Good debates should inform, not entertain – Rocky Mount Telegram

Response: This is right on point! Like I said I concerned about the facts.

Millions of Americans have tuned in to view the first presidential and only vice presidential debates of the 2012 election campaign.

The debates can provide a great opportunity to see the candidates in an unscripted setting, answering questions on the spur of the moment and having to react quickly to their opponent’s assertions. Regardless of one’s partisan allegiances, people can draw a lot from these one-on-one televised encounters.

At their worst, candidate debates can devolve into simple name-calling, counter-claims about facts and over exaggerated gestures and body language. But at their best, these question-and-answer sessions can provide serious and informative discussions of the pressing issues and challenges that confront the nation.

This year’s first two debates fell somewhere in the middle. Republican Mitt Romney was animated but vague in laying out his ideas for the future of the country. President Obama seemed to have barely showed up, offering little defense of his record and fewer details about his future plans.

The vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan offered a much more spirited, issues-orientated exchange, with each candidate defending their running mate’s records and policies in a swift, back-and-forth discussion.

But media coverage and public reaction so far unfortunately has focused mainly on the candidates’ performance rather than on the substance of their remarks in the debates. Next-day discussions of the debates mainly centered on the president’s flat performance and the vice president’s smiles and laughter.

Two debates remain between the presidential contenders. The candidates owe it to voters to engage in a much more serious discussion of the issues than we’ve seen so far.

Read more:

Mitt Romney

President Barack Obama

Thin-Skinned CEO Superstar Jack Welch Quits Fortune, Reuters After His Demented BLS Tweet Gets Criticized –Huff Post (In Response to Jobs Numbers)

Response: Now this is so sad how things are twisted when it comes to accomplishments of Black folks. It is a damn shame that it does not matter about the good you do because you will be viewed as dishonest anyway. These Chicago guys equate to “Our” President. Code words is something that I always look for.

Jack Welch, the strongest and most capable CEO in the history of the world, made news last week when he took to his Twitter account (history shall record the phrase "took to his Twitter account" as the five words that immediately precede all news of social media disasters) to accuse the Bureau of Labor Statistics of intentionally cooking its latest jobs report to favor President Barack Obama’s chances for reelection in November, writing "Unbelievable jobs numbers…these Chicago guys will do anything…can’t debate so change numbers." (More)

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Mitt Romney

President Barack Obama

Ask Black America: Was Obama Afraid of Being Labeled an “Angry Black Man” during the Debates? by Dr. Boyce Watkins

This week, I heard one of my esteemed colleagues, Michael Eric Dyson, throw out the possibility that President Obama’s poor debate performance may have to do with his race.  Dyson argues that the stigma of being labeled “an angry black man” may have caused the president to hold back when he should have been taking charge.  It appears that some might believe that the president’s reputation as a bridge builder, consensus seeker and the guy who makes folks comfortable could have caused him to embarrass himself in front of 40 million people. (More)

Read more:

Presidential Debate: “Our” President Is Too Damn Smart For White And Black Folks Those Who Want To See Just A Performance I Hope He Don’t Give It To You 

Political Science Expert Dr. Wilmer Leon Says Obama Romney Debate was Style vs. Substance 

Presidential Debate Number 1

Mitt Romney

President Barack Obama

Breaking News: Romney to announce vice-presidential nominee on Saturday; signs point to Ryan – The Washington Post

NORFOLK — Mitt Romney will make the long-awaited announcement of his running mate in the presidential race Saturday, his campaign announced late Friday, with all signs strongly pointing to Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as the Republican’s pick. (More)

Commercials You Couldn’t Pay Me Enough

You couldn’t pay me enough to do some of these commercials I have seen especially the ones about twisting the words when “our” President said, “You didn’t do it alone.”

This commercial reminds me of the following quote: "Ignorance will never end. Even those with money can’t buy SENSE!!" Author: Curmilus Dancy II The Political Agitator

Ignant Column: Romney Spinmasters: How You Gonna Spin this One? Romney the Great Empathizer Master?

Romney Spinmasters: How You Gonna Spin this One? Romney the Great Empathizer Master?

Mitt Romney was addressing a crowd in Prattville, Alabama this past Monday when he stated:

I understand how difficult it can be for an African-American in today’s society. In fact, I can relate to black people very well indeed. My ancestors once owned slaves, and it is in my lineage to work closely with the black community .

However, just because they were freed over a century ago doesn’t mean they can now be freeloaders. They need to be told to work hard, and the incentives just aren’t there for them anymore. When I’m president I plan to work closely with the black community to bring a sense of pride and work ethic back into view for them.


Well… at least we Black folk know where he’s coming from! Romney’s Up front/in-your-face racism helps clear the air about the myth of a postracial society.

It would be very nice if we trace Romney’s family’s slaveholdings to living descendants and demand some serious Reparations for them!

In Struggle,

Sam Anderson

Virginia State Officials Confirm: Gingrich Campaign Being Investigated for ‘Illegal Acts’

Have you ever known Newt Gingrich to identify a flaw or fault with a politician, the President, the Democratic Party (etc), that he didn’t turn into the gravest, most evil transgression that humanity have ever been subjected too? When it comes to making proverbial mountains at of molehill, employing hyperbolic rhetoric to embarrass and humiliate his enemies, the-Newt, is king of the demagogues. (More)

In Santorum’s Sweep, Sign of G.O.P. Unease With Romney – New York Times

Rick Santorum’s sweep of Mitt Romney in Tuesday’s three Republican presidential contests sets the stage for a new and bitter round of intraparty acrimony as Mr. Romney once again faces a surging conservative challenge to his claim on the party’s nomination. (More)

Romney: ‘I’m not concerned about the very poor’

Response: In my opinion politics should be about making life better for all people and that includes the poor. Hell it ought to be all about the poor.

"Ignorance will never end. Even those with money can’t buy SENSE!!" Author: Curmilus Dancy II The Political Agitator

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Wednesday that he’s "not concerned about the very poor" because they have an "ample safety net" and he’s focused instead on relieving the suffering of middle-class people hit hard by the bad economy. (More)


FL Primary Results: Mitt Romney Scores Huge Florida Win, But Primary Looks Far From Finished – HuffPost

Response: So what happened Herman “Big Daddy” Cain endorsed Newt? LOL!! C. Dancy II – DCN Publisher

TAMPA, Fla. — Florida was, at one time, the state that could sew up the Republican presidential nomination for Mitt Romney and end the primary.

Not anymore. But Romney’s overwhelming win here Tuesday night was a big moment for the former Massachusetts governor that fully restored him to frontrunner status, and dealt a major blow to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. (More)

2012 Florida Republican Primary – Rasmussem Report

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Header Florida GOP Primary: Romney 44%, Gingrich 28%

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has opened a double-digit lead in Florida as the perception grows among Republican primary voters that he is the strongest general election candidate against President Obama. The state’s GOP Primary is on Tuesday. Read More.


· Daily Presidential Tracking Poll: Obama 45% Romney 43%


· Daily Presidential Tracking Poll: Obama 50% Gingrich 37%


· What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls


· Education, Job Make A Difference In How Voters Rate Obama


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Breaking News: Herman Cain endorses Newt Gingrich – The Washington Post

Response: When I think about “Big Daddy Cain” this is what comes to mind, "Ignorance will never end. Even those with money can’t buy SENSE!!" Author: Curmilus Dancy II The Political Agitator

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Businessman Herman Cain threw his support to Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich late Saturday.

The move by the former GOP candidate and tea-party favorite comes three days before the Florida primary, at a moment when Gingrich is badly in need of something to rekindle the momentum he gained in the wake of his South Carolina primary victory. (More)

See related:

Herman Cain

Obama 2012 North Carolina Headquarters Moving Into Raleigh’s Warehouse District

Last night, President Obama did his best to promote and name drop North Carolina, and specifically Raleigh, as much as he could in his State of the Union address. Surely, this was a strategic move, considering Obama was the first Democratic candidate to win North Carolina since 1976. Obama campaigned hard in NC throughout the 2008 election cycle, coming to Raleigh multiple times for speeches and drinks at the Raleigh Times of course. (More)


Newt Gingrich releases his 2010 tax returns – The Washington Post

As promised, former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) has released his tax returns.

Worth noting as you peruse the returns: the data is for 2010, not 2011.

From the release issued Thursday night by Gingrich’s campaign:

The income tax return shows that for 2010, Speaker and Mrs. Gingrich owed federal taxes of $994,708 on an adjusted gross income of $3,142,066. $613,517 of the tax amount owed had been previously withheld or otherwise paid, and the couple paid the remaining balance due of $382,734 (which included an estimated $1,543 tax penalty) with their filing. (More)

Facebook Reader Respond To “Black Pastor Back Gingrich And Says ‘blacks should be sent back to plantation’”

Gregory Horne This would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. The plantation is not the only place a person can learn a good work ethic. I believe I have a good work ethic and I never spent one day on a plantation. I appeal to all people who consider themselves to be decent. Where is the outrage? If this had been someone saying let’s take Jewish people back to the concentration camps, there would be an uproar of epic proportion. Regardless of color, oppression is oppression. For Newt Gingrich, Rev. Peterson (I relunctantly refer to him as reverend in obedience to the Holy Bible – 1 Chronicles 16:22 – "Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.") or anyone to suggest a plantation is a good place to teach a person anything but oppression is absurd. As a presidential candidate, I don’t think that paint Mr. Gingrich in a good light. But again I refer to the Holy Bible – Proverbs 23:7 – "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:"

Response: Damn that was good! C. Dancy II – DCN Publisher

See related:

Black Pastor Back Gingrich And Says ‘blacks should be sent back to plantation’ 

Marianne Gingrich, Newt’s ex-wife, says he wanted ‘open marriage’