The Edgecombe County Sheriff Office Clee Atkinson And Staff Prepare To Say Good Bye To Deputy David Manning Today While You Have Janice Thompson Tender Mercies Pet Organization On A Mission About Animal Control

Done Told Ya’ll You Need To Remember Names Because Some Folk Are Dangerous And Has No Damn Respect For The Edgecombe County Sheriff Office Clee Atkinson And Staff As They Prepare To Say Good Bye To Deputy David Manning Today.

The following was sent to me because I don’t go to that page and read the mess Janice Thompson post on her Tender Mercies Pet Organization Page. Today as the Edgecombe County Sheriff Office is about to say good bye to one of their fellow Officers Deputy David Manning this what Janice and gang are up to. A damn shame.

I have tried not respond to this ignant ass woman and her gang and I refuse to go over there and respond to this. I can’t wait until the 1st meeting of the Animal Control Committee.

Folk of Edgecombe County who are animal lovers please understand everything has its place animals and humans. When folk don’t use common sense then they are dangerous.

I will say that for the record I will do what is in the best interest of whatever the Edgecombe County Commissioners will request of the Animal Control Committee to do as we will represent them as committee members. What I ain’t fitting ready to allow is that Ignant Ass Janice Thompson and gang to bully me into doing anything other than what is right. Yes Janice Thompson ain’t nothing but a bully and need to get someone sit down and shut the hell up until committee meet.

I have been told by several in the community that Janice is really mad with the Sheriff Office because she has is connected to Sweepstakes in and out of the county but here in the county she has been operating under someone else name.

Folk I am just tired of ignant mess and I refuse to be silent.

Now I am going to go today and support the Manning/Moore/Heath Families, The Edgecombe County Sheriff Office and other Law Enforcement locally, statewide and nationally as we will come together and say good bye to Deputy David Manning.




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