So What Are These Governor Roy Cooper Haters Trying To Say About COVID-19?

The Political Agitator’s response: Damn sound like Trump. Hell yeah the more test the higher the numbers will be how will you know if folk got the virus if they are not tested? SMDH! So why is it you are just focused on the deaths? It is a good thing the deaths are not skyrocketing but who in the hell wants to be tested just to see if they have it? I sure the hell do not! When tested positive who wants to be quarantined at home and/or want to be in a hospital and can not be around family? I know I sure the hell don’t. Damn dude said when the flu get to a certain number we shut down the nation. Well Mr. what is your number that would require it since you want to be the damn Governor? But in the meantime how many folk have died from the FLU over the years? I’ll wait!
Van Holland

Yes, these may be record highs for the state of North Carolina, but also remember how many more people are being tested daily due to the governor adding hundreds of new testing sites where it doesn’t cost the person anything to get tested.

So when you test tens of thousands of people per day, your returned results of confirmed cases of COVID-19 are also going to be higher than normal. But our deaths aren’t skyrocketing.

Look at the beginning, person had to have certain symptoms before they could be tested, but now you can just drive up and get a swab run up your nose to see if you’re infected with the virus.

Think about this now, US officials have awarded Novavax $1.6 BILLION for 100 MILLION vials to expedite the development of a Coronavirus vaccine.

Maybe next time our flu cases get to a certain number we will shut down the nation and all states and put a Stay At Home order in place like they should have last year when millions contracted the flu.

RALEIGH, NC (WNCT) The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) is reporting the state’s highest one-day number of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases with 2,462 reported. It…

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NCDHHS reports highest one-day increase of COVID-19 cases

RALEIGH, NC (WNCT) The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) is reporting the state’s highest one-day number of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases with 2,462 reported. It…

RALEIGH, NC (WNCT) The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) is reporting the state’s highest one-day number of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases with 2,462 reported. It…



  • Josh Carroll

    Josh Carroll Said it before and I’ll say it again. I hope they track the flu like they have this scamdemic. It will all be over in November any way. Then they’ll latch on to something else

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    • Curmilus Butch Dancy II
  • Curmilus Butch Dancy II So when you test tens of thousands of people per day, your returned results of confirmed cases of COVID-19 are also going to be higher than normal. But our deaths aren’t skyrocketing.

    Really? But from the folk I have seen that says they have recovered from it, some says it was a hell of a battle.

    I have worked with 2 guys that had the flu and the doctors had said they didn’t know if they would pull through but they did.

    I know some folk who have had the COVID-19.

    So are you saying that it is not something to be taken serious?

    How many folk have died from the flu over the years?

    #Blacklivesmatter #Iwatchedvideo
    #Iamnotok #Ibeenengagedbeforenow
    #Coronavirusstayfocused #Stayhome

    Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020

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