Condolences Goes Out To The Family Of Anthony Clark Formally Of Northampton County

Wow! Just received a message that my friend Anthony Clark had expired. I served as Vice Chair to Anthony in the North Carolina Rural Education Working Group for a couple of years.

I met Anthony Clark through Anthony Young when Senator Barack Obama announced his campaign run for President of these United States. Anthony was responsible for me, Andre Knight and Reuben Blackwell as he provided us with tickets to the campus of NC Central University when Obama came to NC to announce his intentions to become President. This was the 1st of around events that I videoed Barack Obama during his announcement and then after he filed to run. I will never forget that day at NC Central as we met Anthony to get into the event seems like yesterday.

Anthony was a smart man and loved people. He was a very busy man until his health began to fail him but even after his medical condition he tried to come back.

Anthony traveled with me to numerous meetings across the state whereby he shared much wisdom and knowledge with me.

See links below for some events that he and I was a part of:

NCREWG Addresses Warren County High Alumni Association

Schools to Prison Pipeline 

Viewing & Celebration of Life

The Clark family would like for you to join us in celebrating the life and memory of Anthony Clark on Saturday, December 16th, at 1pm at Willow Oak A.M.E Church, in Rich Square, NC.

Burial will follow at Willow Oak A.M.E. Church cemetery.

Repast will be held at Willow Oak AME Church following the burial.

The viewing will be Friday, December 15th, from 1- 6pm at Wilders Funeral Home at 921 S. Main Street in Rich Square, NC.

The family will take visitors at my grandmother’s home place in Rich Square NC.

The NCREWG met on Saturday September 15th at the Cliffdale Public Library Fayetteville NC Cumberland County


Click on picture to view more pictures.

The North Carolina Rural Education Working Group (NCREWG) met on Saturday September 15th at the Cliffdale Public Library Fayetteville NC Cumberland County at 12 noon.

Louise Roseborough secretary of the NCREWG and lives in Fayetteville NC hosted the meeting. The food catered by Margie’s Catering was delicious. Thank you Ms. Roseborough for a wonderful day in Fayetteville.

The meeting was called to order by Chair Anthony R. Clark. He gave an overview of the organization and why we were in Fayetteville. He then asked the host Roseborough to give a briefing of why we were in Fayetteville also.

Anthony then asked Page McCullough an invited guest to give a briefing on her work. She shared information on the Privatization Advocacy Groups and Charter Schools and the Impact on Public Schools in NC.

There were several elected officials present Elmer Floyd NC House 43, Wade R. Fowler Jr. Fayetteville City Council Member District 8, Robert (Ben) Clark III Senator-elect  NC Senatorial District 21 Raeford NC, Alicia Chissom and Carrie Sutton Cumberland County School Board Members and several other concerned citizens.

There was much discussion about Charter Schools and the Impact on Public Schools. Some felt that there needs to be all types of schools as long as they are effective. However some felt that the Charter Schools are taking away from the Public Schools and why not spend that money making Public Schools better. One person got it right there are going to be more black church and non-white children who are the majority of the children in the Public Schools so they are not going to get the funding needed.

And then it was time to break to eat. 

There were several children present and 3 of them spoke and said they enjoyed the meeting and now knew to speak up about certain issues and they knew they had a resource to contact about issues. Their main concern was about not having enough time to prepare for certain test and how children are expected to learn because some children having different learning abilities.

The following persons were elected to serve in the following roles for the next 2 years.

Chairperson – Anthony R. Clark  
Vice Chair – Curmilus Dancy
Secretary – Louise Roseboroug
Assistant Secretary – Yolanda Thigpen
Treasurer – Robert Williams
Assistant Treasurer – Open
Board of Directors – Stephanie Smith, Doris Mack, Myrna Deloatch
4 positions are open

The meeting adjourned at 4 PM.

Stay tuned for more on information about NCREWG coming soon.

Read more:


North Carolina Rural Education Working Group

Note: Originally posted 9/17/12.

DCN Inspiration Award – Anthony Clark A Very Multi Talented Brother Who I Have Found To Be Very Passionate About Trying To Make Life Better For All People But Especially For Children


Picture was taken by The DCN on Saturday August 25, 2012 at the 1st Congressional District Democratic Party Executive Committee meeting. Anthony is the chair of the Northampton County Democratic Party.

I am Anthony R. Clark, Sr.

Who considers myself a visionary who prides himself with the help I provide people.

Born: March 28, 1952 in the Northampton County, North Carolina town of Rich Square

School: attended Elementary School at W.S. Creecy during the freedom of choice era Anthony was among 88 students encouraged to integrate schools in Northampton County by the NAACP and transferred to Northampton County – East where he graduated in 1970. Anthony furthered his education by attending Fayetteville State University where he graduated in 1975. Anthony also pursued development certificates at East Carolina, Duke University and the University of North Carolina.

Work: Upon graduating from FSU he began a career in the Northampton County Schools System where he taught school as Middle Grade Occupation Exploration teacher. He was promoted to Job Placement Coordinator and Title XI Coordinator, eventually serving as Interim Vocational Director for the County School System.

Anthony worked as an Administrator with E.M.B.R.A.C.E. a non profit intergeneration organization that focused on meeting the needs of Senior Citizens. Seeing and meeting needs of people that were far beyond the needs of what was originally envisioned he began a process to meet those needs

Anthony also worked for Democracy South that eventually became Democracy North Carolina to address campaign finance reform and voter rights. He served as a Field Organizer for the North Carolina Democratic Party.

Because a of a desire to continue to work in his local community he formed another non profit 501(c)3 titled UHURU Community Development Corporation where he served as President & CEO for 15 years.

Anthony has served on the following Boards of Directors:

Choanoke Area Development Association

Choanoke Area Development Association Headstart

The Community Reinvestment Association of North Carolina now know as Reinvestment Partners.

The Upper Coastal Plain Council of Government Governing Board

The Upper Coastal Plain Council of Government Workforce Development Board

The North Carolina Rural Education Working Group

From The DCN

I have known Anthony for several years but not personally. Anthony was on my email list for several years.

However I met Anthony in 2008 when he was responsible for me being able to attend Barack Obama Campaign event at NC Central University in Durham NC.

I have really gotten to know Anthony through the (NCREWG) North Carolina Rural Education Working Group when I attended a meeting in Wilson NC last year. Anthony is the chair of the group and he is very passionate about preserving our public education system. I joined the group at this meeting and I have been excited about being a member to date.

I have been an advocate for public education since the early 90’s. I feel strongly that I have found a group under the leadership of Anthony that can help me to better advocate for public education.

I have learned so much from Anthony over the past year and I value our working relationship as we advocate for public education. I look forward to a long working relationship with Anthony and hope to one day serve on the board under his leadership.

It is with much love that I proudly add Anthony to the list of those who have been an inspiration to me. Thank you Anthony for all that you do

Rich Square NC: Anthony Clark President of NC Rural Education Working Group House Burned Down On December 6, 2011

Anthony Clark of Rich Square is very well known across Eastern North Carolina.

I am a member of the NC Rural Education Working Group whereby Anthony is the president.

Anthony’s house burned down on December 6 and everyone got out safely. He has lost everything clothing, furniture, computer and etc. He has very little insurance. In addition, the funds for his non-profit work has ran out.

Donations are accepted and you may do so by making your checks payable to Anthony Clark and mail them to PO Box 222, Rich Square, NC 27869.

North Carolina Rural Education Working Group (NCREWG) Meeting Held At the Braswell Library Rocky Mount NC Saturday, June 11, 2011 12 PM – 3 PM

The NCREWG met today to discuss issue centered around education. Stay tuned for video coming soon.

Rep. Angela Bryant NC House of Representative was present and spoke on education issues and did a presentation on redistricting. She was awesome as usual.


Board Meeting

11:30                                Gather, introductions and begin lunch

12 noon-12:15                   Review submitting the 1023 for a 501-c-3

12:15 p.m.-12:30              Review membership and finances

12:30 p.m.-12:45              Plan fall meeting

12:45 p.m.-1 p.m.             Review afternoon agenda and other items

Regular membership meeting

1 p.m.-1:15 p.m.               Welcome and introductions

1:15 p.m.-2:15 p.m.          Presentation and discussions on desegregation efforts underway by the UNC Center for Civil Rights
                                        Attorney Benita Jones

2:15 p.m.-3:00 p.m.          Sharing Actions: 
                                        To combat the General Assembly Attack  on public
                                        Voting rights
                                        Working on Title One formula

*Should Rep. Butterfield’s aide be able to attend, we will re-arrange the meeting to accommodate him

NCREWG Board Members:

Anthony Clark, Chairperson                                                        Myrna Deloatch, Direrector
Alonzo Braggs, Vice-Chair                                                          Frank Hendrick, Director
Louise Roseborough, Secretary                                                   Charles Jefferson, Director
Yolanda Thigpen, Asst. Secretary                                                Robert Williams, Director
Doris Mack, Treasurer
Stephanie Smith, Asst. Treasurer

See related:

Wilson NC– Education for Empowerment: A Conference of the North Carolina Rural Education Working Group Featuring Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) And More

Wilson NC– Education for Empowerment: A Conference of the North Carolina Rural Education Working Group Featuring Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) And More

The North Carolina Rural Education Working Group (NCREWG) met at the First Baptist Church Nash Street Wilson NC.

Anthony Clark is the president NCREWG.

The conference was based on addressing problems with School Suspension: Practice and Policy Strategies.

There were several breakout sessions:

1. Positive Behavior Intervention Support

2. Student’s Rights and Responsibilities

3. Building Leadership through Action Research

4. Formula Fairness Campaign

I attended the PBIS workshop and it was awesome. The presenter was Attorney Keith Howard current chair of the North Carolina Bar Association Juvenile Justice and Children’s Rights Section (JJCR). He presented on behalf of Legal Aid of N.C., Inc. and the JJCR.

While participants were eating their lunch Marty Strange, Director of the Policy Program of the Rural School and Community Trust gave a brief update on the national Formula Fairness Campaign and NC’s crucial role in that effort.

The 2nd round of the workshops began at 1:00 PM and they were as follows:

1. Positive Behavior Intervention Support

2. Students Rights and Responsibilities

3. Action Research

4. Parents Issues Roundtable

I attended the Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) workshop and it was awesome as well. The presenter was Canecca Davis Principal Mariam Boyd Elementary School. She was named Warren County’s 2009-10 Principal of the year and practices PBIS at her school.

Representative Angela Bryant House District 7 and Matt Ellinwood from the NC Justice Center Policy Advocate, Education & Law Project gave a legislative update on what is going on with education on the state level.

I am very much familiar with Rep. Bryant. I have worked with her over the years and was one of her strong supporters when she was appointed and then elected to the House of Representatives. As always Bryant does a superior job at whatever she does because she is multi-talented and has served in many capacities in community activism as a lawyer and through her non-profit organization serving on the Rocky Mount City Council and now in the NC General Assembly.

I am not familiar with Ellinwood however I am very much familiar with the NC Justice Center. I have received Certificates of Graduation for participating in the yearly (PESP) Parent Education Studies Program through the NC Justice and Community Development Center Education Leadership Institute at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill NC on June 14, 2002 and again on May 30, 2003 at the Holiday Inn Gateway Center in Rocky Mount NC. I have stayed in contact with NC Justice Center over the years up until Angela Dunston former NC Justice Center Policy Advocate Education and Law Project moved on to work with Governor Beverly Perdue as the Director of Advocacy.

I really enjoyed the workshops. Just last week I signed up to be a member of the PBIS team at my son’s school. I learned a lot about how the PBIS can be a valuable tool in the school systems across NC.

Stay tuned for video coverage of the workshops brought to you courtesy of The DCN TV coming soon.