Tea Party faves Cruz, Rubio, Paul reject Senate deal – USA Today

WASHINGTON — Tea Party favorites such as Ted Cruz and Rand Paul stand out in the group of 18 Republicans who voted "no" on the bipartisan Senate deal to reopen the government and temporarily raise the debt limit.

The opponents of the deal are an interesting mix, representing well-known fiscal conservatives, longtime Senate veterans and critics of President Obama’s health care law.

Cruz of Texas, Paul of Kentucky and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida are all considered potential 2016 presidential candidates. Joining them in rejecting the deal were Sens. Mike Lee of Utah, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, who were all elected with Tea Party support. (More)

Butterfield’s Statement on Agreement to Reopen the Government and Avoid Financial Default

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                      Contact: Kezmiché “Kim” Atterbury 

Date: October 16, 2013                                           Office: (202) 225-3101   


Butterfield’s Statement on Agreement to Reopen the Government and Avoid Financial Default


WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman G. K. Butterfield (NC-01) today released the following statement regarding the passage of a bill to reopen the federal government and avoid financial default:


“For more than two weeks, this nation was held hostage by the political theater of the right-wing faction of Republicans in Congress.  This radical minority not only threatened the livelihoods of millions of government employees and their families, but also millions of people across the country.  In North Carolina alone, over 1.8 million seniors would not have received their monthly social security check, and 135,000 veterans would not receive their disability compensation had this continued.


“Their extremely reckless behavior even threatened the full faith and credit of the United States and the security of the global economy by once again bringing our nation dangerously close to defaulting for the first time in American history.  Republicans’ efforts were nothing more than a hollow attempt to score political points at the expense of millions of hardworking Americans.


“However, Speaker Boehner finally capitulated and allowed for the consideration of a bill that passed both chambers of Congress with significant bipartisan support.  The agreement that passed tonight immediately reopens the government and provides funding through January 15, 2014.  It raises the debt limit through February 7, 2014, and provides back pay to furloughed government employees. 


“This bill’s passage ends the standoff that brought Washington and the nation to a halt. I sincerely hope Republicans have learned that jeopardizing the prosperity of this nation is both extremely irresponsible and an unacceptable way to govern.  Americans and North Carolinians deserve better and will be watching closely when we revisit these issues early next year.”





From the editor: Those Ignant Racist White Guys in The White House need to repent right now! It is sad that they will go through these extremes trying to discredit this BLACK President.

Obama Called Their Bluff: Republicans Admit They Are Too Scared to Cut Social Security

You may have missed it, but over the weekend congressional Republicans admitted that they are terrified that any Social Security cuts will lead to their defeat.

If you have been paying attention to the politics of Obama’s chained CPI offer, you may have noticed that Republicans have been running away like their hair’s on fire away from his proposal. (More)

WTF Is Going On In North Carolina? Another New Worthless Bill–Addicting Info

Response: If I could say two words about the Republicans: “RACIST IGNANTS!” Yep their bills are geared towards black folks but white folks either don’t know and/or don’t care because they these laws affect them also. Sad! How do their white friends sit up in church, on the golf fields and other meeting places with these ignants and not tell them they are not concentrating on real issues.

North Carolina’s proposed, “Healthy Marriage Act,” is amending their current divorce law by extending the hold from a one-year wait to a two-year wait, before a divorce can be final.

Yes. If you live in North Carolina, the Republican government wants all of you — your body, your religion, your voting rights, and your marital status.

They continue to pass horrendous anti-choice laws, one of them forcing a women wanting an abortion to view an ultrasound of the fetus and be lectured on it. They go one step further into, “Are You Kidding Me Land,’ by requesting the this be done four hours before the procedure.

Now, in the last few weeks: (More)

He Wears the Mask – The New York Times

The present darling of the right wing, Dr. Benjamin Carson, is a distinguished neurosurgeon who went from the depths of Detroit poverty to the heights of Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. But his current status among conservatives isn’t so much rooted in Carson’s redemptive rise from rags to respectability, as it is in the belief that he is, in the long winter of Obama, the one they’ve been waiting for. (More)

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Dr. Ben Carson

Ben Carson: White Liberals Are ‘The Most Racist People’ – HuffPost

Dr. Ben Carson, a black Johns Hopkins University neurosurgeon and conservative favorite after challenging President Barack Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast, said Monday on "The Mark Levin Show" that white liberals are "racist."

"And you’re attacked in many respects because of your race. You’re not supposed to think like this, and supposed to talk like this. A lot of white liberals just don’t like it, do they?" said Levin, host of the syndicated radio show. (More)

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Dr. Benjamin Carson

The Democratic Party 101: A Teacher Gives Republicans A Lesson In Facts

Response: Now this is an educational moment. This should be ran in every newspaper and read on every TV station and radio station across the nation. Powerful!

This was a response that I wrote to a family friend who took issue with what she perceived to be the Democratic platform. It ended up being far longer than I expected, but every word was necessary. I hope you will read this in its entirety.

Dear Friend,

You said that conservatives believe that rights are endowed by our Creator while liberals believe that rights are provided by the government. I take issue with that notion; liberals believe that the government has a responsibility to protect and defend our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, not define them or interpret their limitations for us. As a Democrat, I take that to believe that each individual is entitled to live a free and happy life in any way they choose as long as they do not hurt another person or interfere with another person’s liberties. (More)

Carson Willing to Step Down as Commencement Speaker After Protests – NewsMax

A pediatric neurosurgeon who has become the darling of conservatives since speaking against nationalized healthcare is now under fire for comments he made about same-sex marriage.

Dr. Benjamin Carson told MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” on Friday that he would be willing to step down as commencement speaker at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine after faculty and students signed petitions asking that he not speak.

“I would say this is their day, and the last thing I would want to do is rain on their parade,” Carson told Mitchell. (More)

The Republican Party’s Ratings Now Stand at a 20-Year Low – PoliticusUSA

Response: So Republican voters is this what you really wanted when you voted for your Republican candidates? Well do you not think that you live in the same world that Black folks live and when the cuts and etc. are in place that you will feel the effects also? Well!

Remember when Speaker John Boehner lamented that President Obama wanted to shove the Republican Party to the “dustbin of history”? Turns out, it’s not Obama who’s killing the GOP; it’s more of a suicide.

For those who pay attention, this should come as no surprise, but rather a “what took so long” response. Yes, America is on to the GOP. The Republican Party’s ratings now stand at a 20-year low. (More)

Is An Invitation Coming To Your House? by William Reed Columnist

"It is easily seen, that if every member of the race strove to make himself successful in business, he would contribute much toward smoothing the pathway of his own and future generations." – Booker T. Washington

Isn’t it time Black Americans turned the page on their political preferences?  Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus has been holding meetings with designated community leaders to discuss how the GOP can become more appealing to minority voters. The party leader says he’s listening to different perspectives on “how we can build and grow the GOP to win future elections.”  The Republican National Committee (RNC) effort seeks to “review past practices” and “make recommendations” for the future.

To be effective among African Americans, Priebus and Co., need to take public policy positions that have the potential to advance Blacks’ interests.  A suggestion is that Priebus form a task force comprised of Black business people that will mutually help all pursue American capitalism.  It’s worth noting that throughout the history of Blacks and Republicans, at the core has been Blacks’ self-sufficiency interests.  From Reconstruction until the New Deal, Blacks voted “Republican.”  Then and now, Republican values of market economics, strong families, and education have offered Blacks better paths, and more direction, to prosperity.  During times of their engagements, Republicans have provided Blacks successful role models and resources toward their “piece of the pie.” Booker Taliaferro Washington is an example of a Black success story in capitalism, commerce and politics.  During the late 1800s and early 1900s, “Booker T.” was the most celebrated Black of the time.  Washington realized that slavery had taught Blacks many profitable skills and trades. Skills such as carpentry, cooking, farming, and tailoring were seeds for businesses that could be started at home and with little or no capital. Washington operated numerous schools through successful capitalists. Sears Roebuck President Julius Rosenwald helped in the construction and operation of more than 5,000 of Washington’s schools. Washington created the Negro Business League (NBL), with the intent of creating a Black capitalist class. At a conference in 1910, Washington called on NBL members to "teach the masses to get property, be thrifty and economical."

Blacks have always done well economically with Republicans.  The last time Blacks supported a Republican presidential ticket in any sizable numbers was when they gave Richard Nixon over 30 percent of their vote.  In turn, Nixon made a multitude of Black millionaires through his directive toward establishment of the Office of Minority Business Enterprise.  Between 1969 and 1976, 500,000 new Black businesses were established.

Democrats have been running Black communities for the past 50-plus years.  These socialist policies have turned many Black and urban communities into economic and social wastelands.  But, Priebus and Co., have to realize what an uphill climb it is to turn Blacks back to entrepreneurial pursuits and mindsets.  In 2012 just 5 percent of African Americans considered themselves Republicans.  To gain numbers among African Americans, Republicans need to be private sector partners with them to generate economic market share and prosperity. Republicans rolls can go up among the millions of African Americans that endorse and advocate laissez-faire economics, fiscal conservatism, and personal responsibility over welfare program paradigms.

Isn’t it time for Republicans and Blacks to turn the page?  Is it possible that after their disdain and distance from the Mitt Romney campaign, Blacks and Republicans can align toward mutual economic and political clout?  Priebus should establish a task force comprised of Republican-leaning groups such as the NBL, the National Black Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Inc., to establish grassroots programs and structures. Such alliances were successful in the past and can repair and bring new successes to Black communities.  To correct “past practices” the Republicans need to instill practices that “go back” to political gains made by Nixon and Booker T.  The RNC will reap growth and national predominance with earnest efforts to tap into Black enclaves.

William Reed is publisher of “Who’s Who in Black Corporate America” and available for projects via the BaileyGroup.org

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William Reed

Tillis: Fraud ‘not the primary reason’ for voter ID push – WRAL

State House Speaker Thom Tillis signaled what could be a change in messaging on voter ID Saturday – and dropped some hints about the details of upcoming legislation – during an appearance on MSNBC.

The left-leaning news channel might not seem like an intuitive choice for an appearance by Tillis, a Republican, but MSNBC has spent much of the day covering the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland. (More)

Paul Ryan Trashes His Own Budget by Admitting That There is No Debt Crisis–Politicususa

On Face The Nation today, Rep. Paul Ryan reversed years of budgets and claims that the country faces an immediate debt crisis by admitting that there is no debt crisis.

The justification for the harsh cuts in Ryan’s budget has always been his belief that the nation faces an immediate crisis of debt. (More)

GOP sets sights on 2014 – Wilson Times

Response: See what they are saying about Wilson Democratic Party.

Local political parties had an intermission following national elections. But now the Wilson County Republican party is set to regroup, reorganize and get back to business.

Wilson County Republicans will hold their county-wide convention Tuesday. Future leadership of the Republican party in Wilson will be voted on at the convention. (More)

Video: Nope, No Racism at CPAC…Move Right Along!

As you watch this video and read about what happened, just keep in mind that CPAC (and the GOP more broadly) is overwhelmingly white. Why is that? Perhaps because their policies are horrible, and also because the party is filled with the type of people who used to infest the old Dixiecrats (Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, Jesse Helms, etc.), but thank god left the Democratic Party. Of course, they’re now in the Republican Party, thanks in part to many years of Lee Atwater’s (and Richard Nixon’s, Ronald Reagan’s, Karl Rove’s, etc.) “Southern Strategy,” and from the looks of it, they really really REALLY do not like being called out for their utter lack of racial inclusiveness. (More)

Christensen: A mandate to roll back the years – News & Observer

For the first time in more than a century, North Carolina – long ruled by business-oriented moderates – has a conservative government, and it has come as quite a shock to some people.

North Carolina’s political history through the 20th century has been one of government expansion – of a poor rural state trying to industrialize. It did so by using government spending as a tool – funding public schools, building the finest university system in the South, creating one of the largest road systems, building a broad community college system, creating the Research Triangle Park and the N.C. School of the Arts, and starting the nation’s first state-supported symphony and art museum. (Read more)