In Response to Special Called Meeting of The Rocky Mount City Council Committee Of The Whole For Redistricting Public Hearing

Good morning,

It was brought to my attention after the meeting last night that some folk thought they could not speak because it was a Committee of the Whole Meeting. I said that it was a Public Hearing and therefore the public could speak. I also received some phone calls later last night saying they didn’t know the public would be allowed to speak and if they had known they would have come with written speeches.

I too was wondering why there was no sign up sheet to speak but because I have been engaged in politics over the years, I assumed that the meeting was held just for the public to speak to the council in support of which redistricting map they supported.

Maybe in the future it should be stressed that during a Public Hearing like this meeting that it is clearly stated that the public can speak at the Committee of the Whole Meeting.

Please share this with the councilmembers.

Curmilus Dancy II




Alert from the Office of Senator Bryant


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“It is my understanding that these Public Hearings will be held without the benefit of any information about the proposed Republican maps that would change the districts in response to the court’s ruling.  For that reason we must attend these hearings to object to that process of not providing us with their proposed maps in time for useful response and to request information about when their proposed maps will be available for public review and comments.”  – Sen. Angela R. Bryant



Raleigh, North Carolina 27601


February 12, 2016


Updated Notice #1 Added new site- Halifax Community College





Members, Joint Select Committee on Congressional Redistricting


Rep. David Lewis Co-Chair

Sen. Bob Rucho Co-Chair


Meeting Notice




The Joint Select Committee on Congressional Redistricting will meet at the following time:






February 15, 2016

10:00 AM


The following locations will host public hearings:


All public hearings will start at 10:00 a.m. If the campus is closed due to inclement weather, the hearing will be canceled at that location and participants may submit their comments in writing.


All interested members of the public will have an opportunity to speak for five minutes. Written comments will also be accepted by email and on the General Assembly website, which will be available soon at:


N.C. General Assembly Legislative Office Building

Room 643

300 North Salisbury Street

Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

Sign up to speak at


Halifax Community College Dr. Phillip W. Taylor Complex Room 108

100 College Dr.

Weldon, NC 27890

Link to campus map:

Sign up to speak at


Guilford Technical Community College

Jamestown Campus

Medlin Campus Center

The Guilford Room, Room 360

Jamestown, North Carolina 27282

Link to campus map:

Sign up to speak at


Central Piedmont Community College

CPCC Central Campus The Hall Building Room 310

1112 Charlottetown Avenue

Charlotte, North Carolina 28235

Link to campus map:

Sign up to speak at

Fayetteville Technical Community College

Room 142

Health-Tech Ed Building

2201 Hull Road

Fayetteville, North Carolina 28303

Link to campus map:

Sign up to speak at


Cape Fear Community College

North Campus

Room 338

The McKeithan Center

4500 Blue Clay Road

Wilmington, North Carolina 28401

Link to campus map:

Sign up to speak at


UNC Asheville

Robinson Hall

129 Steelcase Teleconference Center

Asheville, North Carolina

Link to campus map:

Sign up to speak at



cc:  Committee Record  _X_

       Interested Parties    _X_



NC Supreme Court: Newby can participate in redistricting case

RALEIGH — Democrats, the state NAACP and other groups suing over the legislature’s redistricting plans learned Monday that the state Supreme Court has rejected their request that Justice Paul Newby recuse himself from participating in the case.

The Rev. William Barber, president of the state NAACP, said the groups were disappointed by the decision, but believe they will win the larger case. (More)

Read more:


Partisan Gerrymandering and a Negative Impact on Section 5 Counties in the Congressional Maps


NC NAACP Statement Regarding Congressional Redistricting Maps

For Immediate Release

July 5, 2011

Contact: Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, President, 919-394-8137

Amina Turner, Executive Director, 919-682-4700

Atty. Jennifer Marsh, Legal Redress Coordinator, 919-682-4700

Atty. Irving Joyner, Legal Redress Chair,

NC NAACP: Partisan Gerrymandering and a Negative Impact on

Section 5 Counties in the Congressional Maps

Earlier today, the Republican-led majority of the General Assembly released a draft of the proposed congressional districts based on data from the 2010 Census. After a preliminary review of these proposed districts, the NC NAACP continues to have serious concerns about the results of their efforts and the process in which they were developed.

"An initial review reveals partisan gerrymandering in the districts on the Rucho-Lewis Map," said Professor Irving Joyner. "Currently, our state is fairly balanced in Congressional representation. However, this map creates three Democratic districts and ten Republican districts."

"Another major concern is that five counties covered by Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act are being removed from the 1st Congressional District," said Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, NC NAACP State Conference President. "In the heavily African-American area of Eastern North Carolina, this district was developed intentionally to overcome years of disenfranchisement and voter exclusion."

The five counties removed from District 1 are Gates, Washington, Beaufort, Craven, and Wayne. This change dilutes the voting power of these Section 5 counties to elect a congressional representative of their choice.

"The ultra-conservative, right-wing Republican leadership cannot use this map to claim they are concerned about African-American and minority political power and upholding civil rights," said Rev. Barber. "Once again the extremists in the General Assembly have used their power to continue a frontal attack on civil rights and voting rights. We will carefully watch and vigorously defend the principles and intent of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and our rights under the 15th Amendment of the US Constitution. No matter who is in office, we cannot allow North Carolina to turn back the clock on civil rights and veer off a course that would provide equal representation for all."


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2011 Redistricting Public Hearing Nash, Halifax, Edgecombe Sites–Source: Rep. Angela Bryant


2011 Redistricting Public Hearing





Day of Week







April 13




3:00  pm


Nash Comm. College


May 7




Halifax Comm. College





May 7





Edgecombe Comm. College





The Joint Redistricting Committee has announced a schedule for public hearings throughout the state. 


You, your organizations, and your colleagues are invited to attend one or more of these public hearings. We need to hear from you on all matters related to legislative and congressional redistricting, including but not limited to suggestions on districts, statewide plans, and matters related to compliance with federal and state law, especially the following topics relating to the

Voting Rights Act:


1. Proposed legislative and congressional districts or plans.


2. Opinions or evidence regarding whether the state is still experiencing racially polarized voting in statewide elections, legislative or congressional elections, or any other related elections. We are particularly interested in elections that have occurred in counties covered by Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act as well as areas of the State outside of Section 5 counties that have been or may be the subject of litigation under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.


3. The meaning and impact of the decisions by the United States Supreme Court and North Carolina Supreme Court in Bartlett v. Strickland.


4. The importance of drawing districts based upon citizen voting age population and any recommendations on how census data can be used to estimate citizen voting age population.


5. The continuing presence or continuing effects of evidence known as the “Gingles factors” including but not limited to: (1) the extent of any history of official discrimination in the State or political subdivision that infringes upon the rights of members of a minority group to register, vote, or otherwise participate in the democratic process; (2) the extent to which voting in elections of state or political subdivisions is racially polarized; (3) the extent to which voting in elections of state or political subdivision has used large election districts, majority vote requirements, anti-single shot provisions or other voting practices or procedures that may enhance the opportunity for discrimination against the minority group; (4) if there is candidate slating the extent to which members of the minority group have been denied access to that process; (5) the extent to which members of the minority group in the State or political subdivision bear the effects of discrimination in such areas as education, employment, and health, which hinder their ability to participate effectively in the political process; (6) whether political campaigns have been characterized by overt or subtle racial appeals; (7) the extent to which members of the minority group have been elected to public office; and (8) the responsiveness on the part of elected officials to the particularized needs of members of the minority group.


6. Any and all other matters related to compliance with Section 5 or Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.


7. Any and all other matters you believe should be considered by the General Assembly in creating legislative and congressional districts or plans.


Finally, we appreciate any help you can provide in publicizing our hearing schedule and encouraging interested citizens to participate at these hearings.


Thank you for your consideration and assistance. Please send any information for consideration to all of the Legislators listed below:


Committee Member — Rep. Angela Bryant at or mail to:

North Carolina House of Representatives

542 LOB

300 N. Salisbury Street

Raleigh, NC 27603. 




Chair –Representative David R. Lewis at, or mail to:

House of Representatives

534 LOB, 300 N. Salisbury St.

Raleigh, NC 27603





Redistricting Committees of the 2011 General Assembly

1. Speakers need to sign up on the "Speaker Sheet" in order to speak.


2. Speakers will have up to 5 minutes for presentation to the Committee.


3. Registration for speaking will begin 72 hours in advance of the hearing online at, up to ____ speakers, and 1 hour prior to the convening of the hearing at the hearing site, and continue until the end of the hearing.


4. Speakers will be called according to the order of registration.


5. If a speaker is not present when called, the speaker will be skipped at that time. Time permitting at the end of all registered speakers, those skipped will be allowed to speak.


6. The presiding chair, at his discretion, may change these guidelines.


For additional information on the Redistricting process, please visit the General Assembly web page at


For those unable to attend a public hearing, written comments may be submitted for inclusion in the record.  To submit public comment, please visit the website to make comments on line.  Written comments can also be mailed in to Redistricting, Attention Erika Churchill, 300 N. Salisbury St. Suite 545, Raleigh, NC 27603-5925.