Trump Was Sent Home But You Have Options When It Comes To Getting Vaccinated

Trump Lovers continue to follow him, the people sent him home and now your employer going to send you home because you refuse to get vaccinated. Trump didn’t have an option, but you do. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 11/3/2021

COVID-19 Fake Scientists Trumpities Got All The Answers

COVID False Scientists

Trump on what would prevent 2024 bid: ‘I guess a bad call from a doctor’

Fool1Former President Trump suggested in an interview Friday night that only a "bad call from a doctor" would prevent him from seeking another White House bid.

Trump, who has openly flirted with launching another presidential campaign while so far declining to reveal his plans for 2024, was asked by television host David Brody what might prevent him from running again.

"Well, I don’t — I guess a bad call from a doctor or something, right?" Trump said on "The Water Cooler" show on Real America’s Voice.

"Things happen. Through God, they happen," he added. "But I feel so good."

Trump, now 75, was previously the oldest president to enter office in 2017 until President Biden earlier this year. (Read more)

Voter ID vs Vaccination Is Trumpidity!

Kemp Edwards said the following, “Also, if you think showing an ID to vote is “Jim Crow” and racist then be sure to show your proof of vaccination instead.”

First of all there has been no proof that there has been Voter Fraud to put in place one should have to show ID to vote. Hell yeah it is racist because it is all about targeting Black Folk. Who has been sick, hospitalized and died because they didn’t have to show a Voter ID to vote?

Second some folk have had COVID, recovered, recovering and have died. And it can be spread to others.

It is time for those who suffer from Trumpidity to get some help and to stop being in denial about what is real and what is perceived.

COVID Vaccinations & Trumpidity

I love it when those who suffer from TRUMPIDITY say the vaccine is not needed, it is a hoax, folk are dying although they take the vaccine and the one that is the most crazy is they are lying about the numbers. Well my numbers consist of the folk I know has had COVID, that has COVID and those who have died and this goes for folk that I know that know folk who know someone who had COVID, has COVID and has died from COVID. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/23/2021


I have figured it out they are suffering from Trumpidity and they need some help. Help is available but they must admit they have drank the Orange Koo Laid, Clorox and rather take invectom for horses than take the Vaccine. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/17/2021