Tune In To The Local Talk Show – Rep. Larry Hall Talk Back FM 104.3 Talking About Local, State & National Issues

Click On Photo To listen to a Live Talk Show With my friend Rep. Larry Hall Talk Back 8 AM – 9 AM. Talking about the NC General Assembly Budget and more.
Talk Back comes on every other week.

The Raleigh Report Representative Larry D. Hall Democratic Leader

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NORTH CAROLINA HOUSE DISTRICT 29 – DURHAM                                                               MAY 2016










Representative Larry D. Hall







NC Innovation Council


Duke Medical Center

Advisory Board







Banking, Vice-Chair


Military & Veteran Affairs, Vice-Chair


Commerce & Job Development, Vice-Chair


Rules, Calendar and Operations

of the House, Vice-Chair








Judiciary I


Regulatory Reform


University of Board of Governors











For more video and audio,

click here:





SB2: Legal Discrimination

The Rachel Maddow Show






Hall Discusses 2015 Session


(click to view)




Response to

State of the State Address


(click to view)











Stay informed about the latest statements, press releases, news, and events

directly from the

Office of the Democratic Leader





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Teacher Appreciation

Leader Hall honors educators and takes action


Leader Hall presents poster signed by Democratic Caucus members

to NCAE President Rodney Ellis, May 5, 2016.



Dear Friends,


This week, I was honored to stand with the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) and teachers from all across our state in calling to restore respect for our educators and respect for our public education system. Our teachers are committed to our children and engage as public servants who work tirelessly to prepare our children for tomorrow. Republican policies have made devasting cuts to public edcuation and our educators continually have been forced –after class size increases, after elimination of teacher assistants, after cutting textbook funding –to do more with less. They have earned our respect and they deserve our support. Policies that support our commitment to education and compensate our teachers as well as counter the misguided rhetoric about our public schools that have educated so many of us, are required if education is to be made a North Carolina priority again. Last week, I filed House Bill 1054: 10% Teacher Salary Increase to give our teachers a 10% pay raise across the board. It is one step in a real commitment to education. Our children, our teachers, and our public education system are under attack by the Republican majority yet our educators endure, our children succeed, and our system, although strained, withstands.


Our work continues,


Rep. Larry D. Hall – Democratic Leader



Leader Hall speaks at NCAE press conference, May 3, 2016.



Please contact me or my office if I can be of any assistance.  Mail :: Post Office Box 25308, Durham, North Carolina 27702  Email ::  larry.hall@ncleg.net




Media Matters


NC Teachers Feel “Disrespected” By NCGA

“I’m one of those teachers that’s been in the system long enough that I’m not feeling the effects of the pay raise that the governor’s been passing down. So in order to pay back student loans and things like that I have thought about leaving the profession,” said Guilford County teacher Angela Waiters Jackson. 14.8 percent of teachers in North Carolina left their position in 2015. Some left the profession altogether. “The policies that have been put in place by the state of North Carolina and this General Assembly over the last few years have made our teachers feel like they’re part of the problem rather than part of the solution,” said Rep. Graig Meyer. North Carolina ranks 42nd in the country for teacher pay. Read more here: http://abc11.com/education/nc-teachers-still-feel-disrespected-by-lawmakers/1321905/

REPORT: HB2 Could Cost $5B a Year

North Carolina’s controversial House Bill 2 could cost the state almost $5 billion a year, according to a report Wednesday from the Williams Institute, a UCLA School of Law think tank that focuses on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. Most of the economic hit would come from the loss of federal funding, since the U.S. government has said HB2 is a violation of the U.S. Civil Rights Act and Title IX. The report, however, also took into account the loss of business investment, reduced travel and tourism, the costs of litigation and enforcement, as well as costs associated with high school dropouts, workplace discrimination, health disparities, productivity loss, retention and recruitment. Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/business/article76997927.html

Lobbyists: NCGOP Pressuring Us to Be Quiet on HB2

While Republican state leaders have complained about being “bullied” by the federal government over House Bill 2, lobbyists in Raleigh tell WRAL News they and the businesses they represent are being bullied by state lawmakers seeking to silence business opposition to the new law.  Lobbyists say they’ve been told – either directly by legislative leaders or by lawmakers’ staff – that, if they or the businesses they represent speak out publicly against House Bill 2, they can expect retribution from House and Senate leaders. Legislation they want won’t move, and other bills could actually target them. WRAL News spoke with 11 lobbyists who have experienced or are aware of such actions, but none would speak on the record for fear they would lose business or be targeted for retribution. One has already lost business. One long-time lobbyist called the pressure a “gross abuse of power.” Another veteran lobbyist labeled it “vicious,” adding, “I’ve never seen anything like it. Read more here: http://www.wral.com/lobbyists-lawmakers-seek-to-quiet-hb2-opponents/15698344/

NC, US Justice Department File Dueling HB2 Lawsuits 

North Carolina and the Justice Department announced dueling lawsuits Monday over the state’s “bathroom bill,” which has become the epicenter of a larger fight over transgender rights. The two complaints, filed several hours apart, took opposing sides in the debate over the law, which bans transgender people from using bathrooms that don’t match the gender on their birth certificates. While the state said its law does not discriminate against transgender people or treat transgender employees differently from non-transgender employees, the Justice Department’s civil rights office said the measure is discriminatory and violates civil rights.  Read more here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/05/09/north-carolina-justice-dept-face-monday-deadline-for-bathroom-bill/

HB2 Has Cost 1750 Jobs, $77 million

Companies protesting House Bill 2 have cost North Carolina more than 1750 jobs and more than $77 million-worth of investments and visitor spending.   That’s according to estimates Time Warner Cable News put together from tourism and business groups across the state. HB 2 overturns Charlotte’s non-discrimination ordinance, which protected people who are transgender in using the bathroom for the gender with which they identify. Republican legislators argued that ordinance would give a defense to sexual predators to attack people in women’s bathrooms. Read more here: http://www.twcnews.com/nc/charlotte/news/2016/04/22/hb-2-has-cost-state-1750-jobs.html

Why is NC Letting a Handful of Millionaires Get Away with This?

If all states without an estate tax reinstated this tax, the report finds, they could raise an additional $3 billion to $6 billion a year, says For North Carolina, reinstating an estate tax would generate $100 million to $170 million a year — funds that can boost public investments to promote broadly shared economic prosperity across the state. The estate tax only affects inheritances of more than $5.25 million, so most North Carolinians would owe nothing. The year before North Carolina eliminated the estate tax, only 23 of the wealthiest people had to pay. With an estate tax, North Carolina would have more resources to invest in broad prosperity – and that pays off for everyone in our state. Read more here: http://www.ncpolicywatch.com/2016/05/11/why-is-nc-letting-a-handful-of-multimillionaires-get-away-this/

The Raleigh Report – Rep. Larry Hall

Click on photo to read entire report


House Democratic caucus elects Rep. Larry Hall as minority leader – News 14

RALEIGH—The House Democratic caucus elected Rep. Larry Hall of Durham as the new minority leader Wednesday.

Hall takes the leader’s job at a low point for Democrats in the state as Republicans control both the executive and legislative branches for the first time since 1870 starting next month. Hall said he and his colleagues will continue to challenge the Republican majority at the North Carolina legislature to do what is best to improve people’s lives in the state… (More)

Join Rep. Angela Bryant Debate Watch Party fundraiser October 22, 2012

Response: My friend Rep. Larry Hall Durham NC and Talk Show Host FM 104.3.

Mon. Oct 22- 8 pm- 4 Seasons– Debate Watch Party fundraiser –You are cordially invited to a Presidential Debate Watch Party Sponsored by Rep. Angela R. Bryant NC House – District 7 – Nash and Franklin Counties. Get out the Vote Fundraiser –Special Guests – Rep. Larry Hall – Durham (Also Host of Talk Back Live – Foxy 104.30 and Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield – Wilson. Monday, October 22, 2012–8-10:30 p.m. Four Seasons Restaurant – Corner Church and Thomas Sts. (formerly Carlton House) –
(Refreshments and Wine, Cash Bar); Individual Guest – $30; GOTV Supporter – $50; Poll Sponsor – $100; Early Vote Sponsor – $250; Please donate today online at angelabryant.com/donate
or bring your contribution on October 22 or mail your check to:
Committee to Re-elect Angela Bryant, 717 West End Street
Rocky Mount, NC 27803, RSVP to Alethea Willingham at 442-8659; aletheavty@hotmail.com. Contributions or gifts to the Re-Elect Angela Bryant Committee are not tax deductible. State law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $50 in an election cycle. Contributions of $50 or more must be made by check, money order or credit card (angelabryant.com/donate). Political contributions are prohibited from a registered lobbyist in North Carolina, a business entity, church or non-profit entity.

Read more:

Obama: "No Act of Terror Will Go Unpunished"

Mitt Romney

President Barack Obama

Radio Talk Shows FM 104.3 Tune in via Radio or On the Internet

FM 104.3

Sunday mornings
Rev. Al Sharpton 9 – 10 AM
Val Atkins Show 10 -11 AM
Rep. Larry D. Hall Talk Back Show 10 – 11 AM

After reading and listening to ignant mess during the week from ignant folks about our President and other issues that affect the black community, tuning in to these talk shows bring it back home.

I trust in all of these brothers because they are always “Right on!!” each and every Sunday. These guys keep me motivated and ready to deal with whatever come my way during the following week. However, don’t let me mislead you because I am my best motivator because I am going to do my part to the best of my ability.

Join me each and every Sunday as I listen to the FM 104.3.