Rocky Mount NC – Rocky Mount City Councilman Andre Knight Defeated John Manley

Andre Knight was re-elected to the Rocky Mount City Council Ward 1 by defeating John Manley.

See related:

Knight defeats Manley in Ward 1 race




         Many people in Rocky Mount, especially the residents of Ward 1, want to know why John Manley is running for the City Council’s Ward 1 seat currently held by Andre’ Knight.  Why has Manley not told the residents of Ward 1 what he would do better than Councilman Knight or what ideas he would bring forth to the council to improve the quality of life in the ward and citywide?  Why does Manley continue to use a picture of him in his police uniform on campaign flyers and in commercials when he has retired from the police force?  Is his intent to deceive by falsely representing himself?  What does this really say about the man?

         The Rocky Mount Telegram reported a few days after the City Manager, Charles Penny, announced his selection to replace retired Police Chief Manley, that Manley stated he was “disappointed” that Penny did not select Capt. McCoy.  Shortly thereafter Manley reportedly began telling people that he “wanted to be Penny’s boss.”  How could he possibly realize this desire?  The answer is simple, run for Mayor or the City Council’s Ward 1 seat.  Remember, Mr. Penny, as the former Assistant City Manager, was in fact Manley’s immediate supervisor, “his boss.”  If this is true, this is certainly not an impressive or productive way to represent “the people.”  Obviously Manley has overlooked the fact that he would only be one of seven council members who “manage” the city manager.  Why didn’t Manley run for Mayor?  It is rumored that the same people, who have tried to upset the present council majority since its inception would not back him for Mayor but are backing him for a seat on the council.  In other words, his “backers” feel he is “ripe for picking” and can be used to promote their agenda even if he is Black. 

         The people in Ward 1 and citywide were alarmed, disgusted and surprised to learn that Manley would actually challenge Andre when he is doing such a great and effective job. Many senior residents question whether or not Manley knows or cares about what people really think about him.  In a fundraising letter Manley sent out dated January 25, 2012, he stated, “I am sure that you understand the virtues that I stand upon” This statement received a negative reply, “how can we forget,” from many who read it.  Manley also continues to make cryptic remarks like “I know how to talk to people,” “I know the right people to talk to” and “I will not call anyone a racist.”  He has yet to state the who, how and why of it all.  In his profile that appeared in the Rocky Mount Telegram on Friday, Manley stated that he would not have supported spending money on fighting the Duke-Progress Energy merger.  This indicates that he is either ignorant of the facts or he does not care about trying to lower consumer utility rates.  I understand that Manley has also made a commercial implying that he, in someway, has been instrumental in getting things moving at the Crossing at 64 development.  This could not be further from the truth.  Is this the kind of person the residents of Ward 1 want to represent them?  Can the residents of Ward 1 afford to elect a person who stretches the truth, misrepresents the facts and tells them nothing about how he would like to improve their quality of life?

         Manley must be denied an opportunity to satisfy his wish, if this is the case, to “get even” with the City Manager, Charles Penny.  He must be denied an opportunity to use the residents of Ward 1 to promote the agenda of his “backers,” if this be the case.  To the residents of Ward 1 I say, do not vote blindly, do not be deceived by “the uniform.”  Vote for the person who works for you each and every day.  Vote for the person who is not afraid to stand up for justice and equality.  Cast your vote for Andre Knight on Election Day, May 8.

                                                                                    – A Concerned Citizen –  

See related:

John Manley For Rocky Mount City Council Ward 1 Challenging Incumbent Andre Knight, But Why? 


Ward 1 candidates tout local experience – Rocky Mount Telegram

Response: I am still trying to figure out why Manley is running from a political stand point but I get it from a personal standpoint. I know damn well he is not blind to what the political climate is in Rocky Mount as it relates to RACE. He know quite well how Knight has been a target by the racist white folks who do not want an outspoken black man speaking truth to power publicly.

Manley has benefitted from the works of Knight so what in the hell is his problem? Why is he playing right into the hands of the current racist white folks such as WHIG – TV and some of their strong supporters including Mark Bowling who is in prison and Jerry Fisher who used to co-host a morning show to talk about Knight and still on the scene daily. Watch the WHIG – TV Morning Show daily and see what they talk about or should I say who they talk about almost daily. And then you have some ignant black folks whom have ran against Knight trying to unseat him when they too have benefitted from his works.

Manley one does not have to be retired to be dedicated to doing the work of the city council. The majority of the council are working folks and the majority of other boards and commissions are working folks.

Damn Manley you are out of touch if you do not understand the importance of blocking the merger of Duke Energy and Progress Energy. Obviously the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission thinks it is a problem because they have denied the merger twice.

I am glad Manley realize racism exist but to think it is not in the forefront of every issue in Rocky Mount as it relates to the City Council is just ignant as hell. You see Manley I was in a Common Ground meeting Lewis Turner, Andre Knight before he became a councilman and myself along with several whites and a white person said that some whites said they were going to move out of Rocky Mount if the council became a black majority. Well some moved however even those few they are still trying to run the city although it is a black majority. So Manley sir they created the political climate and it has been this way every since the council became a black majority. There has been so much exposed since this council and like always some folks don’t want the truth to be made known. Manley I wonder would you have been the Chief of Police if it had not been for this council.

Manley but since you feel that WHIG – TV and their supporters love you so much why didn’t you run for the Mayor of the City since you were the Chief of the entire city? Why didn’t you run for that seat and it would have allowed the whole city to vote for you and then we all could see just how much you are loved by all of the people of the city?

Well sir you know we go back to when you wanted to be appointed to fill the unexpired term of the Edgecombe County Sheriff’s position when former Sheriff Phil Ellis stepped down. I don’t have to tell that story because you know.

Rocky Mount Telegram: Both candidates in the Rocky Mount City Council Ward 1 race said they hope voters choose them because of their experience and knowledge of the issues facing the ward and the city. (More)

See related:

Ward 1

Jerry Fisher One Of The Co-host On The WHIG TV Morning Show For Monday March 5, 2012 Still Continue To Show His Ignance When It Comes To Rocky Mount Councilman Andre Knight

I work during the day so I miss the morning show however I try to look at it every night. Problem is I can’t call in. The following is my response to the Monday March 5 show. It is clear that Jerry Fisher one of the host and WHIG TV are still trying to unseat Rocky Mount Councilman Andre Knight.

My response to the morning show: Thank you to the lady whom called in to the Morning Show on Monday March 5, 2012 and put Jerry Fisher in his place. It was clear he was pushing former Chief John Manley. This is nothing new that Fisher do not like Councilman Andre Knight and damn a host who trying to say what Knight ought to be doing. He gave an example of Knight talking about the PNC merger and needing help but he has not been on the corner getting the guys off the street selling drugs. Jerry what council woman or man has gotten guys off the street selling drugs? But most of all who in the hell are you to define the role of a city council woman or man? If you want to promote and to talk about the definition of what a city council person should do then you need to promote the real definition and not your own personal belief. And lastly Jerry asked the caller what has Knight done as a councilman? I say go check out his record the minutes and report back here.  I agree you Jerry don’t live in the Ward and I don’t either but I bet I can be more acceptable than you as a white man trying to tell the black community who they ought to support. It is clear you are promoting former Chief Manley and that is who WHIG is supporting too because I know the history of WHIG and Fisher dating back to the Fisher and Bowling talk show days as they made themselves look ignant when Higgs challenged Knight’s residency. Fisher just continue to show his ignance.

Since the show ran out of time with this caller I sure hope others will call in and get Fisher a…. straighten out and let him know that he do not have the respect of black folks in Ward 1 to be able to tell talk about what Knight has done, will do and the same goes for former Chief John Manley.

Hell yeah Jerry Fisher who used to co-host on the WHIG morning show with one of his best buds Mark Bowling former owner of Bowling Funeral Homes who went to jail for having his wife killed. They used to get on WHIG and talk about Andre Knight and other black folks that they didn’t like almost daily up until Bowling and Fisher went out of town on a skiing trip but to have to come back because one of Bowling’s women killed his wife.

Jerry Fisher need to go somewhere and shut the hell up and stop trying to tell black folks that they ought to vote for former Chief Manley just because he do not like Ward 1 Councilman Andre Knight. Fisher and Bowling along with those who think like them have a problem with a black man being outspoken.

See the response on WHIG TV to me trying to say I am slandering Jerry Fisher. Too damn funny. I am not intimidated by white folks who attempt to discredit me.

See related:


Rocky Mount City Council Andre Knight A Moment In Education

A moment in EDUCATION

Making a living serving on the Rocky Mount City Council? How ignant?

The Rocky Mount City Council in it’s 4-3 black majority is not welcome black folks running things and some folks can’t take it. Things have been exposed that those before them put in place such as ElectriCities. I am so glad I know what is going on and I don’t have to rely on folks who attempt to mislead folks to tell "their" story.

It was Andre Knight, Lewis Turner, Carol Batchelor, myself and a couple of other folks in the name of Northeastern NC On The Affairs of Black People whom found out about the ElectiCites and some other things going on within the city long before he became a council member. Hell I don’t even live in Rocky Mount however I will challenge those whom live them about many issues and especially when it comes to the work of Andre Knight. You may not like him but it does not change the fact that he has done some good things since he has been on the city council.

Andre is on the council because he decided to run when he had purchased one of the most prestigious pieces of property in Rocky Mount the old Wimberly Gregory Estate on Falls Road. Many white folks along with many black folks had a problem with him when he purchased the property and many still do today.

However I do agree there are some political pimps however they make enough money to live off the backs of poor folks but this is not a position that one can do such.

Manley to challenge Knight for Ward 1 seat – Rocky Mount Telegram

After about six months of basking in retirement, former Rocky Mount Police Chief John Manley has decided to run for City Council.

“I’ve always been a service-oriented person with 32 years in law enforcement and knew I wanted to run for office but wanted to serve where I could do the greatest good,” Manley said. (More)