Edgecombe County Black Superintendent, Black Majority School Board And Edgecombe County Red County Due To COVID-19

I have been disappointed with the schools in Edgecombe County being open for face to face teaching. Since it has been long said that Black folk are more in danger when it comes to the contracting the COVID-19 why have these schools been open?

Sources have told me there have been numerous cases of COVID at G.W. Carver Elementary School in Pinetops and G.W. Bullock Elementary School in Rocky Mount.

So what part are these Black Leaders missing?

Well I know there was a survey that was done by the parents and I believe many wanted face to face teaching. But since all of the deaths and COVID cases why are these children still at a school?

Well let’s not get it twisted because COVID is not limited to Black Folk, Young Folk, Old Folk, Folk that are in Denial and Folk who don’t give a Damn!

My question is to the leadership what day are you going to meet and shut down the schools?

Oh I don’t have a child in the system but I have family that attend.

Y’all Know I Love My Sheriff Cleveland Clee Atkinson Edgecombe County But Let Him Make A Statement He Ain’t Goings To Enforce Governor’s COVID-19 Mandate

Try me!

Now y’all know I love my Sheriff Cleveland Clee Atkinson Edgecombe County but let him get in the news talking that b.s. that some of these other Sheriffs are saying about he ain’t goings to enforce Governor Roy Cooper Executive Order.

I am going to hold him accountable just like I will other folk, family, friends, co-workers and other.

As I ride from County to County I see Sweepstakes open but I don’t see any open in Edgecombe County (County) wonder why?

I see my Sheriff wearing a mask and act like it does not bother him while some other Sheriffs act as if they are above the law.

I am proud of my Sheriff and know he tries to work with folk but some folk just don’t get it. I talk to a lot of folk and it amazes me some of the mess that folk say and do but because I know folk, well it don’t shock me.

How in the hell does a Sheriff say they ain’t goings to enforce the Governor’s Executive Order? Who in the hell does that? I know who better not!

Oh now Run Run and Tell That!

I’ll wait!

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper Stay At Home Order And Statewide Curfew Effective Friday December 11, 2020 5 PM

Click In The Area Below To Read Entire Executive Order No. 181


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