Be Careful Who You Accept As Friends And Allow To Troll Your Page On Social Media

Because I am not afraid to say what I mean and mean what I say, some folk don’t want to accept them Trues.

Because I learned to say enough to agitate folk who come for me to show just who they are, they get mad and they would report me to Facebook Patrol. I would end up in Facebook Jail. Well I began to Unfriend and Block folk who came for me.

I used to get warnings and go to Facebook Jail quite often. The last time I went for 30 damn days. Really! Each time I went was because I shared somebody else post or when responding to folk ignant responses and they couldn’t handle them trues.

I have not been to Facebook Jail since June. I began to Block folk because with my page being Public, just Unfriending them was not enough because they could still follow my page. Blocking them mean they can’t see my page and comments that I post on other pages.

I encourage you to watch your friends and who you allow to troll your page.

Ed Atkinson Was Blocked From Trolling My Page So He Could Keep Up With What Is Going On But He Over On Tarboro 27886 Page Trying To Discredit Me

Did he think he could silence me? He nor anyone don’t have enough money to that!




Fitting Ready To Shut Down Political Trolls On My Page

Folk I am shutting down folk who play both sides of Politics. I ain’t got time for your games. Either you are about what is right or you are playing it safe. I do not deal with Safe Folk because they will get you killed.

So anyone who are into Edgecombe County Politics, beginning with the Edgecombe County Democratic Party, Democratic Women, Edgecombe County Elected Officials or a Want A Be Elected Official get ready, get ready because I am going to call you out. Oh don’t worry about me because I only got one vote but my damn voice reaches more than one person, town and county.

So when you read about yourself on The DCN News Blog Online TV you have been warned. Just in case if you didn’t know when I post on my blog it automatically post on my Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts and folk and media outlets follow me across the nation.

Over the weekend I am going to start blocking political folk who are trolls that follow me on Social Media faithfully.