Edgecombe County – I Totally Agree With Former Register of Deeds Robin Williams Braswell Response To The Edgecombe County Board of Commissioners February 2020 Meeting

I totally agree with Robin Williams Braswell as it relates to the Edgecombe County Sheriff Office Presentation. First of all I want to say my damn internet is so slow so I am uploading the video now. I just finished running my church service from Sunday so as it stand the Edgecombe County Commissioners Meeting is uploading and hopefully it will be up by tomorrow evening.

Robin that Gene did a hell of a job with the presentation. This is one of the most powerful presentations I have ever seen and I have videoed many. However the presentations that they did during the 1st Annual Sheriff Citizen’s S.H.I.N.E. Academy were powerful as well. Every time I attend something that the Sheriff Office does they take it to a new level of professionalism.

Robin you were underpaid as well but I am so glad you were able to retire at a young age, (I am jealous you are several years younger than me) but you will be able to live comfortable on your retired income.

I totally agree with Robin Williams Braswell as it relates to the No Smoking Policy and I too do not smoke. I strongly feel that the employees need somewhere to be able to go smoke. They could set up an area somewhere and put up a little shelter where the employees could stand under and have something for them to put their butts in. On my job when they stopped the employees from smoking they used to go in the field connected to the property. Later and as of date they have a shelter set up for the employees to go under to smoke.

What tickled the hell out of me during the meeting was that when Othar Woodard address Shane Varnell of State Farm about the policy Vane for and Woodard against. Woodard said that the employees would adapt because his wife did when her place of employment banned smoking. He said that it is about the employees health. Well we are talking about grown ass men and women and not children. Come to think about it you have to be of an adult age to buy and smoke anyway. If I am correct smokers have to pay more for medical insurance so if that ain’t an issue for them, then damn sure ain’t an issue for me. Hell I would not want to pay the price of a pack of cigarettes these days.

I say give the Edgecombe County Sheriff Office a real raise and give the employees somewhere to smoke.

Yes, Robin my friend all of this is unacceptable and we must do better!

My comments above is in response to Robin Williams Braswell.

First of all I want to say bravo to Gene for his presentation that he made on behalf of our Sheriff’s Office. As a 30 year employee of the county, I totally understand his plea. The Register of Deeds office is mandated by several state agencies and is tasked with serving the citizens in all aspects. The knowledge required by the position is vast yet the starting salary is a mere $23,170. I served this great county for 30 years of service to this County and as YOUR Register of Deeds for almost 13 years, never reaching the salary of the former Register who served 10 as Register with no prior experience. I never reached mid point! We have Department Heads who have reached mid point and some are at max and beyond max salary at just at 2-3 years in their respective positions. No disrespect to them, but where is the justice in this? As for the NO SMOKING policy, I do not smoke, however; I have county employee friends that do. Do I think the smoking area should be at the entrance to our county buildings, no. Do I think we should designate an area for those that choose to smoke, YES! We as a county are dumping our trash on the Town of Tarboro! Employees are forced to smoke on the sidewalk, citizens attending court are forced to walk across the front of the courthouse to the courthouse square and dump their ashes and butts into the fountain and surrounding area which is owned by the Town!!! Give them somewhere to go! This is unacceptable and we must do better!

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