How I Miss Express Yourself Weekly Talk Show

It is sad that we have no local radio and/or tv talk shows in the Edgecombe/Nash County area to keep up with weekly news/issues. We used to could hear local radio and/or tv talk show hosts talk about current issues and we could call in.

Since we do not have the radio/tv talk shows we have to rely on the local newspapers to give us a piece of the story in which we do not get the whole picture the majority of the time. I used to go to all of the meetings and record them and post them on The DCN TV so folk could see what really happened at the meetings. I have come to the conclusion that folk don’t appreciate being able to stay at home and be able to see the meetings on their computer while never leaving home. However I am not saying that all folk don’t appreciate it because I would be lying because I run into folk all the time that tell me they appreciate what I do. But the folk in position or the so-called leaders do not appreciate it unless I am promoting them. Well them days are over. I will not support nor promote folk who do not support and/or promote what I do.

I used to look forward to calling in to Express Yourself every Monday so that I could listen to Rocky Mount Councilman/OIC CEO Reuben Blackwell and Tony Stephens Education Talent Search and their guest. I used to call in and express myself since Soul 92 was so gracious to given up the air time.

I appreciate the years of service that Soul 92 gave us, however I understand their move to Raleigh. I ain’t mad with them because they got to do what they got a do and they are in the business of making money so I applaud them.

Well hopefully 2016 we will have a local talk show with some consistency and some great sharing of the issues locally. There is so much going on that folk don’t even know. There are groups around that are promoting a lot lies and since everyone don’t subscribe to the local newspapers, they miss out on a lot.

Electric Rate Reality and Bronson Williams – Source: Behind The Scenes of A TV Talk Show

Reality and electric rates don’t go hand in hand, at least not in Rocky Mount, NC.  Bronson Williams’ the “truth hurts” radio broadcast is convoluted with misinformation.  Allbeit, the same misinformation, day after day after day…

If you live and work in Rocky Mount, you’d be better served to listen to  FM 92.1 “Express Yourself” on Monday nights.

I turned off Bronson’s show the day he told me that . . . (Read more @ Behind The Scenes)

Note: I totally agree with you George it is not about the utilities but about the game. He is doing just that pimping folks through his radio broadcast. C. Dancy II – DCN Publisher

See related:

Rocky Mount Utilities