Rocky Mount City Council Election Reasons Why I Can’t Support TJ Walker

I supported TJ Walker when he ran for City Council when Lois Watkins decided not to seek re-election. I called him and tried to talk to him when he won but he didn’t like me challenging him and he Blocked me on Social Media.

The Ward 4 Race was complicated because some folk felt that it was a battle that included TJ Walker who granddad is Rev. Thomas L. Walker and Elaine Burnette Williams who Pastor is James Gilliard. I am cousin to TJ and was looking at bringing a young person on board however I should have supported Elaine because with Lois not seeking re-election and the only other female Chris Miller was not seeking re-election.

TJ ran as a Democrat but has since changed his party affiliation to Unaffiliated and has been closely interconnected with Mayor Sandy Claus. Sandy Claus has been good to some Black Folk. I ain’t mad with Sandy Claus matter of fact I ain’t mad with nobody.

Because TJ has JKelly Walker along with Lige Daughtridge and Tom Harris it appears they are against anything Andre Knight and Reuben Blackwell. Sources say that it was TJ and JKelly who supported the new manager and they knew they had the numbers. But on top of that they voted to give the new manager a $75000 more. I believe that was confirmed how it went down during the last council meeting because Andre responded to Lige and Tom Harris why he supported the move. Andre said he wanted to show they were unified.

Let me back up because somebody asked about the Mayor Pro-tem position on the council. Well it is a ceremonial thing and it is normally passed on to the next councilman in rotation. I remember hearing that Andre Knight wanted to break the tradition and wanted to serve 2 consecutive terms as Mayor Pro-tem but they would not support it and TJ was voted as Mayor Pro-tem. But then guess what happened, again because they had the numbers TJ wanted to serve as Mayor Pro-tem for 2 terms so the tradition was broken. Now I didn’t like it when Andre wanted to serve a 2nd term so I was glad it didn’t happen but then look at what happened.

I can not support TJ Walker because he ran on the back of the Democratic Party and then done what the good ole boys and girls do switch parties. Do y’all not understand what happens when the White female left the Democratic Party in the NC General Assembly and look at the S. Show in Raleigh.

Yes the Rocky Mount City Council Race is non-partisan however the School Board is also. But although these 2 offices are Non-Partisan individuals are connected to a Party. When an Unaffiliated Voter goes to the polls during the Primary Election he or she has to ask for either a Democrat or Republican Ballot. You can see what ballot they got along with what party they are member of when you go to the Board of Elections Website and go to Voter Search.

But you don’t see Sandy Claus, Lige and other Republicans switching to Unaffiliated.

I had someone to tell me they walked out of Greater Joy Church one night and they seen TJ walking the streets with Allen Chesser Republican who was running against Pastor James Gaillard Democrat.

I can not support TJ Walker because of all the above and I know too much about him.

So until TJ apologize for his actions then I can not support him. The DCN 9.21.2023

Who Does That? From Pinetops To Rocky Mount To Tarboro Back To Rocky Mount And Back Home Pinetops

Today I went to a Homegoing Service in Rocky Mount at 11.

I went to Western Sizzlin and invited Andre Knight. He tried to pay for our food however I paid for it. This was the 1st time we have been out to eat in around 6 months and only the 2nd time in about 2 years which was several months ago. See I don’t normally donate to any campaign but offer my services.

A young pastor whom I had not seen in some time came over and spoke to us. I found his table and paid for his food. I support young folk.

I forgot about the Rocky Mount Human Relations Meeting at 4 PM and went to Tarboro to pick up my wife medication and was going by the house but around 4:15 I headed back to Rocky Mount and arrived around 4:30 – 5 PM.

After leaving that meeting headed over to the Library for the Voter Protection meeting at 6 PM.

Okay now this is my time and money because I do what I do out of pocket volunteering my time and services. This comes with an expense my equipment, food and gas which equates to wear and tear on my vehicle. Speaking to that I am driving my 2010 Malibu that I purchased new in 2010 and it has 251,000 miles on it while I have my 2017 Malibu purchased new in 2016 and I have 211,000 miles on it in the shop having transmission replaced at the tune of around $5000. While they have the transmission out I told them to replace the oil seal since got that many miles on it.

Now although I have to kick out around $5000 hopefully tomorrow or Friday when I pick up my car, I spent right at $90 for my meal along with Andre and the young preacher. I believe in being a blessing to others because folk bless me all the time.

But it is a shame when folk are on the S. Show trying to discredit not only our Black Leadership but me also. But why me I don’t hold an office nor running for anything. Oh because I support some candidates and I am providing a service and they want to attempt to discredit my work. But the sad part is folk entertain the B.S. and say nothing when the majority of the folk who look at and/or listen to the S. Show let them attempt to discredit us when they follow my work. But then talking about Unity and working across the aisle and now after years of talking about Dr. King, oh Race does not matter. Just about every damn thing we do the question come up on forms and etc. what Race are you. Race the hell Matter. My Black …. Matter to me whether it matters to other confused Safe Negro Black Folk, Special Cs and other.

Anybody reading this and you attempt to discredit me and other Black Folk, I will not be Silent.

I have put in the time using my resources and I be damn if I will stand by and allow Confused Safe Negro Black Folk create division in the hood because I have been actively engaged in politics longer than some of the young folk are old. I know 98% of the players and those I don’t I rely on my resources that know those whom I don’t. Until they lead me wrong I will trust in my resources. I have a hell of Resources.

I respond to B.S., S. Shows and other so let’s go! The DCN 9.21.2023

Rocky Mount City Council Election Reasons Why I Can’t Support Bronson Williams

Mayor Candidate

Bronson Williams I can not support him because first I know him and have been in his presence in the community, the Democratic Party and attending the Rocky Mount City Council meetings. We used to talk just about every day.

Years ago when he ran against Shelly Willingham for NC House I told him not to run. I told him to get active in the Democratic Party and run in another election.

Joined the Democratic Party Executive Committee and served as Vice Chair and done nothing. Played games along with Rev. Roosevelt Higgs. When we did a petition to get Roosevelt removed Bronson didn’t sign it and then we figured out why because that was who was mentoring him.

Ran and lost!

He ran for Democratic Party Chair and lost.

He wanted the appointment to replace Lamont Wiggins but Richard Joyner got it. I supported him for the appointment because I called out Richard Joyner’s residency however he got it right. After Richard was appointed he supported what was good not only for the Black Community but for all. I supported Richard when it came time for him to be elected.

I supported Bronson when he ran for mayor 4 years ago. I supported him because he was Black hell yeah I said it because he was Black, young and I know he was being briefed by some folk including myself about politics.

I didn’t know where he lived and his residency became an issue raised by Sandy Claus. Deep into the campaign I found the residential address he was using the house appeared to have not been lived in for many years and it was going to take some extensive work to get it livable from looking at it from the street.

Bronson residency was challenged by Sandy Claus and it was taken before the Edgecombe County Board of Elections and damn he didn’t attend the 1st meeting and Rev. Roosevelt Higgs went to represent him and was escorted out of the meeting because he could not represent Bronson. Bronson didn’t see anything wrong with that picture.

The 2nd meeting since Bronson appealed it, I took off work and attended. It was a waste of time. Bronson showed up to this one. Bronson won the appeal because Sandy Claus didn’t prove Bronson residency was an issue. However for me this was a learning experience and after that I began to check candidates residency along with their party affiliation. If this had went the other way this could have been embarrassing.

Then here we go Bronson ran against Richard for Ward 3 and he lost. I supported Richard because he was doing a good job but I had an issue with him going in but he changed my opinion because I attended the meetings and seen his stance. But interesting Bronson filed using the same address that was in question but later after filing he changed his address.

I question his address today as he runs for Mayor however he can live anywhere in the city and run for mayor unlike when running for Ward 3. I have a reason for questioning his residency but it can easily be changed to another address and he be good.

I can’t support Bronson Williams for Mayor because I know too much about him. Oh and let’s not forget Sweepstakes.

Because I went to him about the format of his daily S. Show telling him what some folk were saying about allowing Roosevelt, Alice Davis, the late S.R. and some others to call in daily and attempt to discredit Black leadership along with myself, he got mad with me. Did a whole damn week talking about me on his S. Show even took a doll from the daycare he owns and had it on the show that suppose to have been me.

I can’t support Bronson Williams for using his S. Show to push his personal agenda especially when it comes to his run for Mayor. And to talk about Race does not matter, oh hell no that is it.

Bronson may as well switch to Unaffiliated or Republican because he damn sure ain’t a true Democrat. The crew that he is hanging with and pushing are now Unaffiliated all except one.

Bronson Williams until you apologize for your actions I can’t support you for Mayor because you have tried to discredit Theresa Alston Stokes saying she is running only to be the 1st Black and Female Mayor. SMDH! You know her platform because you set beside her during the NAACP Candidates Forum and seen her flyers and follow her on Social Media but you took a video that she talked about being Black to use it against her. I wish she would lie on you and I would call her out but she is grounded and rooted in not being an angry Black Woman that came out of the Forum by your supporters. One even said it directly to me.

I Curmilus Butch Dancy II can not support Bronson Williams for Mayor because of the above and more. I have more but I will stop here.