Conetoe Commissioners Are On The Right Track To Move The Town Forward

Last year during the last 2021 elections the town of Conetoe elected a new Mayor Kevin Craft and Commissioners Donald Mooring and Milton Goff were re-elected. All three of these men are White Males and Republicans. Delane Bryant White female and Gerry Butch Lynch Black male are both Democrats and serving their 1st term.

The 1st meeting in December Butch was elected as the Mayor Pro-tem and the Republicans were mad but they had the majority votes.

Mayor Kevin Craft called a special meeting in January the week before the regular monthly meeting and they voted to concentrate on hiring a Town Clerk.

Mayor Kevin Craft didn’t show up for the January regular monthly meeting and it was stated that he had COVID. Donald Mooring and Milton Goff didn’t show up and no reason was stated.

Mayor Kevin Craft resigned as Mayor and Commissioner Donald Mooring resigned from the Commission leaving their seats vacant.

Since that time there were meetings held amongst the commissioners and Butch was elected Mayor and Delane was elected Mayor Pro-tem. Deborah Dew-Jordan was hired to be the Town Clerk. Butch was sworn in as Mayor and Deborah as the Town Clerk during the February regular monthly meeting.

Since that time the commissioners and the town clerk has met and they have elected Jenny Hinnant and Clayton Clay Webb to fill the vacant seats.

Jenny Black female and Democrat and Clay a White male and Republican will be sworn in during the March regular monthly meeting.

Commissioner Milton Goff will carry out the duties of Town Maintenance. Commissioner Clay Webb will carry out the duties of Building & Grounds. Commissioner Delane Bryant will carry out the duties Town Manager. Commissioner Jenny Hinnant will carry out the duties of Parks & Recreation. Mayor Butch Lynch will carry out the duties of Finance Officer and Deborah Dew-Jordan will carry out the duties of Town Clerk.

Lights are on at the park tonight for the first time in years and have running water. The building has been pressured washed and hopefully all other major maintenance updates will e completed by Friday March 4, 2022.

I believe the Conetoe Commissioners 2021 elections has brought about some history.

I believe it is historical that the Town Commission began in December 2021 with 3 Republicans to 2 Democrats. Today February 2022 the Commission is 3 Democrats to 2 Republicans. The town went from having a White Mayor in December and in February the town has a Black Mayor.

I believe it is historical that the town has hired the 1st Black Town Clerk.

I graduated with Jenny Staton Hinnant SouthWest Class of 1981.

I have been working with Deborah Dew-Jordan in the Democratic Party, then she became and still is a Tarboro City Councilwoman. We also serve on the Edgecombe County African American Caucus of the NC State Democratic Party and we both serve on the NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee.

Gerry Butch Lynch and I used to work together at Honeywell Inc.

I have been videoing the Conetoe Town Commissioner’s meeting since December and look forward to attending their meetings monthly. I video these meetings and all other meetings out of pocket.

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.

Historical Moment In Conetoe NC During The February Monthly Meeting And How Fitting During Black History Month

May be an image of 3 people, people standing and indoorIn December I attended the swearing in of the newly elected Mayor Kevin Craft Republican and Commissioners Delane Bryant and Gerry Butch Lynch Democrats. There were 2 Republicans already on the council so therefore the Commission at that time was a make up of 3 Republicans and 2 Democrats.

During the meeting it was some controversy over the commissioners electing Butch as the Mayor Pro-tem however Butch was elected Mayor Pro-tem.

Mayor Craft called a special meeting in January one week before the regular scheduled meeting and he talked about the hiring of a Town Clerk. They went into Closed Session and came out and said no further business until a Clerk was hired.

During the January regular scheduled meeting the Mayor Craft did not attend and it was stated that he and his family had COVID. Mayor Pro-tem Lynch and Commissioner Bryant were the only 2 to show up. The other 2 Republicans were a no show. Lynch and Bryant went on with the meeting stating they could not vote on anything because they didn’t have a quorum.

It was reported around 2 weeks ago that Mayor Craft turned in his letter of resignation as Mayor.

On Monday during the February regularly scheduled meeting it was announced that the commission had met and Butch was elected the new Mayor and Bryant the Mayor Pro-tem. Commissioner Milton Goff was the only Republican to attend the meeting and it was not stated why Donald Mooring was not present.

Sharon Edmundson Treasury for the Local Government Commission and another representative were present. The Conetoe Town Attorney was present along with another attorney from the firm.

May be an image of 1 person and standingAfter Mayor Butch Lynch and the new Town Clerk Deborah Dew-Jordan were sworn in by Edgecombe County Clerk of Superior Court Carol Allen White the town had a very informative and productive meeting. I think everyone in the room were excited about what took place.

Mayor Pro-tem Delane Bryant who has been attending the Conetoe Town meetings for nearly 2 years taking notes is to be commended for her tenacity in challenging the former Commissioners as she set out to get Conetoe and the citizens connected because they have been at a disconnect for several years.

Did you know that several years ago now Mayor Gerry Butch Lynch won as a write in candidate on a ballot but didn’t pursue it because he didn’t know he was being written in. But the real reason he didn’t pursue was because some former Commissioners at the time told him he didn’t live in the city limits and that was the same issue that the 3 Republicans were trying to use during last years election. The word is the Good Ole Boys moved the City Limits sign beyond his house but the Edgecombe County Board of Elections and the State Board of Elections approved that Lynch lived in the City Limits. I rode all 4 roads leading into Conetoe and it is funny how coming into Conetoe on 64 Highway from Tarboro the City Limits sign is the shortest from the intersection of Hwy 42 an Hwy 64.

On Tuesday night I believe history was made because I don’t know of a person who have served in elected office and sworn in within 2 months going from a Commissioner/Mayor Pro-tem to Mayor.

Conetoe FebruaryAnother historical moment is Deborah Dew-Jordan was hired as the 1st Black Town Clerk.

About The DCN
The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

Video: Click On Bottom Photo or Here.

Conetoe NC – Conetoe Town Commissioners Meeting Tonight Mayor Kevin Craft Resigned & Mayor Pro-tem Gerry Butch Lynch Is Now The Mayor

Last week Kevin Craft who was recently elected Mayor last year resigned his post. Also recently elected Mayor Pro-tem Butch Lynch was elevated to Mayor and Delane Bryant Commissioner was elevated to Mayor Pro-tem.

Tonight Lynch & Bryant and the newly hired Town Clerk will all be sworn in.

I understand the town is on their way to getting the town back to somewhat normalcy since the Town Hall has not been functioning since early last year.

I want to commend Lynch and Bryant for taking the lead on standing their ground to get the town in order.

I am The DCN News Blog Online TV “Your Alternative News Source” will be livestream the meeting tonight.

Click on Donations to help a brother out!

Thanking you in advance.

Kevin Craft Mayor Conetoe Has Resigned & Butch Lynch Mayor Pro-tem Will Be The Mayor Until

Conetoe Town MeetingKevin Craft Mayor Conetoe has resigned his post effective February 1st. Kevin was elected during the November Election along with new members Delane Bryant and Gerry Butch Lynch. The Conetoe Town Commission was a makeup of the Republican Mayor and 2 Republican Commissioners along with 2 Democratic Commissioners a White female a Black male. Kraft said in the December meeting when he and the council members were sworn in that he was going to do some good things for the town. However the town has been operating without a town clerk for months. Kraft nor the other 2 Republicans attended the January meeting. Kraft was said to have had COVID and the other 2 just didn’t show up for whatever reason. The 1st order of business should have been to advertise and to hire a town clerk so that the clerk could handle the town business such as paying bills, overseeing the staff and other duties of the clerk. On Tuesday February 8 during the regular monthly meeting the citizens will learn how the town will move forward.

Rocky Mount NC Meetings Around Edgecombe County Week Of January 10, 2022

Rocky Mount City Council Website
Monday January 10, 2022 7:00 PM   

Conetoe Town Hall
Tuesday Night January 11, 2022 7:00 PM
Conetoe has a new mayor and 2 new commissioners. The town has not had a Town Clerk for quite some time so therefore no bills and no employees have been paid.

The new mayor has no clue of what he is doing. and the 2 new members along with the mayor have to learn how the meeting process works. But they don’t have anyone on the commission to help them because the 2 commissioners who were already on the commission have no clue or just don’t give a damn about doing what is right.

The Town Hall meetings are supposed to be held every 2nd Tuesday 7:30 PM. The mayor said at a special called meeting on Wednesday January 5 that there would not be a regular meeting on Tuesday January 11 but they were going to meet to look at some applications for hiring a town clerk that night. But actually what they need to do is to advertise the town has an opening for a town clerk. To do anything else, I believe would be illegal. We shall see how Tuesday unfolds.

Follow The DCN Online TV for live recordings and playback.

Rocky Mount City Council, Pinetops Town Commissioners, Conetoe Town Commissioners Going Into The New Year

With the upcoming 2022 Elections beginning soon folk you better not get caught up in the noise. 

During the last election I made some bad choices and if I was to do it again I would have chosen to support Elaine Burnette Williams for Rocky Mount City Council. For me and listening to others, the Black woman’s voice has been missing and that would have been the better choice.

Some say that the election was not about TJ and Elaine but about Pastor Thomas L. Walker and Pastor James Gailliard. I am just talking about what they were saying.

I supported Councilman T.J. Walker because he was family but he has been very disappointing. First of all he did not attend the meetings in person regularly, when he did come, he came late and/or left early. But the main thing I have a problem with is I understand he is no longer a youth pastor at his granddaddy’s church. I would not allow politics to come between me and family because being a politician is a 4 year contract but family suppose to be for life. Now keeping in mind families fall apart for many reasons. I know we get grown and want to do grown folk stuff but when we have family, we need to listen to them. We ain’t going to agree with everything but there are some things that they tell us that is the gospel truth.

Councilman TJ Walker you are the youngest member on the council and it is time for you to step up your game. Folk were saying that you didn’t need to be the Mayor Pro-tem but now is the time for you to be more focused and committed to the council. I hope you don’t continue to get caught up in the young folk thing and do what you were elected to do. You see if you do that, the young thing will take care of itself. Don’t get above yourself just because you are now Mayor Pro-tem because that is more of a ceremonial thing and only last for a year.

Some folk have been mad since the Rocky Mount City Council has been a Black Majority. Because of that you guys have to walk a thin line and to always do what is right.

Pinetops Town Commission need to step it up because it makes no sense they do not have a Town Administrator. Natalie Watson Bess left to become an assistant Edgecombe County Manager and she has not been replaced.

Pinetops citizens need to get more involved in their local government. I just don’t understand why some citizens do not attend the Town Meetings seeking to make Pinetops a better place to live work and play. Pinetops have a lot of potential but from being familiar with the town and the citizens, it is disappointing to see the standstill they are in.

I have not attended a Pinetops Town Meeting in a few years but I plan to attend some in 2022.

The Town Of Conetoe has got a complete mess. I attended the swearing in of their Commissioners this month and the new commission is starting from the bottom. The town was left in a mess and the only way I see it getting on track is that LGC will have to come in and guide them. The new mayor and the 2 old Commissioners that have been on the commission need to go home. It appears they have been a part of a commission that has done just wanted they wanted to do and not by policies and procedures.

It appears the 2 new Commissioners Democrats want to come in and learn the role of leading the town and to get the town back on track. Because they are new they will have to learn their roles while fighting the 3 Republicans who have the Trump mentality because they actually think Conetoe belongs to them. The meeting was standing room only and it need to stay that way until the Town is back on track.

The main focus should be the seeking to hire a qualified Town Clerk. The Town Clerk is the one that runs the town especially of that size. The Mayor is talking about what he is going to do but he don’t even understand that he don’t have a vote unless he has to break a tie. But that will always be the case simply because the Town Commission is a make up of 2 Republican and 2 Democratic Commissioners and he being a Republican Mayor, until they learn their roles about how Government works, they are going to just vote together just because of their party affiliation.

Gerry Butch Lynch is the only Black on the Commission and his first time holding a political office has his work cut out for him. It began the 1st night because them Republicans tried to say his house didn’t sit in the city limits. The Edgecombe County Board of Elections and the State Board of Elections both validated it but they just ignored them. The Mayor told everybody to leave the room so they could talk about Butch’s residency. I said I am not leaving the room and I told everybody else to stay. The Mayor then proceeded to talk about the residency issue. They made a complete fool out of themselves.

I can’t wait until the next meeting to see how the Mayor carry out the meeting because it is obvious he has no clue of how to do so. I hope that LGC is present because if not I see the meeting being a disaster.

Because I am a Community and Political Activist first, I am an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Chair, serve on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee and the NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee, member of the Edgecombe County African American Caucus of the NC State Democratic Party I am going to be very visible and active in Edgecombe County Politics in 2022. So anyone that has a problem with that that will be a you problem because I am actively engaged in politics locally, statewide and nationally.

Looking forward to the 2022 Elections and I will be educating the citizens of Edgecombe County but not limited to about politics, political leaders and political issues.


Conetoe Town Council Meeting Was A Whole Mess!

ConetoeClick On Photo To Watch Video
This meeting was a mess. It was clear that this council will need some serious training. This is one of the worst meetings I have ever attended.
The Honorable Clerk of Court Carol A. White swore in the new mayor and the other 4 commissioners. Rep. Shelly Willingham was present and also Deborah Dew-Jordan Tarboro Town Council.

The meeting was crazy because it was clear that the commissioners have no clue about how to carry out a meeting.

The new commissioners sworn in are Republicans Kevin Craft Mayor, Commissioners Donald Mooring, Milton Goff and Democrats Delane Bryant and Gerry Butch Lynch. Delane Bryant is the only female and Lynch is the only Black. Lynch was elected Mayo Pro-tem after a mess took place.

A mess took place when it came time to elect a Mayor Pro-tem. Mayor Kevin Craft said we need a Mayor Pro-tem and he suggested Butch and Bryant nominated him. There was no 2nd because Mooring and Goff would not 2nd. After a brief discussion Mayor Craft said he was asking everybody to leave the room so they could have a discussion because the problem is it is said that Butch do not live in the city limits.

Conetoe AgendaI told him they can not make us leave because he would have to tell us why by stating a statue for personnel. I told folk don’t leave. It was 3 Sheriff Deputies along with the Chief Deputy, Carol White Clerk of Court and Rep. Shelly Willingham. Willingham addressed the Mayor and told him he was going about it the wrong way.

Look at the video to see this messy meeting. I am concerned! I have ZERO Tolerance for messy meetings especially those that are about making decisions for folk livelihood.

Stay tuned!