Videos On Youtube Please Bear With Me

I am learning how to do the Youtube thing so bear with me. I am using my cell phone because my camcorder is not HD. I am still recording the entire events on my camcorder but the quality of video is not as good as my phone. I hope to get a new camcorder with HD capabilities soon.

If I was getting paid to do all of this stuff I do, I could purchase a camcorder soon but I am operating out of pocket. I video political meetings and events so that I can make folk aware of what is going on around them. I try to keep folk whom have moved away but still have family and friends here abreast of what is going on. I video funerals for free 99% of the time because that is how I show my condolences to close friends of my family.

See related:

Seeking Donations Need New Video Camera With HD Capabilities

School funding should be solved locally – Rocky Mount Telegram

The Watch Dog response: I see Robbie Davis is still at it. Well will have to just wait it out and see how this unfold.

Republican Nash County Commissioners Robbie Davis and Wayne Outlaw reiterated their determination last week to revamp the financing formula for Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools or split the district along county lines.

During the Nash County Republican Party’s GOP Aware meeting at party headquarters in the Westridge Shopping Center, Davis said he expects the issue to be brought up before the N.C. General Assembly after the legislature convenes this spring. N.C. Rep. Jeff Collins, R-Nash, had planned to introduce legislation calling for a referendum on whether to divide the school district along county lines toward the end of last year’s marathon legislative session but ran out of time.

Collins told the Telegram in October that he planned to introduce the legislation in this year’s session, which begins in April. (Source: Read more)

Seeking Donations Need New Video Camera With HD Capabilities

I am seeking donations to purchase a new Camera with HD (High Definition) so that I can provide a quality video especially when sharing on Youtube and other sources. The camera that I am using now is not HD.

When I get this new camera folk will be able to see local meetings such as school board, county commissioner, city council meetings and etc.

Click on the photo of the camera to see the specs. on the camera and how much it cost.

Donations can be sent to Curmilus Dancy P.O. Box 1391 Pinetops, NC 27864.

Thanking you in advance.
