Petway resigns as Princeville police chief – Daily Southerner

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — Joey Petway’s plans to bring the Princeville Police Department up to standards with 21st century technology and training will soon come to a halt. The 25-year veteran police officer announced that he will resign his post Nov. 27.

Petway said he personally hand delivered a resignation letter to each of the board members Wednesday. He is currently serving in his third year as Princeville’s top cop.

"I was shocked when he handed the letter to me," said Commissioner Gwen Knight. "I kinda knew he was looking for another job. I hope him the best in what ever agency that he choses to go with." (More)

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Princeville Town Meetings

Sharpsburg NC – Breaking News: Sources Say Princeville Police Chief Joey Petway Has Been Named

Joey Petway Chief of Police in Princeville NC has been named the new Chief in Sharpsburg NC via sources reported to The DCN.

It the report is true then Joey will truly be missed by some in Princeville. I believe Joey was doing a great job in Princeville however I believe that some felt that he was being picked on by Commissioner Calvin Sherrod but I didn’t see it that way. I believe that Sherrod did what the other commissioners ought to had been doing also and that is to have questions for the chief. What is the purpose of having a spot on the Town Commissioner’s monthly meetings for the chief to do a report if the report is not going to be received and questions allowed to be asked.

Well if the sources are correct, I would like to congratulate Chief Petway on his new endeavor and I have no doubt he will do a good job in Sharpsburg.

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Princeville NC: Petway continues to assemble ‘loaded team’ – Daily Southerner 

Princeville Town Meetings

Princeville NC: Petway continues to assemble ‘loaded team’ – Daily Southerner

Response: I would agree that Chief Joey Petway seems to be doing a good job running the Princeville Police Department. I have seen him struggle with the department being short on manpower simply due to all of the b.s. that has been going on since the current administration has been in office. Commissioner Calvin Sherrod always has questions for the Chief and it appears to some that Sherrod is picking on the Chief. Well even when I named Sherrod as one of The Princeville 3 when he was Mayor Priscilla Everette-Oates and Mayor Pro-tem Isabelle Purvis-Andrews flunkie I would say Sherrod asked some good questions. Because Sherrod is the only that really question the Chief it makes him appear to be beating up on the Chief and I say he is far from doing that. I strongly feel that by Sherrod questioning the Chief about the activity in Princeville that it will keep the Chief on target and he ought to appreciate Sherrod. Click on the photoimage to watch the video the Chief comments/singing.

TARBORO — PRINCEVILLE — Police Chief Joey Petway wants the best for his department and the town that he serves. Now in his third year as the town’s top cop, he is working towards that goal.

"I’m a bowler. On my bowling team, I always want a loaded team,"Petway said. "I want the same for my police department. I want to be able to attract people to my team that can actively solve crimes and give the community a person who they can talk to and know if they give information, it will be developed in such a way that professional service will be given. (More)

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Princeville Town Meetings

Princeville board flirts with rescinding police department SOP – Daily Southerner

PRINCEVILLE — PRINCEVILLE —Tarboro Police Chief Damon Williams may have saved the Town of Princeville from grief Monday when he spoke up about a resolution that could have caused the town to face "major" liabilities.

Commissioners Ann Howell, Gwen Knight and Calvin Sherrod voted to rescind the police department’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), while commissioner Isabelle Purvis-Andrews voted against it. (More)

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Princeville NC