Hypocrisy In Sports

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NFL Team Owners, Commissioner Deposed in Colin Kaepernick Collusion Case – Colorlines

Jerry Jones and Robert McNair publicly criticized NFL players for kneeling in opposition to police racism. Now they have to turn over their cell phone and email records to investigators.

At least five National Football League (NFL) team owners and the commissioner must submit all digital communications about Colin Kaepernick to the free agent’s legal team for his collusion case.

An anonymous NFL source told ESPN on Friday (November 3) that the team owners for the Dallas Cowboys, Houston Texans, Seattle Seahawks, San Francisco 49ers and New England Patriots will be deposed and required to turn over email and cell phone records related to the case. Kaepernick’s grievance, which he filed last month, accuses all 32 NFL team owners and other central office executives of punishing him for his kneeling protests against racist policing by conspiring to keep him out of a job. The complaint says the alleged collusion violates the NFL’s collective bargaining agreement, which prohibits executives from placing restrictions on a team’s ability to work with any individual player. (Colorlines)

4 Black Players Just Made SICK Ultimatum To NFL Of What They Want To Force White Fans To Do For A Month – Conservative7

The Watch Dog response: But race don’t matter! Jesus need to come see these Mean Ignant Racist White Folk.

When most Americans turn on the television to watch a football game, the last thing they want is to be bombarded with is the political viewpoints of protesting millionaire athletes whining about their “oppression” of living in America. The NFL has a catastrophe on their hands at this point, as their protesting players are now turning away fans in droves, with their viewership down a startling 14% just since last year. But in a move steeped in complete insanity, the NFL is doubling down on their plans to alienate their vastly patriotic fan base, with the sickening change they plan to make for the month of November. (Conservative7)

At Least One NFL Owner Cleared A Very Low Bar On Anthem Protests – Deadspin

The Watch Dog response: Can’t wait to see how they twist these trues!

“When Colin originally sat, I was taken aback by it,” York said. “I felt like a lot of people who have been negative toward the anthem protest, then I sat down with Colin and I heard where he was coming from … I think his message has been lost, and that’s the disappointing thing in this. His message has been lost in what he’s fighting for, and I think that’s one of the things that really struck me is, the more you sit down with our players and hear what they’re about and what they’re fighting for, it’s really, really hard to disagree with them.” (Deadspin)

While the Star Spangled began playing, both Smith and Carlos lowered their heads and raised their fists . . . Joe Madison

The Watch Dog response: Like I have said fighting some of the same battles now from back then. But then you have folk acting like the fight just begin. GTHOH! I know what I have been working on and others around me while now some folk come on the scene trying to act like they done figured something out. Really?

On this date, in 1968, Olympic sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos took their places on the podium during the medal ceremony wearing black socks without shoes, black gloves, and civil rights badges. While the Star Spangled began playing, both Smith and Carlos lowered their heads and raised their fists, in solidarity with the Black Freedom Movement in the United States. (Joe Madison)

Report: Kaepernick files grievance against NFL owners for collusion – MSN

Colin Kaepernick has filed a grievance under the collective bargaining agreement for collusion against NFL team owners, reports Mike Freeman of Bleacher Report.

Kaepernick has hired high-profile attorney Mark Geragos and is preparing to release a statement about his grievance soon, added Freeman.

The free-agent quarterback has remained unemployed since his release by the San Francisco 49ers in March and has garnered little interest from teams around the league.

This has caused some to suggest he’s being blackballed for his national anthem protests during the 2016 season.

Kaepernick appeared in 12 games for 49ers in 2016, throwing for 2,241 yards with 16 touchdowns to four interceptions. (MSN)

The memo 4 players sent NFL commissioner Roger Goodell – Yahoo News

As players whom have been advocating for social justice for the past year, we appreciate the opportunity to engage with you, the league, owners, coaches and GMs to make our communities stronger. As we shared with you, the silence following our individual and collective demonstrations around the national anthem to raise awareness to racial inequality and issues surrounding criminal justice reform has been met with inconsistencies in press coverage and perceived lack of support.

To recap our discussion, currently there are more than 40 active players who have participated in our “Players Coalition” to work on criminal justice reform on various levels (some more than others). Below is a summary of the activities we have conducted to date.

Our focus has been to identify and place our efforts on the key areas of reform where our influence and support can make a . . . (Yahoo News)

The NFL and ESPN badly misjudged Trump. Now they’re paying the price.

The Watch Dog response: But race don’t matter! Ya’ll better wake the hell up. Some think it is open season on black folk coming from the white house. Well they gonna learn the day!

(CNN)The NFL put out a statement on Wednesday denying it had capitulated to President Donald Trump and banned players from kneeling when the National Anthem plays before games.

This remains true, so far as we know, in the abstract. The league has not imposed any formal restrictions. (Yet. There are more meetings planned.) But even as Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones threatened on Sunday to bench any player judged to be “disrespecting the flag,” the presidential blitz continues — and it becomes clearer that the NFL and ESPN’s attempts to appease Trump have failed. (CNN)

Who Said, “The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave” Is All On Paper

The only thing I really feel is necessary is that the black people, not only in Mississippi, will have to actually upset this applecart. What I mean by that is, so many things are under the cover that will have to be swept out and shown to this whole world, not just to America. This thing they say of “the land of the free and the home of the brave” is all on paper. It doesn’t really mean anything to us. The only way we can make this thing a reality in America is to do all we can to destroy this system and bring this out to the light that has been under the cover all these years.

An entire German soccer team took a knee before a game, echoing the NFL anthem protests – Business Insider

A Berlin-based soccer team knelt before a game on Saturday.

Both players and officials of Hertha Berlin got down on one knee prior to the game “For a tolerant Berlin and an open-minded world, now and forevermore!” according to a tweet by the team.

“We are living in the 21st century, not the 18th century, but there are some people who haven’t developed their ideologies accordingly,” one of the the teams players, Sebastian Langkamp, told Sky Sports in an interview, according to the BBC. “If we can give them a bit of help in doing so, then that’s good.” (Business Insider)

Jerry Jones saying players will stand is really about keeping black people in their place – Washington Post

The Watch Dog response: Ab so lute ly!

In a week filled with news about his administration’s political fails, President Trump seems to have landed a major cultural victory for his base: keeping black America on its knees by forcing football players to their feet during the national anthem.

First and foremost: The decision to kneel for the anthem, beginning with Colin Kaepernick, was always about protesting American racism and police brutality. Sadly, and predictably, instead of engaging with the honest plea for America’s police to stop killing citizens of color, Trump, Vice President Pence and the National Football League have reacted by doing their damnedest to silence these protests, by staging taxpayer-funded walkouts and issuing statements directing players to stand for the national anthem. On Tuesday, weeks after he kneeled with his players for unity and equality before the anthem was played, cantankerous Cowboys owner Jerry Jones issued a statement saying his players would stand for the anthem. Shaun King of the Intercept reported on Twitter that Cowboys players will not test Jones, and will indeed stand for the anthem. Jones admitted that he had spoken with Trump over the phone and that the president had reminded him of the NFL policy of standing for the anthem. (Washington Post)

Colin Kaepernick Protest

It do not matter how it is promoted it ain’t gonna matter to Ignant Racist Ass White Folk and Ignant Safe Negroes. It should not matter if race is included because as long as folk continue act like RACE does not matter there lies the problem.

I am gonna call it as I see it because I refuse not to talk about RACE as if it is not the number 1 factor. Race has been the number 1 factor all of my life. If it was not a factor in the anthem then it would not say SLAVE in it.

If Race was not the number 1 factor then we would not have to identify ourselves by race. So for me talking about RACE is not a problem and for folk who has a problem with it, they need to get the hell over it because it is real and a daily walk in our lives.

NFL: League not seeking mandate for players to stand during anthem

The NFL said on Friday it has no plans to mandate players stand for the U.S. national anthem, but will rather present a possible solution on how to end the controversial protests when it meets with team owners next week.

Commissioner Roger Goodell, along with the head of the NFL Players Association, will meet with the owners from Oct. 17-18 in New York where the issue of player protests during the U.S. national anthem is expected to command much attention.

“(Goodell) has a plan that he is going to present to owners about how to use our platform to both raise awareness and make progress on issues of social justice and equality in this country,” NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart said on a conference call.

“What we don’t have is a proposal that changes our policy, we don’t have something that mandates anything. That’s clear. If that was the case I doubt the head of the NFLPA would have put a joint statement out with us.” (MSN Sports)

Trump sits, talks through song lowering the flag at military base amid NFL anthem controversy – Washington Examiner

President Trump sat and talked through the nightly playing of “Retreat” as the American flag was lowered on a Pennsylvania Air National Guard base during his interview with Sean Hannity.

Trump, who has been criticizing NFL players who kneel through the national anthem to protest racism, seemed caught off-guard by loudspeakers playing “Retreat.” The song is played every night at military bases to signal the American flag being lowered and the end of the official duty day.

Military site Task and Purpose was the first to notice Trump sitting during the song. According to Task and Purpose, uniformed service members are required to stop what they’re doing and salute the flag as its lowered during the song while civilians are required to place their hand over their heart.

Don’t miss:

John Kelly: ‘I was not brought to this job to control’ Trump’s Twitter

Trump not only does not stand or place his hand over his heart, but instead talks through the song and assumes it’s being played to honor him or Hannity. (Washington Examiner)

When You Say Don’t Be Sidetracked By Monuments, Kaepernick Protest, Trump Tweets And Other, Who & What Are Your Referring To?

I have seen several folk post don’t be sidetracked from the real issues so my question is who are you referring to and what are the issues are you referring to?

Please help me understand who you are talking about, which I know you may be afraid to say but maybe you are not afraid to say what the issues are.