Exclusive: Two women accused Herman Cain of inappropriate behavior – Source: Politico

During Herman Cain’s tenure as the head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s, at least two female employees complained to colleagues and senior association officials about inappropriate behavior by Cain, ultimately leaving their jobs at the trade group, multiple sources confirm to POLITICO.  (Read more)

Response: I just posted something to this effect today and my friend/brother Jeff Savage thought I was talking about him. I get so sick and tired of black men failing prey to sex, money, drugs and etc. but then wants to run for an office. So are they so ignant to think that it will not come up? I hope it is no truth to this because this only makes all black men look bad. Curmilus Dancy II – The Political Agitator

See related:

Herman Cain

Cain: I’m "pro-life from conception, period" – Source: Face The Nation

(CBS News)  Herman Cain again attempted to clarify his position on abortion Sunday, declaring on CBS’ "Face the Nation" that "I am pro-life from conception, period" – and that he does not support exceptions even for victims of rape and incest. (Read more)

Response: This guy is really trying to sell his soul to the Republican Party. Curmilus Dancy II – The Political Agitator

See related:

Herman Cain

Herman Cain And His Success/Role Model, Really?

Cain and his success in Jeff Savage world and how he reminds him of his family members who were successful. He speaks to he should be some type of role model for our children. Really?
Well Mr. Savage my friend I am glad that your candidate has been successful however I am one of those who didn’t go to college and only has a high school diploma. However God has been good to me because I have been blessed with one of the highest paid jobs east of Raleigh NC formerly Bendix, Engines and Controls, AlliedSignal and now Honeywell. I have worked on fighter jets engines for the military about 26 miles from my home for the past 24 years and 11 months in a couple of days.
There are many folks who have gone to college and have not gotten a job in their field and make way less money than I.
Sir success comes in the individual eyesight. My dad and mother worked public jobs and we also farmed. I worked on the farm since I was 5 years old and after going to work at 2 other places before my current job I still farmed for many years while many folks couldn’t wait to leave the farm. Now we were in control of our farm so I understand those who sharecropped it was different and their only source of income.
My point is I have worked all of my life and that is what I teach my children. I remind them of what my family instilled in me so therefore I don’t have to base my life on Cain. So would we be talking about Cain if he was not running for President?

See related:

Herman Cain

Spotlight on the Taboo: Is GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain an Uncle Tom?

A definition of the word Taboo: A custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, topic or thing.

Spotlight on the Taboo is a series of articles that discuss a variety of topics that people sometimes or even perhaps often think about, but haven’t the confidant or forum in which to engage the forbidden subject with. (Read more)

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Herman Cain

Cain, Now Running as Outsider, Came to Washington as Lobbyist – Source: The New York Times

WASHINGTON — Herman Cain, the Republican presidential candidate with the sharp wit and easy-to-remember tax plan, is a cancer survivor, radio host and former chief executive of Godfather’s Pizza. On the campaign trail, he talks up his business experience, casting himself as a “problem solver” and Washington outsider. (Read more)

Note: As they say it gets gooder and gooder all the time.

See related:

Herman Cain

Race and beyond: Black against Black in the next presidential contest – Source: New York Amsterdam News

Could it really happen? Could the 2012 presidential ballot feature a top-line, smack-down, pizza-making executive Herman Cain as the Republican Party challenger against President Barack Obama, the Democratic incumbent?

As I write this, Cain is the statistical leader in a crowded field of Republican candidates. If the election were held today-daring to believe an NBC-Wall Street Journal poll released last week-Cain would be his party’s nominee. The poll, conducted by the usually reliable and bipartisan polling tandem of Democratic Peter D. Hart and Republican Bill McInturff, revealed Cain as the front-running choice of 27 percent of likely Republican voters, followed by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s 23 percent and Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s 16 percent. (Read more)

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Herman Cain

Herman Cain stumbling under glare of national spotlight; is he ready for the White House? – Source: The Washington Post

ATLANTA — Herman Cain is learning the hard way what it means to face the glare of the national spotlight.

After captivating Republicans hungry for an alternative to 2012 GOP presidential front-runner Mitt Romney, Cain has made a series of stumbles that have left some questioning whether he’s ready for the White House. (Read more)

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Herman Cain

Cain Hater? Not!!

So glad I don’t hate anyone but I be damn if I am going to switch parties to vote for Herman Cain and no one else. He chose to be a Republican and I just happen to be a Democrat so he will not get my vote. Since he has so much to say about black folks if he was a Democrat and wanted to bring about change within the Democratic Party maybe he would have gotten the brainwashed black folks he speak of. I don’t meet that description because I can think for myself.

But since he is Republican he chose the black folks he wants to represent which is a few. So obviously he wants to represent the Republicans and I ain’t mad with him.

See related:

Herman Cain

Black Democrats Promoting Republican Cain And The Republican Party

I am enjoying the conversation with Democrats about Herman Cain and why I should give him a chance because he is black.

I am not too damn naive to know that REPUBLICANS are targeting blacks. Who will suffer the most when it comes to the cuts? Who are they saying are benefiting from poverty programs?

Why in the hell is it that since Herman Cain has come in the picture that now Democrats like Jeff want to change the way black folks have viewed which party they felt better represent their needs? The problem I have had is why in the hell the focus is not on electing more black folks in the Democratic Party and then we can make manure happen.

I just think it is ignant as hell for a Democrat to be promoting the Republican Party but yet I suppose to treat them the same when it comes to POLITICS. Oh hell no especially when I am not willing to sell my damn soul for a black REPUBLICAN while there are all those other REPUBLICANS.

Am I missing something? Is it time that black folks need to switch back to the REPUBLICAN Party? And if any black person says "YES" but don’t think black folks need to start their own party then I will just stay where I am.

See related:

Herman Cain

Cain, Obama Lovers/Haters Just Tell The Truth

In any election it all boils down to what candidate one likes the best be it from personal knowledge or who others around them are for. Lots of time it has not to do with the facts about a candidate.

Sometimes black folks vote against black folks for whatever reason, have been guilty of that myself.

We can discuss black, white, Republican and Democrat until the end of time but until I see black folks coming together and voting just for black folks then nothing will change.

I am just so glad I know the so-called black folks, elected officials and others across the state who claim they have black folks interest at hand.

I have sat the table with some of these folks who have taken money from the white man but claim they are all about black folks.

Well those who know I know them and they know me just know that I am going to call you out when you say and do ignant mess.

Just tell the truth and because I am going to hold you accountable.

“I am for justice no matter who it is for or against.”

See related:

President Barack Obama

Herman Cain for President

Negrophobia Part 2: The GOP Strategist’s return to Jim Crow election tactics Continue reading on Examiner.com Negrophobia Part 2: The GOP Strategist’s return to Jim Crow election tactics

When it comes to winning elections by "any means necessary", Republican talking point creators / manufacturers are as fearless and as shrewd (some say evil) a political competitor as a hybrid android that’s half Bobby Fischer and half Genghis Khan.(Read more)

See related:

Herman Cain


Herman Cain’s assertion that Black Americans are “brainwashed” and George Soros’ observations that “Obama has lost control of the [country’s economic] agenda” and as a result it’s been left “in the hands of the Republican Party” is the raw, but true state of Black politics in America.

Because of Blacks’ “illusion of inclusion” and penchant for assimilation, “Black politics” is little more than an afterthought to many across America’s mainstream media. Blacks’ political role is to support maintenance of the status quo. Instead of making sure that measures toward curbing Black unemployment and underemployment are being carved into the 2012 Democratic Party platform, the majority of African-American political activists are singularly engaged on keeping Barack Obama in the White House.

An “illusion” is something that deceives or misleads intellectually. In the rush for inclusion in America, the election of the first Black president represented the apex of success in this school of thought. The folly of that has fallen to the level that Blacks’ major political pursuit is maintenance of the status quo and Obama as president. In their moves to be mainstream, Blacks now eagerly accept “second-class American” status. If you look at any social index, Blacks have much to complain about. Not just this Democratic administration but most political administrations over the years have ignored Blacks and their political needs. Black activists must be “brainwashed” or blind not to see legacies of institutional racism and discrimination in housing, education, policing, criminal justice and employment that continue under Obama’s presidency. The average African-American income is $33,916, compared with $54,920 for Whites. Conservative Republican Congressman Allen West offers a different slant on “who is brainwashing whom” by citing Black Americans’ disregard of the 16.7 percent unemployment rate in Black communities, 20 percent unemployment rate for Black adult males and 45 percent unemployment for Black teenagers under the Obama administration.

Collectively, African Americans are more involved in the political process than most minority groups. Black American enclaves have high levels of Congressional representation and the large majority of African Americans support the Democratic Party. African Americans have improved their social and economic standing significantly since the Civil Rights Movement and recent decades have witnessed the expansion of a robust, African-American middle class. Unprecedented access to higher education and employment in addition to representation in the highest levels of American government has been gained by African Americans in the post-civil rights era.

By calling himself “post racial” President Obama has transcended racial politics, convinced Blacks that American racism has gone away, all the while seeking to maintain White support by showing no favoritism toward Blacks. If there was ever any doubt that Obama is no champion of Black politics, that doubt should have been put to rest when Obama told the Congressional Black Caucus, "Stop whining!" Instead of the 2012 contest being just about “keeping a Black man as president” shouldn’t Blacks be making campaigners compete for their votes? Blacks should not be ashamed of who we are and what we stand for and remember that whoever wins this next election is going to set the tone for this country for a long time to come. In contrast the representative government we say we want, as we approach the 2012 political season Black activists want to “keep on keeping on.” Black political activists have found a hero to adulate, and in doing so, they have chosen largely to sacrifice their own political needs to keep Obama as president. At the assemblage of “Black Power” at the Congressional Black Caucus, President Obama spent little time assuaging Black economic fears and high levels of unemployment. Instead of any pretense of attention toward Black issues, in effect, Obama told Blacks in attendance there to stop thinking of their own predicament because it was sapping the energy he needed them to expend to get him out of his predicament. Cavalierly, Obama demanded that they stop thinking of their lack of jobs in order to work on saving his. “Stop ‘complainin. Stop grumblin’… we have work to do.” (William Reed is available for speaking/seminar projects via BaileyGroup.org)

See related:

William Reed Columnist 

Herman Cain

How Cain sat out civil rights activism at Morehouse – Source: The Grio

During his appearance on MSNBC’s The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell last week, GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain and O’Donnell got into several heated exchanges. One of particular interest was Cain’s inactivity during the Civil Rights Movement. (Read more)

Note: Learn a little more about this dude everyday and it ain’t good. Curmilus Dancy II – The Political Agitator

See related:

Herman Cain

Black Folks Who Continue To Talk About How Impressive Herman Caine Is Will You Please Answer These Questions

1. What does Caine bring to the table for black people? When black people do better all people benefits so therefore other folks will reap the benefits as well.

2. If you are a Democrat do you plan to register as a Republican because you can not vote for him during the Primary election?

3. So just because you like Caine do you think that the other Republicans are going to support him and his vision?

Note: Hey I ain’t mad with you, do whatever you feel, I am just asking. Curmilus Dancy II – The Political Agitator

Ignant Column – Herman Cain: ‘Racism In This Country Today’ Doesn’t Hold ‘Anybody Back In A Big Way’– Source: Huff Post

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said on Sunday that he doesn’t believe racism holds African Americans back.

"I don’t believe racism in this country today holds anybody back in a big way," said, Cain, former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, during an interview on CNN. “Are there some elements of racism? Yes, it gets back to if we don’t grow this economy, that is a ripple effect for every economic level, and because blacks are more disproportionately unemployed, they get hit the worst when economic policies don’t work. That’s where it starts.” (Read more)

Note: Key words: don’t believe racism holds African Americans back in a big way. What? How big is big? So he speaks for all black folks now not just those in the Republican party? Oh but I guess he does because he speak for some blacks in the Democratic Party. Well he do not speak for me.

"Ignorance will never end. Even those with money can’t buy SENSE!!" Author: Curmilus Dancy II The Political Agitator