Tarboro will miss Chief Williams

By Lindell John Kay
Staff Writer

Thursday, March 31, 2016

I’ve gotten to know more than a few police chiefs in my decade as a news reporter. Most of them were good people, a few weren’t and I even helped lock up one for murder.

The best compliment I’ve ever received came inadvertently from a police chief who told me his hair had turned gray because of me.

None of the other chiefs I’ve known were quite as effective as Tarboro Police Chief Damon Williams.

During his three years on the job, violent offenses and property crimes declined. Each year there were fewer reported robberies, aggravated assaults, burglaries, larcenies and acts of vandalism. Crime decreased so much so that Tarboro was recently named one of North Carolina’s safest cities by a national home security company.

Williams brought Tarboro into the 21st century while holding onto his small town charm. He instituted walk and talk patrols, forcing his officers to park, get out of their vehicles and meet folks.

Williams also practiced swarm patrols — if a neighborhood was having a problem with break-ins, he flooded that area with cops until the culprits were caught.

Williams established an anti-gang taskforce, a local version of National Night Out, a Citizens Police Academy and the Police Explorer Program to mentor elementary students.

He held informal meetings with the public, called Coffee with the Chief, where he listened to what folks had to say about what was going on in their neighborhoods. He was instrumental in helping to establish basic law enforcement training at Edgecombe Community College.

Williams showed leadership under pressure during a triple-homicide shooting spree last year and composure while dealing with the media storm that followed.

But despite Williams’ many accomplishments, there was always a certain element of local governance that tried to devalue his contributions and destroy his character. Each and every month at town council meetings, Williams must have felt like he was trapped in a Franz Kafka novel, always on trial but never being told what crime he was accused of committing.

I won’t guess as to that certain element’s motives. They don’t pay me to speculate. But I can say a local woman told me that certain element stood in her living room and swore to run Williams out of town.

Now Williams, Tarboro’s first black police chief, is leaving. He took a better paying job running a bigger police department.

That certain element might think it won, but with Williams’ departure, the real losers are the citizens of Tarboro.

Source: Rocky Mount Telegram

Mooresville hires new police chief – Mooresville Tribune

Tarboro Police Chief Damon Williams has been named police chief in Mooresville.

He succeeds Carl Robbins, who retired Dec. 1, and will begin his new duties here April 4.

Since Robbins’ retirement, Major Bryan Anderson has served as interim chief for the department and was one of several candidates for the permanent position.

Mooresville Town Manager Erskine Smith said Williams’ hiring followed a search coordinated by executive recruiting firm Colin Baenziger & Associates. (Source: Read more)

Edgecombe-Tarboro Drug Task Force arrest hundreds in investigation – New 5


TARBORO, N.C. – As a result of a year long undercover drug investigation called operation “Checking Our List,” the Tarboro Police Department and Edgecombe County Sheriff’s office announced they had arrested hundreds of people buying, selling, and transporting illegal drugs.

In all, 10 agencies helped with the round up in Edgecombe County.  

Deputies say they served more than 100 warrants and seized more than 40 doses of heroin, as well as cocaine and marijuana. Law enforcement officials say the drugs taken off the street are worth more than $1 million.

Damon Williams, Tarboro Police Chief, says this all adds up to a safer community.

“Drugs, gangs, weapons all go together,” Williams said. “So we’ve made an impact in that entire area within the entire county.” (Source: Read more)

Social Networking Forum Sexting Sponsored by Tarboro Police Department Thursday March 27, 2014

I along with my son attended the social networking forum. It was a powerful presentation by the different resources that were participants in bringing about awareness. The shock of the night for me was my son stood up and wanted to share something.

Click on photo for more photos


Click on photo to watch video


Warning issued to local teens – The Daily Southerner

TARBORO — Tarboro Police Chief Damon Williams has issued a stern warning to teenagers who are making bullying comments and posting sexually explicit photos of classmates and friends on social media websites:

"When I find out who you are and who started these pages, I’m going to bring charges against you," Williams emphatically said during a Thursday  interview in his office. "I’m going to bring you to court. I’m going to try you, and I’m going to get a conviction.

Before Williams’ message, he was not aware that the Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office was investigating similar issues outside Tarboro City limits. Knight called for an SBI agent to assist his department with the complex issue. (Source: Read more)

Princeville board flirts with rescinding police department SOP – Daily Southerner

PRINCEVILLE — PRINCEVILLE —Tarboro Police Chief Damon Williams may have saved the Town of Princeville from grief Monday when he spoke up about a resolution that could have caused the town to face "major" liabilities.

Commissioners Ann Howell, Gwen Knight and Calvin Sherrod voted to rescind the police department’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), while commissioner Isabelle Purvis-Andrews voted against it. (More)

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Princeville NC

Tarboro council extends Thornton as town manager – Daily Southerner

Response: Well the new Town Manager keeps his job however not without much discussion. There were several people who were pissed with him because he hired a new Tarboro Police Chief who just happened to be the first Black Chief in the town’s history. But those in opposition to the hiring felt that the new Chief should have been from within the department. So since they couldn’t have their way they said the Town Manager had to go.

TARBORO — There had to be some anxious moments for Tarboro Town Manager Alan Thornton Monday night.

Thornton, who was a unanimous hire as manager a little over a year ago, kept his job following an executive session that lasted 1 hour and 43 minutes. (More)

Read more:

Tarboro NC City Council

Tarboro NC – Pictures/Video National Night Out Tarboro Police Department MA Ray Center


Click on picture to view more pictures.

I finally had the opportunity to officially meet the new Tarboro Police Chief Damon Williams. Councilman Taro Knight introduced him to me.

Chief Williams seemed to be a very nice person from my first impression of him. The Chief said he wanted to change the way the police department operated and to let the community know that it was not us against them but it is a we thing. He said he wanted to do some things to bring the community together.

The National Night Out was suppose to be held on the Town Common but was moved to the MA Ray Center due to the rain. It was a small crowd but everyone seemed to be excited and really enjoyed the drug search demonstration that was held by Sgt. Jesse Webb and K-9 Bullet.

I also got the chance to officially meet Miranda Baines who recently joined the Daily Southerner as a reporter.


Click on picture to watch video 21 mins. 39 secs.

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Rain drives NNO indoors – The Daily Southerner

Tarboro observes National Night Out Tuesday – The Daily Southerner

Tarboro observes National Night Out Tuesday – The Daily Southerner

TARBORO — Tarboro residents will have the opportunity to participate in National Night Out on Tuesday, and while the event is in its 29th year, it is new to the community.

The local observance will be from 6-9 p.m. on the Town Common and will feature a K9 demonstration with Bullitt, officers to take about protecting one’s self and property and a display of department vehicles. (More)

“Tarboro Police Chief” Williams starting PAL program – The Daily Southerner

TARBORO — Tarboro Police Chief Damon Williams has a number ideas in mind to try and keep the youth in Tarboro from joining gangs and selling drugs and is ready to kick off the first one — forming Police Athletics/Activities Leagues (PAL) in town. (More)

Read more:

Tarboro Police Chief

Someone Left A Comment On My Blog That The Tarboro New Police Chief Does Not Have Advanced Law Enforcement Certificate, Well!

Someone posted a comment on another post on my blog “Breaking News: Damon D. Williams Named The First Black Police Chief Of Tarboro NC” stating that the new chief does not have an Advanced Law Enforcement Certificate. Well!

I say obviously the others that he beat out must didn’t have something because they were not chosen. I googled Advanced Law Enforcement Certificate and this is what I found. Although I don’t really understand it I do see Intermediate Law Enforcement Certificate so could some of you law enforcement folks help me understand the difference in the certificates. 

From the conversation I have been hearing some have come to the conclusion that they believe that some officers (Town of Tarboro) seems to think that just because they have 20 plus years in law enforcement that they are entitled to become the chief.

I have read the new chief credentials. I wonder how many of the current Tarboro officers has a college degree? Again can somebody help me with this one if you should know the answer?

Because the hiring of the chief is a personnel matter the Town Manager and the Town Council members can not share certain information with others. However, I strongly feel that if they could openly talk about the hiring process and all whom were interviewed and even some whom were not interviewed that some folks may would want some of the officers gone. You see I have been working in the public sector for over 30 plus years and I know that some folks have things in their personnel files that do not look good. Now since I don’t know any officers personally, just maybe none of them have anything in their files to the effect that caused for disciplining.

I am requesting anyone who wants to comment on this issue to please do so but I am warning you that I will not approve ignorant comments.

See related:

Meet and greet for police chief Tuesday – Daily Southerner 

Tarboro Police Chief

Meet and greet for police chief Tuesday – Daily Southerner

Response: There has been quite a bit of noise in the community about the hiring of the new chief. I hope everyone will support the decision that was made by the Town Manager and the Council. It is time to move forward in unity. Sure wish I could attend but have to work.

TARBORO — There will be a public Meet & Greet for Tarboro new police chief Damon D. Williams, 33, at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the police department.

Williams replaces Jay Boykin, who retired last October. The native of Baltimore was police chief in Maxton before he accepting the Tarboro position. (More)

See related:

Tarboro Police Chief 

Tarboro City Council

Updated: After Posting My Breaking News Article About Tarboro Hiring Their First Black Police Chief I Received Several Responses. Obviously It Is On Because Daily Southerner Removed The Article Contents And Comments From Facebook Page.

Note: Originally posted May 4, 2012. Obviously the comments after the article “TARBORO HIRES FIRST BLACK POLICE CHIEF” by John Walker Daily Southerner Editor on his Facebook Page must got real ignant because I see the article contents and comments were removed.

I also received a message in my Facebook inbox several hours ago asking me why was Vance Holland talking trash about the new chief on his Facebook page. I could not read his comments on his page. Well I get it. Holland refereed at the Upward Basketball league and Keith Hale was my son’s coach twice. Hale is a very nice person. However I had to call Holland out because he had a nasty attitude while refereeing and I told him he was not being fair to the children and a coach agreed with me.

Just ran across this article “TARBORO HIRES FIRST BLACK POLICE CHIEF” by John Walker Daily Southerner Editor on his Facebook Page. This is a very good article however the comments are, well read them for yourself.

See related:

Tarboro names new police chief – Rocky Mount Telegram

Breaking News: Damon D. Williams Named The First Black Police Chief Of Tarboro NC

Tarboro names new police chief – Rocky Mount Telegram

Tarboro officials have selected Damon Williams to serve as the town’s next police chief, Town Manager M. Alan Thornton confirmed Thursday. (More)

See related:

Breaking News: Damon D. Williams Named The First Black Police Chief Of Tarboro NC

Breaking News: Damon D. Williams Named The First Black Police Chief Of Tarboro NC

Damon D. Williams Police Chief of Maxton North Carolina has been named the first black Police Chief of Tarboro NC. Read more about Williams here.