New Edgecombe job additions spur debate

The Political Agitator’s response: All the folk want to know is the justification for the hiring of a new deputy county manager position since the commissioners have said repeatedly there was no money to give the Edgecombe County Sheriff Office. Many felt like Commissioner Viola Harris response was very unprofessional.

TARBORO — The Edgecombe County commissioners’ decision to create two new jobs on Monday night sparked a firestorm of criticism this week on social media.

The county will spend a minimum of $45,876 plus benefits for a network security administrator and a minimum of $82,386 plus benefits for a deputy county manager. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the costs of benefits amount to about 30 percent of an employer’s compensation package.

Neither position was discussed publicly during discussion of the 2020-21 county budget, which was approved June 22.

While Edgecombe County officials have discussed the need for someone to oversee network security for at least the past two years, the county already employs both an assistant county manager as well as a county manager and there has been no previous public discussion of the deputy manager’s position.

The new posts were added under an agenda item labeled “Annual Approval of Compensation Plan” and were described by County Manager Eric Evans as “two changes” he recommended to commissioners.

In an email late Tuesday afternoon — after The Tarboro Weekly deadline — Evans responded to a series of questions posed following the meeting Monday night.

“The main difference is that the deputy county manager can function as the county manager in my absence,” he said. “For example, the (assistant county manager) cannot sign contracts on behalf of the county, take final personnel actions or make emergency decisions in the time of a disaster. The position will be advertised, applications taken and qualified candidates interviewed. (Read more)

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#Iamnotok #Ibeenengagedbeforenow
#Coronavirusstayfocused #Stayhome

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

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