Video/Pictures: Princeville Commissioners Meet And The Only Thing On The Agenda Was Changing November And December Meeting Days And Then They Adjourned

Sad! Public comments were not allowed. I don’t just make this stuff up, see it for yourself.

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Princeville NC

One Response

  1. I attended the meeting and was disappointed that the citizens who took the time to attend the meeting were given any indication of how the town was progressing. The citizens were not given an opportunity to ask questions of its “elected” body. Twenty minutes discussing changing upcoming meetings dates was absurd to say the least. One commissioner needed to discuss something in closed session but didn’t seem to understand that you must adjust the agenda at the beginning of the meeting to include new business rather than wait until it’s time to adjourn. I hope the citizens will continue to attend meetings but more than this, ask questions of its “elected” body because the citizens are the ones who will feel the wrath of being “uneducated” when it comes to what’s happening around them and to them.


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