Tennessee 3 I First Thought They Were All Black

Rep. Gloria Johnson, who is White and wasn’t ousted, slammed the votes removing Jones and Pearson, who are Black, as racist. Asked by CNN’s Alisyn Camerota why she believes she wasn’t expelled, Johnson said the reason is “pretty clear.” “I am a 60-year-old White woman, and they are two young Black men,” Johnson said. She added that Pearson and Jones were questioned in a “demeaning way” by lawmakers before their expulsion. (This was sent to The DCN)

See this is an example of White Privilege by default.

But folk talking about Race ain’t an Issue in 2023, even Ignant Damn Black Folk. Get the hell out of here!

See what happened with the Tennessee 3 by clicking on the following link: “The ‘Tennessee three’ arrive in the Capitol ahead of expulsion vote.”

Adrienne Copland Your White Privilege Ends Here Councilman Andre Knight Said

Copland said of Knight’s response to Davis, “I can’t believe none of you interrupted and said, ‘Hey, point of order. Hey, we are businessmen. We are gentlemen — and we’re representing the city.’ No, no. You’re an embarrassment. I cannot believe that was allowed to go on — and it’s not the first time. (Rocky Mount Telegram)

Adrienne how in the hell do you think that the other councilmen have the right to interrupt a grown damn man who was responding to Troy Davis a Developer who came for him? Well since you say they are businessmen then when you and the others disrespect them, then you get what you get. Yes they represent the city however they are citizens of the city and have all rights to represent themselves just like they do for those who elected them. Well since you can’t believe it, get the hell over it.

“Copland said that time and time again, she has come to council meetings and she noted that there is a whole page of rules saying how citizens should conduct themselves, directing citizens not to address any council member in particular and telling citizens they could be removed from the council chambers.” (Rocky Mount Telegram)

Well damn you speak to rules of how the citizens should conduct themselves but you and your friends think you can say anything to the council and they not respond. There is not anything in the rules saying they can’t respond and I ain’t going to state it because the Mayor reads the rules before Public Comments and it does not say they can not respond. The council responds all the time but when they respond to y’all disrespect you don’t want to hear them trues.

Copland Troy Davis set the tone for the response during his comments and when he walked away from the podium he really set the tone. See why Andre Knight responded to Troy Davis by clicking on the following link Rocky Mount Councilman Responds To Troy Davis A Local Contractor.

Ohio Police Chief Allowed To Retire After Traumatizing Black Officer With KKK Note

A white Ohio police chief resigned Tuesday over a deeply troubling racial incident where he was caught on surveillance video placing a Ku Klux Klan sign on the desk of a Black officer.

On Friday Anthony Campo, a 33-year veteran of the Sheffield Lake Police Department was captured placing a piece of paper emblazoned with “Ku Klux Klan” on the desk of another officer. The officer, who is Black, had been with the department for less than a year. Campo, who is white, places the paper on a yellow robe, used to look like the robes worn by members of the white supremacist group.

Campo then can be seen returning to his office to sit and wait until the officer returns to make the startling discovery. Once the officer finds the note and robe he begins to talk with Campo as a group of officers approach to join the conversation. No audio of the event exists because the incident was captured on surveillance video.

The local police union asked the Sheffield Lake law director to conference with the mayor after receiving a complaint about the incident. Incredulously Campo attempted to brush off the incident after he was approached by the city’s mayor.

“I came into the chief’s office, and he’s standing there with a smile on his face,” Bring said. “He goes, ‘So, am I fired?’” Sheffield Mayor Dennis Bring told Cleveland.com. 

“He thought this was just a joke,” Bring continued. “How can you possibly think that you can put something on somebody’s jacket like that, and especially if they were African American, and think this is a joke? This is the most egregious and offensive thing you could possibly do. And it’s embarrassing and disgusting.” (Read more)

Watch now: Greensboro Zoning member kicked off board after tense exchange with Black resident | | greensboro.com

GREENSBORO — The City Council on Tuesday unanimously removed a construction contractor from his position on the Zoning Commission after watching a testy exchange between the official and a Black woman who appeared before the group.

Councilwoman Sharon Hightower asked city staff to play a recording of Monday night’s Zoning Commission meeting in which member Tony Collins is seen in an exchange with Dr. Carrie Rosario, who was speaking by videoconference about her concerns on a rezoning that might affect her neighborhood.

Hightower said Tuesday night that Collins, a partner in Collins & Galyon General Contractors in Greensboro, was exercising “white privilege” for refusing to refer to Rosario as “doctor” after she requested that he do so.

In the video, Collins is seen questioning Rosario about the relevance of her comments and referring to her as “Mrs. Rosario.”

“It’s Dr. Rosario, thank you,” she said.

Begin The Articles Of Impeachment Process ASAP Democrats Because Republicans Are In Denial Of What Happened Live On Wednesday

As the Democrats are talking about Impeachment, Republicans are in denial about what happened live and in color on Wednesday January 6, 2021.

Republicans in the General Assembly, rioters, protestors, looters, terriosts and White Supremacist who have supported Trump need to be charged right along with Trump.

Trump fooled them during the rally. He said they were going to march down to the Capitol and then he didn’t go, he went into hiding. Oh he was safe in the White House I mean S…. House. He was full of it of then and he is full of it now. Status: No Change!

But what gonna be done about the White Supremacy move on Wednesday? The good people of these United States need to unify and demand that all involved leading up to Wednesday need to be charged. It was televised! So it ain’t like one has to try to figure out what happened.

Who would ever thought there would come a time when a sitting President would stage the take over of the Capitol?

Some of the words that comes to mind when I think about Wednesday January 6, 2021.

White Supremacist

White Privilege




Trump Ban




Incitement of Insurrection

25th Amendment


What does ‘defund the police’ mean and does it have merit?

The Political Agitator’s response: I love it when I read ignant ass comments from all races about what defunding the police mean. Since ignants don’t know what it means it would make since to Google it. Hell I have been ignant to lots of things but I learned to Google to get the facts and that have saved me from being ignant because I am going to look ignant to folk no matter what. I have held off for a couple of weeks by doing a post on Defunding The Police because I just wanted to see who post what because if I post something and since they follow me, they may not say what they really mean. Well just seen an ignant post and I said now is the time. I look at what these same folk allow to go on locally ignant racist comments but say nothing. I look at how these folk talk about Democrats but allow Republicans to say and do mess and they say nothing. See that is where the problem lies with me. Hell if you going to call out Democrats and you are right, I will help you but call out your damn Republicans so I can help you with that too. Stop showing your White Privilege and what one White Pastor said it ought to be called White Blessings. SMDH! Now Run & Tell That!

George Floyd’s death has galvanized much of America to move the needle toward police reform ideas—such as defunding police—that were previously viewed as radical.

“Defund the police” means reallocating or redirecting funding away from the police department to other government agencies funded by the local municipality. That’s it. It’s that simple. Defund does not mean abolish policing. And, even some who say abolish, do not necessarily mean to do away with law enforcement altogether. Rather, they want to see the rotten trees of policing chopped down and fresh roots replanted anew. Camden, New Jersey, is a good example. Nearly a decade ago, Camden disbanded (abolished) its police force and dissolved the local police union. This approach seems to be what Minneapolis will do in some form, though the nuances are important.

Different from abolishing and starting anew, defunding police highlights fiscal responsibility, advocates for a market-driven approach to taxpayer money, and has some potential benefits that will reduce police violence and crime. Below, I outline some of the main arguments for defunding the police. (Read more)

#Blacklivesmatter #Iwatchedvideo

#Iamnotok #Ibeenengagedbeforenow
#Coronavirusstayfocused #Stayhome

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

Frangie Mungo Ab So Damn Lute Ly! I Don’t Forget!

The Political Agitator’s response: You are right on! COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter has brought out what was in folk. It was already there but in this season of exposure folk are learning who are who. Well I already knew but just needed confirmation for them to show themselves approved. I have been watching folk over the years so I know them and know how they operate. Yep they be with me when it comes to talking about certain things that I talk about but they are slow to talk about issues that they have with other folk be it within the same race. I observe when Black folk say certain things about folk and issues and the same when it comes to Caucasians. I have been trying to wake folk up in Edgecombe County since the late 80’s. Fran just keep the faith and know that we are in a due season.
Frangie Mungo

Let white privilege benefit that one use to be friend and watch them turn away from you and think that you forgot about all the support they pretended to give you before. Even calling black leaders speaking up on racism and prejudices. Naw, I ain’t forgot.

#Blacklivesmatter #Iwatchedvideo

#Iamnotok #Ibeenengagedbeforenow
#Coronavirusstayfocused #Stayhome

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

White Blessings Instead Of White Privilege, Really!

The Political Agitator’s response: Sad how intelligent Black folk can sit under this type of mess. This is why this mess goes on today because some Black folk validate it by sitting in the audience, giving them their monies. SMDH! Only Ignant Safe Negro Black Folk does that.
Bronson Williams

56 mins ·

Say what

Giglio said the use of “white privilege” causes “a fuse goes off for a lot of white people because they don’t want somebody telling them to check their privilege.”


An Atlanta megachurch pastor wants to use the phrase “white blessings” instead of “white privilege”

Giglio said the use of “white privilege” causes “a fuse goes off for a lot of white people because they don’t want somebody telling them to check their privilege.”

5Reuben Blackwell and 4 others

1 Comment



  • Reuben BlackwellActive Now

    Reuben Blackwell Black church members need to keep their feet and behinds out of these wolf dens and keep their black blessings in their pockets until they find a real church teaching the whole truth. This ain’t Jesus!

#Blacklivesmatter #Iwatchedvideo

#Iamnotok #Ibeenengagedbeforenow
#Coronavirusstayfocused #Stayhome

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

I Am Not Excited About Another BLACK Man Down When It Ain’t New To Me, Why Are You Excited?

I am not excited because another Black Man Down. I don’t need another Black Man to get beat down or shot down to know that white supremacy and white privilege is real.

I have been speaking out on Black Men Down since I became actively engaged in community and political activism in the late 80’s.

I remember when the term came out young black boys were at – risk when I was actively engaged in school PTO, School Improvement Team Meetings and other along with attending school board meetings back in the early 90’s. I said hell all Black Men are at – risk. I don’t have to name a Black Man Down case because they have been numerous over the years and everybody is familiar with atleast one case.

But my problem is and has not only been about Black Men Down when they have been physically beat and shot, but I have been speaking out when Black Men has been attacked as they are serving in elected official and in leadership roles.

So while some folk are getting excited now, hell I don’t get excited I just get madder and madder. I get mad because it could easily be me, my son, nephews, cousins and friends. Actually some of my friends serving in elected officials capacity and leadership roles has been beat down and I have spoke out while so many folk have not said anything but get excited when beat downs occur that ain’t local. How many of you speak out when it hits home (locally)? I have no problem with you speaking out on Black Men Down when it ain’t local but damn you need to speak out when Black Men Down hits home be it mentally and/or physically. But when you don’t that mean you are playing it Safe. Just because you don’t speak out don’t make you Safe. Anytime you leave home you are at – risk of becoming a Black Man Down.

White Privilege vs Black Experience


Raleigh Police Say Armed Right-Wing Protesters Weren’t Protesters, No Arrests Made

The Political Agitator’s response: White Privilege! If they had been Black this story would have been different.

A small group of armed white men (and two white women)—adherents of the right-wing ideology “boogaloo,” which fetishizes the Second Amendment and overthrowing the government—marched near the Capitol Building Friday afternoon to demand that the state reopen despite the threat of the coronavirus.

In North Carolina, it is against the law for “any person participating in [a] demonstration upon … any public place” to “willfully or intentionally possess or have immediate access to any dangerous weapons.”

The Raleigh police did nothing.

The show of force stemmed from ReOpenNC’s protest on Tuesday, in which four members of that organization, including leader Ashley Smith, were arrested outside of the Executive Mansion on charges of violating an executive order and resisting arrest.

In response, some paramilitary conspiracy theorists formed “Blue Igloo”—a reference to the alt-right’s code word “boogaloo,” a play on the 1984 breakdancing movie Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo, which, as a sequel, has come to refer to a second Civil War—to show off their guns in downtown Raleigh. (Read more)

Antioch City Council Removes Planning Commissioner After Viral Uproar Over Remarks

The Political Agitator’s response: White Privilege! Some think they can say and do anything and then apologize. Apologizing should also come with consequences. But he didn’t apologize anyway. I love it when someone stand behind what they say.

While the novel coronavirus pandemic’s deadly toll marches on, a sideshow scoreboard is counting up local politicians.

In a special two-hour remote meeting Friday night, the Antioch City Council voted unanimously to remove Ken Turnage II from his seat on the city planning commission following his social media posting about “culling the herd” during the COVID-19 crisis.

The comments fueled an online viral uproar that culminated in the local builder’s booting from his appointed commission term. During the public video meeting, a city official read off 92 one-minute email comments sent to the city government website. (Read more)

White Privilege But Too Ignant To Admit It

A couple of days ago I heard 3 white guys talking about Mexico said they would fund the wall after the Democrats said something. One guy kept repeating something about Democrats, Mexico and the Wall. Another guy said something about Hilary. I hollered out but Hilary, Trump, Bernie Sanders are all white because I knew it would piss theme hell off. One guy said why you got to bring up race, you always got to be argumentive. One guy said he was trying to educate folk and I said you can’t educate me on anything. One guy came towards me and said why you got to always bring up race and be argumentive that is why folk tune me out. Well hell they had not tuned me in because I was not apart of their conversation but they wanted me to be and that is why they were talking that ignant mess. I said they ought to build a wall in Rocky Mount. I said y’all don’t have to talk to me. I said oh that is that white privilege y’all can say what y’all want to but other folk can’t. I said y’all be talking in codes but I read them.

Now back to race. These guys were all white. They were talking about Mexicans so the last time I checked white folk and Mexicans are not of the same race. They talked about Democrats and that is code for talking about black folk in which I just happen to be a black man and not afraid to to challenge their ignant asses.

These white guys are another example of talking about mess and then when the black man challenge them they play victim. They play …. but then don’t want to get ….. They feel they can say whatever they want to but black folk ain’t suppose to be able to voice their opinion. Oh hell no, I ain’t the one.

They learnt the day! But they already knew when it comes to me, I am not the one. Try me!

Family whose SUV plunged off cliff had troubling past riddled with abuse allegations – USA Today

The Watch Dog response: Damn shame the aunt had no criminal record, had good job, raised a child of her own but they would not allow her to get the children. But these white adoptees had a record. It is sad we have come a long ways but we got a damn long ways to go. It goes to show you that White Privilege is a live and well.

Authorities in Oregon, Washington and Minnesota all received reports of child welfare concerns involving Jennifer and Sarah Hart, who died alongside at least three of their children when their SUV plunged 100 feet over a California cliff on March 26.

The crash killed the married couple, and at least three of their six adopted children — Markis, 19, Jeremiah, 14, and Abigail, 14. The other three children are missing, and Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman said it’s likely that they, too, were in the SUV and their bodies may have washed out to sea.

Authorities believe the crash was intentional.

While friends of the couple said they were a caring family, records show several allegations of abuse or neglect.

Here’s a timeline of the allegations: (Read more)

White Privilege But Some Folk Will Attempt To Twist These Trues
