Rocky Mount City Council Meeting Monday October 26, 2020 Elijah Lige Longstreet Daughtridge Is Really Concerned About The Role Of City Manager & Staff

imageThe Political Agitator’s response: Today’s meeting was just a interesting as the previous ones. Lige Daugthridge comes again with his agenda and what a meeting. The Public Comments with the Mingees lady and Samuel Battle was the same ole mess. So the others have decided that they will not come to the meetings and make fools of themselves. They just get online and show their foolishness. The agenda items that Lige made a motion to add at the end was very interesting. Lige, Miller, Bullock and Walker voted in favor. At the end of the meeting when it came to vote on the Lige agenda items, the discussion was good so can’t wait to see how those agenda items going to turn out especially about the information that Lige wants as it relates to fund balance and etc. Maybe he want the City Manager to roll out 6,000 more documents to be delivered to his residence like she did at the last meeting. (Click On Photo To Watch Video)