was nice overall.

I was real impressed with the Tarboro High School JROTC they did a great job. They worked them flags.

Thanks to the Joyner family for allowing me to be a part of your special day.

Watch the video by clicking on Sgt. 1st Class Vernon Anthony Joyner US Army Retired.

Edgecombe County Commissioner’s Meeting Monday April 3, 2023 My Concerns

I arrived at the Edgecombe County Commissioner’s meeting on Monday April 3, 2023 and I had set up to livestream the meeting. I asked the other guy in the room was I in his way. He said yes. I said no I am not because where I am I would not be in front of you. He left the room and I am quite sure to go tell the County Manager Eric Evans.

When Eric came in the room he said I could not set up where I was because people would be using the area. What a lie. He said I need y’all to set up in the back of the room and that was a lie because the other guy was set up on the side of the room where he was last month March. Where he was set up block the aisle and no one can pass him.

Eric said we are trying to remodel the room to get it right and along with a better sound system.

I addressed the commissioners during the public comments about my concern and I said if you didn’t want me to set up over there just say it but there is no traffic and if it was it would only be the commissioners which is rare. Commissioner Viola Harris left the room to go out to talk to someone but that she would have had plenty of room to pay by me and she could have even walked behind me.

Board chair Leonard Wiggins said Eric had control over the room and he chooses where we could set up. I didn’t question that he had control over the meeting but what I do know is he lied about the folk passing through the area where I was set up.

I said my Clerk of Court Carol A. White was sitting on the side where the other guy was set up and when she got up to go swear in the council she had to get up exit to the back of the room and go out the door into the hallway and come in the front of the room. If the other guy was not set up in the aisle she would been able to get up and walk up the front.

Sitting up in the back of the room the sound is bad and I don’t like videoing the back of folk.

See the video for yourself.

My 2nd issue I addressed the commissioner’s after the meeting adjourned to go into closed session. I asked was Coach Tynesha Lewis Elizabeth City State University and/or her family notified about them presenting a resolution to her for her accomplishment of winning the CIAA Women’s Basketball Championship for the 1st time in the school’s history. Tynesha is from Macclesfield NC and played basketball at SouthWest Edgecombe High School, NC State University and then for several teams in the WNBA.

Commissioner Ralph Webb said he think she/family was notified and turned to ask the chair. Leonard said if she didn’t Tynesha didn’t know she knows now. I said the only way is if she is looking at my livestream because the other guy don’t livestream. Ain’t that a damn shame, that attitude. I bet if it had been somebody else, they would have made sure they were notified.

I said Tynesha family are in Macclesfield and her church is in Pinetops and they would have been here. Hell I bet Tynesha would have came home for the presentation.

I responded to the media email that I received on Friday with the monthly agenda and on Sunday when I read it to post on my page I noticed it had Tynesha’s last name incorrect. Eric said he seen that and made the correction on the resolution. Well if by the media sharing it and not receiving a correction with the last name, no one would have known who the real Tynesha was. I told him that she is my double cousin. My dad and her dad are 1st cousins on my dad’s dad side. My dad and her mother are 1st cousins on my dad’s moma side. So if there was a problem with contacting the family, then he could have asked me how to contact them. I said her dad is a Macclefield Town Commissioner.

This is just sad. The other guy that was videoing is White and I am Black. Tynesha is Black. I am just saying. Now somebody gone say it ain’t about race. Well where in the lie in the race of the people involved here?

Oh and by the way I video their meetings and don’t get paid because I do what I do out of pocket.

Watch the video for yourself by clicking on this link: Edgecombe County Commissioners Meeting Monday April 3, 2023