Sources Say Dennis Mitchell Will Not Be Challenging Clark Jenkins For The Senate District 3 Seat

Earlier it was reported here on The DCN that Dr. Florence Arnold Armstrong Edgecombe County, Dennis Mitchell Pitt County and Frankie Bordeaux Pitt County were going to challenge Clark Jenkins.

Sources reported to The DCN today that Mitchell will not be a challenger.

See related:

Senate District 3 2010 Election

Slim win for mayor shows battered black electorate

When the final votes in the Atlanta mayor’s runoff are counted, it’s likely the black political machine that has controlled this city for four decades will pull through one more time.

But just barely.

Ballots are still being tallied. Unofficial results show black former state legislator Kasim Reed ahead of white councilwoman Mary Norwood by a mere 715 votes. A recount is inevitable. (Read more @