Appeals court stays vaccine mandate on larger businesses

The Political Agitator’s response: Not a surprise because one thing Trump did was to put judges in place.

NEW ORLEANS — A federal appeals court on Saturday temporarily halted the Biden administration’s vaccine requirement for businesses with 100 or more workers.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals granted an emergency stay of the requirement by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration that those workers be vaccinated by Jan. 4 or face mask requirements and weekly tests.

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said the action stops Democrat President Joe Biden "from moving forward with his unlawful overreach.”

"The president will not impose medical procedures on the American people without the checks and balances afforded by the constitution,” said a statement from Landry, a Republican.

Such circuit decisions normally apply to states within a district — Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, in this case — but Landry said the language employed by the judges gave the decision a national scope.

“This is a great victory for the American people out there. Never before has the federal government tried in a such a forceful way to get between the choices of an American citizen and their doctor. To me that’s the heart of the entire issue,” he said.

The Biden administration had no immediate comment.

At least 27 states filed lawsuits challenging the rule in several circuits, some of which were made more conservative by the judicial appointments of former Republican President Donald Trump.

The Biden administration has been encouraging widespread vaccinations as the quickest way to end the pandemic that has claimed more than 750,000 lives in the United States. (Read more)

‘It’s going to hurt North Carolinians’ | State labor commissioner raises concerns about new federal COVID-19 vaccine rule

The Political Agitator’s response: I just wonder would Dobson have the mindset he has if the President was a Republican.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — North Carolina Labor Commissioner Josh Dobson is raising some concerns about a new federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate, including how it could impact the state’s economy for the future.

According to the new emergency temporary standard (ETS) announced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on Thursday, Nov. 4, a deadline is in place to have employers with 100 or more employees to have their workers vaccinated by Jan. 4. Employees who don’t meet the guideline will have to go through weekly testing for COVID-19 with their employer.

President Joe Biden issued the following statement below about the announcement early Thursday morning:

Vaccination requirements are good for the economy. They not only increase vaccination rates but they help send people back to work – as many as 5 million American workers. They make our economy more resilient in the face of COVID and keep our businesses open. Today, the Labor Department issued its rule requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for companies with 100 or more employees. If you work for one of these companies you will either need to get vaccinated or test at least weekly. (Read more)


I have figured it out they are suffering from Trumpidity and they need some help. Help is available but they must admit they have drank the Orange Koo Laid, Clorox and rather take invectom for horses than take the Vaccine. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/17/2021

It Ain’t About The Vaccine! Trump

If Trump was President and he called for a Vaccine Mandate, they would be at the front of the line and Black folk would be way in the back. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/17/2021

Funny To Me! For The Good Of All Folk

When some folk think things are put in place for Black Folk to hold them down, but damn now the Vaccine Mandate is being put in place for all folk, they big mad! Can you say get the hell over it! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9 /17/2021

Mad Now But You Were Riding With Trump! Mask/Vaccine Mandate

Comply! Quit! Be Fired! Now go somewhere and sit down and shut the hell up! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/17/2021

Vaccine Mandate! Comply

Hell yeah it is a problem when it is a mandate because it is your right until to choose. Once mandated then you need to comply. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/10/2021

Vaccination Mandate – Communist?

Damn they say this makes us become Communist. Hell my Black …. must been a Communist all my life because I have had to Comply all these years to Government Mandates. Trump got y’all messed up! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/10/2021