Tarboro NC – Tarboro Town Council Meeting Last Night Was Gooood! Town Manager Asked To Resign But Failed. Mayor Quit But Not Soon Enough.

First of all I hate that the videos of the meeting are not completely up on my Youtube page. I loaded it last night before I left the meeting but 33 minutes of the coverage of the drama at the beginning of the 1st part of the meeting is at 42% upload. If the had WI-FI that I could have connected to it may would be completed. This video coverage I did from my phone in HD however the entire coverage will be from my video camera which is not (HD) High Definition. I have it uploaded as well and that may be why it is taking so long for now.

Wow! What a meeting! Garland Shepheard made a motion for the Town Manager to resign and Steve Burnette 2nd the motion. Motion failed 5 ā€“ 2. At the end of the meeting Burnette apologized for his ignance. Smart man and I respect that.

Town Manager Rick Page resigned but should have done it way before now. He has been a follower of Shepheard since being on the board. Now the best thing Shepheard could have done would have been to step down along with Page. But as usual the Trump continued to come out of him until the very end of the meeting. Damn embarrassment to the Town of Tarboro.

The presentation about the Radio system for the town of Tarboro was the hot topic and the folk ā€œlearned the dayā€ yesterday that all of the mess that Van Holland from The Edgecombe Tribune has been reporting was a bunch of ignance. However he along with Shepheard keep saying they got the facts. Facts for what? Obviously they are ignant to the truth in denial or just donā€™t give a damn because the facts came out in the presentation. Van told me after the meeting that he had some documents in his hand if I wanted to see them. I told him I didnā€™t want to see them. For what?

I will post the videos as soon as they are ready because my videos donā€™t lie.

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