Breaking News! If Black Folk Were Intimidating White Folk With Flags, Vehicles And Guns The Headlines Would Be Different

I need all Black Folk to focus on Tuesday November 3, 2020.

If you have not voted you need to vote.

If you know someone who have not voted you need to encourage them to go vote.

If anyone live in your house and they have not voted, you need to demand that they go vote.

If you didn’t and/or don’t vote for Biden/Harris then you are part of the problem and not the solution.

If you have family and friends who do not support Biden/Harris then you better watch your back because they may not have your best interest at heart.

Anyone who allows Racist Intimidation Actions to take place and do not see a problem with that are dangerous.

So if those folk who have been looting were going around intimidating White folk with flags, vehicles and guns the headlines would be different.

Edgecombe County One-Stop & Absentee Voting As Of Saturday October 31, 2020

All of you who are making calls to get out the vote you need to check to see who have not voted yet so you can call them to go vote.

35,585 Registered Voters

18,076  Early Votes
  1,886  Mail In Votes
19,995 Total Early & Absentee Voting Cast

56% Have Voted
Voters Registered Who Have Not Voted

Black Action Committee to host get-out-the-vote rally

The Rocky Mount Black Action Committee is hosting a “Last Call to the Polls” rally from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday in the Rocky Mount Event Center parking lot.

“We invite everyone who wants Rocky Mount and America to move forward to join us one day before the last day to vote. We’ve got to motivate and mobilize ourselves to join the largest turnout in voter history,” Black Action Committee member Nia Barner said.

Members of the committee are concerned about maximum representation in the 2020 election from all age groups in the Black and progressive communities, Black Action Committee member Mysha Lynch said.

“We want everyone to know that young people care and count,” she said. “Our voices and issues must be addressed at every level of governing. We have practiced our First Amendment rights by hitting the streets to shift change, impacted the community through proposals to our city and now we intend to shift change at the polls. This is what democracy looks like.”

Hot dog lunches will be provided to people who attend. Drive-in and drive-up participation is encouraged. (Read more)

Edgecombe County Board Of Elections Polling Places For November 3, 2020


Assistant city manager sought new job in Florida

imageThe Political Agitator’s response: This is a very interesting read. First time I have ever read responses where some of the interviewers talked about the candidates. I know this was good to the reporter because the die hard racist in Nash County like this type of negative feedback. Just wonder if Hampton was not of color would he had did this reporting. Wow but amazing how Bill and the Nash County racist are following Black Folk every move. That is that Donald John COVID Drama Trump mess. But Bill report what was said so can’t get mad with that part.
One of Rocky Mount’s two assistant city managers sought the city manager position in Lakeland, Fla., and ended up being one of three finalists.

Natasha Hampton did not come out on top, but the efforts of her and the other two candidates to secure the position were extensively covered by The Ledger newspaper in Lakeland.

Lakeland has a population of more than 110,000 and is along the busy Interstate 4 corridor between Orlando and Tampa.

The Ledger on Oct. 20 reported that the Lakeland City Commission voted 6-1 to offer the position to Shawn Sherrouse, who has been serving as interim manager since the retirement of his predecessor, Tony Delgado.

The other finalist for the position was Ty Kovach, who is executive director of Lake County Forest Preserve in Libertyville, Ill., which is a suburb of Chicago.

Hampton, via a City of Rocky Mount spokesman, declined comment in response to an email sent Friday by the Telegram. (Read more)

Graham NC – March to Alamance polls ends with police using pepper-spray on protesters, children

imageClick On Photo To Watch Video.
I wonder what happened for the police to use this type of force? I’ll wait!

Austin Texas – Trump Supporters Harass Biden/Harris Tour Bus So They Ended Up Cancelling The Stop

imageClick on Photo To Watch Video.
If you don’t want to hear some cussing then don’t watch this video. Damn shame! So have Donald John COVID Drama Trump addressed this? Where was the police? Were the National Guard called for this type of behavior? And lastly can anyone show me where Biden/Harris supporters have done some mess like this?